Horse Slaughter Ban getting another look


Looks like some people are rethinking the ban on horse slaughter.

Here locally last month a Farmer went to check his cattle at a rented farm, found 6 poor horses in the pasture that someone dumped there overnight. As they werent there the evening before.

Just a couple weeks ago several horses were seized at a hobby farm, guy lost his job and couldnt afford them anymore, couldnt sell or give them away so the SOB decided to just let them starve.
Poke Here
Just take all the unwanted horses to the metro area where the politiicians live that sponsored the ban and let them go. Attitudes will change in a hurry. You cant even sell a horse a round here. Had a friend that was taking them in and caring for them, she went broke too. People need to understand that a horse is LIVESTOCK! They are no more or no less than a cow or a sheep. My 2 cents:>)
Ban is causing problems in the western states as people are starting to dump them on federal lands where we already have a problem getting rid of wild horses. Most ranchers have quit branding horses so that they can not trace the horse to ranch of origin. I have an acquaintance in Idaho who is currently offering horse cut and wrapped
It's not so much the slaughter as it is the idiots, thieves, and cruelty that accompanies it. They slaughter horses here but it is controlled. Every horse that moves on the road has to have a passport (lack of better words) that has nnalert records, markings, brands, scars, etc for identification verified by a veterinarian and reflecting the current owner.
A butcher won't accept a horse without it. Butchers have set days that they can slaughter horses and are checked by the State Veterinarian to verify passes and animal condition. If Bubba and Jethro would behave themselves, there wouldn't be a need for the ban.

Every winter craigslist around here explodes with people asking for free hay for their horse rescue operation and people trying to give away their horses because they can't afford hay.

The horse slaughter ban thing seems to just be a political tool that politicians from both parties use to drum up popular support. Kind of like "The Stop Murdering Kittens Act". It passed the House in 2006 with overwhelming bi-partisan support, before the Senate killed it. Will probably do the same in 2010.

From Wikipedia:

Most people in the US are not aware that horses are slaughtered there for human consumption in other countries. According to some of these polls, in New York, 64% of people polled believed that slaughtering horses for meat was illegal, while in Indiana, 91% believe that horse slaughter should be banned.[14] In Texas 89% of voters are unaware that horse slaughter was then going on in their own state.

That about sums it all up.
Wikipedia Page
Ever actually seen an Amish work horse ? They aren't the "pretty" little quarter horses; most are Belgians, Percherons or other "working" breeds. They to have trouble disposing of an unfit horse.
I read today that the interior department has 30,000 wild horses in feedlots because there are too many for the range where they decided the mustangs belong. We the taxpayers are feeding them until they die of old age!
A few mounths ago T Boone Pickens and his wife (a horse lover) said they were going to buy hundreds of thousand of acres in the west, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and California and adopt all those wild horse and burros, sterilize them and let them live out their lives in the wilds. They have been running around with their hats in there hands seeking donations ever since the price of crude fell in 1/2. The solution to this a regulated hunt season on BLM land with a 5 horse limit (or whatever the biologists decide) and Mustang Burgers an McDonalds. The fact is horse steaks taste better than any beef offering, is leaner, and has more vitimans than beef.

You'd always have Bubba and Jethro to ruin it........ Looook Bubba I got that one in the aaassssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getem Cooter!!
Ok Dave, how many acres of BLM (or its equlivent) land are wild horses ruining in Germany. Here in the west we see the mustangs as exotic pests, they are not native and don't belong here. That is an opinion held by environmentalists and ranchers. Those massive heards of wild horses threaten our Big Horn sheep, water quality, domestic horses, and cattle on summer range, just to name a few of the proplems they cause.The Wild Horse and Burro Act of 1971 was some of the worst legislation ever enacted in the US. So now we have 30,000 horses on pasture rented by the BLM (Million of US taxpayers $) plus anouther 50-80,000 wild on the western ranges. Now, those are being joined by abandon horses by the thousands. These abondon horses do not have the skills of the wild ones, those that were pets or campion animals often starve or are killed by predators. That is cruel in my opinion. What would you, with your refined European sensabilities, do to solve this problem ? Have you ever been in the Nevada desert ?
Round them up and slaughter them in as humane manner as possible. Meat would take care of feeding a lot down on the luck folks and would be a good alternative to mad cow or hoof & mouth disease. I agree they have to be controlled, but not by a walmart posse leaving beer cans and cigarette packs along with a bunch of crippled animals behind.

Dave, they are wild animals, How are you going to round them up, helicoptors ? Who is going to pay for that ? We know that in order to get wild deer, elk, sheep or bears to survive transport they need heavy chemical sedation at capture. Same with wild horses. I would not eat the meat after sedation, Would you ? What would cause you to think that being rounded up by a helecoptor, corralled, whipped and shocked, put in a trailer and hauled to the packing plant is less stressfull, or less humane, to the animal than a hunters bullet ? You may disaprove of hunting and gun ownership, but why not keep it seperate from the welfare of the horses.
You said "horse steaks taste better than any beef offering"....

Are you SERIOUS???? I thinks yer either bein sarcastic or have been sniffin too many of the wrong kinda fumes there... Explain then, why, over the thousands of years before regulation that humans have been consuming meat, that people still continued to eat beef and used horse meat for dog food? Except in India of course....

Worst part of the whole horse slaughter ban is that it has totally destroyed the horse market. I don't give a rat's behind about worthless wild horses, I'm talking real using-type horses. The average breeder in areas like where I live were people actually USE horses(not keep 'em for pets or trot 'em around in an arena to win ribbons) can barely give away even a well-bred registerable yearling horse. And if they aren't papered, they're worth even less. So end result is there's less good horses around and if a person needs a good well-broke using horse then the prices are way outta line.

Bottom line is, it should be up to the owner to decide what to do with his/her horses.
The semi roll over by Morris, IL don't not play well in the papers. Recall the owner of truck had them in a double made for hogs. On another thought a load of hogs was split on I 80 in same area which is table flat road.

The French eat a lot of horse meat.

Horses are turning up like stray cat's. Check the boarding fees near a major city.

Dekalb, IL did have a horse slaughter operation and meat for the most went direct to O'Hare airport and to europe.

A vet once told me that having a horse is worse than being married. He had had both once.
(quoted from post at 22:00:34 04/08/09) You may disaprove of hunting and gun ownership, but why not keep it seperate from the welfare of the horses.

Now, did you pull that out of your own a$$ or did you see it written somewhere else and jump on the train??? Nothing wrong with either, but it has it's place. What would a hunter do with a wild horse except kill it and leave it laz? Most likely use a herd to sight in and practice with that new deer rifle before hunting season. Or a bunch of kids get bored and run out shooting to impress each other. If all these horses are in holding pens/areas, it's a matter of a butcher walking up within a few yards and popping them between the eyes and process them by whatever means for whatever market. No need to involve Bubba and Marcel unless they are butchers or meat cutters. Nothing wrong with conservation officers downing an animal to feed wolves, etc that would be wiping out livestock either. If someone wants to try their hand at taming/keeping one, let them have it. Clean out the holding areas first, then manage the rest.
Not rocket science.

It was your crack about the Walmart posse, Bubba and Scooter that lead me to believe you disaprove of hunting. Bored kids are already shooting wild horses, regulated hunting would turn Game and Fish on these clowns. Now it is just a handfull of BLM special agents and county sherrifs, all have better things to do. As for your idea about letting someone tame/keep one, that is already done, anyone qualified can (a place to keep em, nominal adoption fee, ect). We still have a 30,000 in pens, nobody wants-or can afford them. No, shooting animals in pens is not hunting. Out on the open range it is different. In the US we have about 250,000 unwanted horses and the number is growing every day. It is a real problem. My daughter has a horse, they are expensive to keep in this area. At the stables there are signs for free horses. Good, young, well trained ones (I think, pretend no expertese). I don't hate horses, but I hate the damage being done on the western ranges, taxpayers footing the bills, and the abondonments that I think are often cruel. Save crude oil going up to $150 a barrel and T Boone getting involved again I see no alternative to killing the excess. I am not sure how mad cow or hoof and mouth disease fits into this?

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