Swine Flu What precautions are you taking?

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
I'm mostly at home, but wife works in a doctors office and kids are all in a large school. We're not far from Cold Sping MN where a reported case has popped up. Ussually dont get to nervous about these things but this one has me concerned for my family. What kkind of precautions are you guy taking?
Well, I'm not kissing pigs, that is for sure!
Nothing any different than usual. Instead of being drawn into "never wasting a good crisis", I'm keeping my eyes focussed on the other two shells moving around the table.

I can understand your fear though. At the same time our news media and government are telling eveyone not to worry, not to panic, every 5 minutes they're yelling "the swine flu is coming, the swine flu is coming", and then can't figure out why everyone's panicing.

Take care of yourself and your family as you see best fit.

Well, here's a link to a story in the local paper here at home. As I look at the accompanying picture of the pigs, what comes to mind is that the fella in the middle aint lettin it get in the way of havin fun, and neither is the one right behind him. Looks like they're partying it up if you ask me.

Tearing them off a couple pieces of bacon
Well, basically I was just wringing my hands and waiting for the worst; spent most of the day in the wood-working shop (actually working on a stained glass piece) and heard (on the radio) some excerpts from the presidental news conference; we're advised to cover our nose/mouth when coughing or sneezing, frequently warsh our hands, don't go to work if we have flu-like symptoms, etc. I feel all better now.........<a href="http://s261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/thurlow8/?action=view¤t=bsmeter.gif" target="_blank">
bsmeter.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket
Dave-One of the early warning signs for the swine flu is that you want to get down in the mud and do it.
Happenend to run into a good friend today who is a large swine farmer. We were both waiting to get truck glass fixed. He told me futures were already down the limit two days in a row. I told him because of the swine flu, I wouldn't be out this afternoon to kiss a pig. I think I got the better deal.
Good hygiene partice, frequent and thorough hand washing. I could say it's a big joke and media hype or I can go quietly about my everyday business and use a little extra precaution for little or no cost. BTW - my local newspaper has a map of the US showing number of reported cases. California and Texas reporting 14 and 16 cases respectively but half of the other remaining states one each. HMMM?

Good health,

I believe NY has the most reported cases, all or most from a private school that had a trip to Mexico.

SC has what they are describing as 2 probable cases and 10 or so possibles verification from a busy CDC pending. Again they were from a private school trip to Mexico. No one is seriously ill and they are voluntarily isolating themselves, school has been cleaned.

The one US fatility is a 23 month old in TX whose family came up from Mexico for a famuly visit to Brownsville, TX. This is all I have seen on news reports.

Just staying away from people as much as possible. Fewer trips to groc store, wash hands more often. Some of guys I work with are wearing the masks. All schools are closed for a couple of weeks.
In the barber shop this morning two men were haveing a very earnest and involved conversation suggesting that this is a trial run of osama bin ladens nnalert terrorists release of a bio weapon on Mexico as a test prior to releasing a larger and more deadly attack on the USA. I was so upset listening to them that I did not dare to enter into the conversation. What a horrible thing to even think of yet is it not unthinkable that such could happen?
I am not really worried about it.The regular flu kills more people every year than the swine flu does. I remember the last time this came around. More people died from the shots than they did the flu.
Alchohol at abundant doses. Hand sanitizer is just gel and alchohol (so I"m told) so it stands to reason that self medication with a good bourbon will keep you sanitized from the inside.
Live large and ignore it....

The first cases were reported a few hours from here. It's on the news every night. It was a low grade flu that the kids hardly noticed... and they're all recovered now.
The news makes a lot of hype over not very much most of the time.
A lot of people,including me were a lot worse off through the winter with other strains of the flu and little was said about that. This shouldn't be much different.

I turn off the tube and put down the newspaper. Other than that I"ll probably fry up som bacon or sausage followed by a pork chop chaser. How many people have been killed in auto accidents word wide in the last week? It"s all a matter of prospective
Im ignoring all the hype,tinkering tractors,and drinking lots of fluids[Budweiser],and staying home in these mountains. Hoss

I'm 74 years old and I figured out long ago that life is full of perils, and it's infinitely more enjoyable to live life he11 bent for election and let the chips fall where they may.

It's kinda like a gal who wrote to the Reader's Digest and said she'd taken her 93 year old mother to a doctor's appointment. The doctor gave her mother a list of foods she should eat and foods she should stay away from.

When they arrived home, the daughter sat down and worked out a series of menus based on the doctor's instructions. Her mother said, "Look, I'm 93 years old. I'm going to eat any darn thing I want to".
Same as always. Cook the pork with some garlic and rosemary, right next to the mashed potatoes.

expecting 2 litters this year, yummy.
My wife was originally a city gal. Everytime something like bird flu or swine flu comes up, we get several sincere and deeply felt calls from her elderly father telling us that we should get rid of all our pestilence-ridden livestock. He is a nice guy but he has always lived in or near a city and just could not understand why in the world his daughter would want to go live in the country. I hadn't even heard of this flu until he called. I guess I'm just buried in my work this time of year.

J,you have to get better,you got to doggone many Cases out there that need your attention!

And I have to say,it really gets my goat,these stupid names they come up with.Hog farmers put in long hours and try to make a living,and these la tea da's ruin what business they have

Like Dave Ramsey says about our "govermental officals" lets send them on home!

Oh by the way,I'm going to have myself a good breakfast of bacon and eggs,and maybe side pork for supper!

Most of you guys in here know whats going on,its obvious on your comments,I'm glad I'm a part of this!
I work in a hospital as a maintenance man and I get exposed all the time. But for this they gave me TamiFlu because I was working in a room where one the nurses put a patient in before they knew what they had. I was only there for a short time but it was enough that the Doc said take this medication. It will kill the virus before it has a chance to infect. Said thing is it only work while I am taking it for ten days.
Eat'n extra sage sausage every day to keep my tolerance up, other than that I ain't been do'n much. I used to catch chickens for a live'n, do that a few years and you don't get to worked up over communicable diseases.

Bought a couple lottery tickets. Figure my chances of hitting for a few million is better than catching the swine flu........
Eat right, get enough rest, and personal hygene (makes your friends like you better too) is your defense against most anything that fly's through the air.

No kissing Mexicans. No pigs allowed in the house. There"s a few people on here that I"d suggest they quit breathing until the risk is past.
I'm doing the same things I do to fight global warming and am just as concerned as I am with Lindsay Lohans diet or Oprahs latest crusade.

The shells are moving.....
I prefer Mott's Extra Spicy Ceasar in my beer. But V8 will do in a pinch.

In reality, I'll wash my hands more when dealing with people. That is the only realistic precation.
<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/?action=view¤t=Willrogers.jpg" target="_blank">
Willrogers.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
</a> Will Rogers once said [b:654c4848f0]<big>"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that's an alibi for my ignorance."</big>[/b:654c4848f0]

I've stopped reading the newspaper and turned off the TV news.

Higher probability of me getting killed any day now in Dallas metro traffic.

Otherwise use same precautions to avoid getting AIDS virus; sit down and keep my mouth shut.

Wearing a mask will definitely improve my looks.

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