News and truth?? O/T


Well-known Member
What is it now days. With the hostage thing and all so far I have heard at least 4 different story's as to what happened. Why is it that they can not tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth instead of lieing about how things happened. It is sad that people can not tell the truth any more and the news people should be the one that tell it like it is no matter how it is. But instead they lie and lie and then lie more when is it going to stop
I believe it will stop when we finally get more "news" people like Ann Coulter, instead of bho worshippers like katie couric. Tell me what happened and let me decide the slant.
Well, under the circumstance, I can understand some of the confusion - reporters really not on the scene to record events as they happened, but this is rediculous. Every report I have read has been far different, don't know what to believe!
Not calling anyone a liar, but some need to get the facts straight, and I sure don't know.
If you've ever been involved with a news story, then you know that reporters seldom get the facts right. It's not necessarily intentional, it's just the way things are. Without eyewitnesses, the best that they can do is to repeat the official reports, which are often wrong. And even eyewitnesses are wrong half the time. When a wire service has the choice of publishing an unconfirmed report or being scooped by their competitors,they're always going to go with publishing what they have.

It doesn't help that the parties involved (e.g the Navy) want to present information that shows themselves in the best light. Nor does it help that there are no reporters on site or even within several hundred miles of the incident.
I'm sorry, but there are no "news programs" or "news channels", they are all media outlets. If they happen to correctly report a news story while covering Britney Spears or Oprah's latest diet then its a good day.
You need to remember the business of 'media outlets' is business. That business is advertising and viewer headcount(Papers call it circulation). Whatever it takes to get your attention is what they do. Do you ever notice the news leader during prime time about the big story on the ten-o'clock news.
Will Rogers may(?) have been correct in his day but not today.
Many years ago I was interviewed on ESPN regarding the current state/future of the horse racing industry in Kentucky. The broadcast interview was four & one half minutes long. That's a very long time in the TV business. Several years passed and the son of a friend was in college majoring in TV journalism. Wanted to borrow the tape of my interview. With just what was aired, not any outtakes, he made my interview say almost the exact opposite of what the original conveyed by careful editing. He got an "A" on the project, his father & I gained a new first hand appreciation of the power of the media!
Then why are so many papers going bankrupt? If your theory was correct and they were giving readers "what they want",they would be thriving.

I think it's just the opposite. The media is going to give us what they want to give us,figuring they are the only game in town and we'll have to lap up whatever they feed us. Looking like they're wrong isn't it?

They really overplayed their hand in the last election cycle,so OBVIOUSLY taking sides,thinking we'd forget after the election was over. They've gone too far this time but their "lap dog adoration" of Osama is still way too obvious.

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