Do Skunks Dig?


Over the last several weeks something has been digging little holes all over our front lawn. At first I thought it was an armadillo but setting a live trap has only resulted in capturing two skunks. Last year I had a whole family of armadillos living under an out building that did this and after I took care of the problem the digging stopped. I haven't seen any armadillos this year but that doesn't mean they aren't around.

Second skunk was in the trap this morning and started me wondering if it might be the skunks digging up the yard rather than an armadillo. Any of you guys ever heard of a skunks doing this?
We"ve had this on our lawn also.I had talked to a
number of people near me and they said skunks will do this.I have never caught the critter in the act so i don"t know for sure.
Yes skunks dig little holes digging up grubs and such to eat.

Armadillos dig bigger holes usually.
They sure do dig. If you have grubs the skunks will find them for you. My father loves his lawn and when we had this a few years ago the skunks dug all over the place. He put down some stuff to kill the grubs and in the mean time he trapped a few skunks.
The do dig. They leave scrape marks all over your lawn where the grubs are. Don't really leave any big holes though, except where their den is.

I've been trying to figure out where is the best place to shoot a skunk so he doesn't spray.
Don't know how much they dig but I caught one coming out of a hole last week in my conabear trap. He never had a chance to spray.
Shoot "em right in the forehead between the eyes...Have seen it done a couple times with .22 long @ 15-25 ft. No Spray. Or we were lucky.
Have fun-be safe
Skunks will definately burrow , they like to undermine foundations etc. conibare trap at hole works good but they can still spray if not killed instantly..
Yes Nancy they can!
Had 3 little ones That I raised when the mom got hit on the road. Hand raised them till they took off on their own, and could get them to stand up, hop, and sit on cue! They love to root, and can be hard on a lawn with J. Beetle grubs.
skunks dig and so do opposoms (spelling) if u have them around we do here in pennsylvania spread moth balls around your yard this will keep skunks and possoms away dont know about dillos never saw one of them only in pics
Nope, never had a problem. Lots of people said I'd get hit when least expecting it, but they were barely the size of a large Guinea Pig. Had to bottle feed for a little while but they imprinted on me and the beagle we had pretty solid. If you remain calm and low voiced, they're as well behaved as a cat (and as independent)
I'd take them out every day after school to show them what they should be doing and eating. out of all the wild animals I brought up (3 coons, 1 crow, 4 woodcock chicks) the skunks were the easiest to release. The crow never did leave.
Goin after grub worms or the like. If you've got a skunk lovin your yard you better take a look at what's down below before it gets out of control.

HaHaHaHa. About a week ago leaving some friends over in town about 9ish. I walked around to the back of my pickup and saw something movin right near my feet. Was the biggest skunk I do believe I've ever seen. Wasn't as big as a coon, but was huge. I wasn't thinkin and it started to turn and just about the time I thought scared it, realized it was turnin to setup on me. I'm 50, smoke a pack a day, weigh about 260 and I put some moves on that skunk. I jumped over it, bounced off their privacy fence and then turned and jumped back over it and kept runnin around the bushes and the tree. I'll tell you what, that fat old skunk better go on a diet because he just wasn't so good at skunkin. I think I amazed him with my not so lightning quick unable to leap tall buildings at a time moves. Amazed myself afterwards too. He woddled off, I got to my truck and drove off. Probably should've called my friends and gave them a heads up, but why keep all of the fun to myself?

don't know where to shoot them so they don't spray.
but if you shoot them in your neighbors yard it doesn't stink as bad at your place
A friend of mine raised a skunk from a baby and they kept him in the house for a pet. They invited me over to eat lunch one day. The skunk stayed under the table watching for dropping crumbs. When I put my chair under the table, I got it on te skunk's foot and he turned loose with his spray. Needless to say, everyone left the table. I went home.
Good one Kilroy.

Skunks will burrow under buildings and pads that don't have a rat wall.

There was a very friendly deer in the neighborhood that soon won the hearts of everyone and soon was named "Freddie". Freddie would come to anyone who happened to be outside and nose around in your pockets for some treat. One day the neighbors thought that Freddie was a human so they invited him inside the house to watch TV. He was laying on the living room floor and seemed to be enjoying the Cowboys and Indian movie when all of a sudden he decided to exit the house. Freddie went right through the front window like it wasn't there.
Yep skunks dig, as others have said, looking for grubs and whatnot. They will also dig under buildings fairly far to make their burrows. I would keep trapping them, also find their burrow, destry it, and prevent them from digging their again. And if you're goin to shoot them, you hafta hit em right between the eyes at fairly close range. Even then it may take a couple shots, they have darn thick skulls (this coming from experience)

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