I came across this site today and I didn't know that the sale of raw milk was illegal in most states. I drank raw milk until I was about forty years old and never had a problem. Raw milk sure beats what you buy today in the store.
Web site: WWW.realmilk.Com.

Look under whats happening and they list each state. DH
I grew up on a dairy farm and we had neighbors who would come and buy milk from us. I recently talked to a guy who sells milk on the side and he told me that he is very selective as to who he sells it to, but he still does sell it.
When I was growing up I drank it all the time and it didn't stunt my growth any.
I guess I can see the potential for something bad to happen though.
Here in Iowa milk has to be pasteurized. It looses "something". My grandparents had a half dozen milk cows an always had a bowl of raw milk in the fridge. Sad to say, I was their only grandchild that liked it. They called store bought milk "sweet milk".
I was just reading about it on MSN as you speak,,,,,,,,out here ware i live,,nw nd,,a dairy cow is a rarity to say the least but when i was growing up we bot un pasteurized milk from neighbors after our milk cow left the farm ,,,,,i was very surprised to see so many people crave raw milk as i myself just love it and have often thot about keeping i cow back to milk,,,,,,,,my beef cows are not very gentle to say the least, :eek:),,, but just didn't want the bother of it just for myself
All raw milk has some bacteria in it, streptoccocis for one. Make sure any cow whose raw milk you are drinking has been TB tested.
Personally I'll have mine pastureized.
Milk is taken from the cow while standing in the middle of an open sewer.
I drank raw milk for my 1st 25years. Given the number of deaths and illness from raw milk down through the ages before pasteurization was mandated. I'll stay with the pasteurized thankyou.
At 1st I thought beer and store milk tasted "funny". Then trying 2% milk it was "watery". Now used to 1% milk and 2% seems pretty rich. The beer tastes better after a few.
There is a fellow in Ontario doing the "raw milk" battle right now with the government. He's of one "independent nation" types that doesn't recognize driver's licenses, income tax, child vaccinations, public schooling etc.
I drank raw milk until I was eighteen only problem I had.I also had to get it from the cow. Knew some older folks that would not touch sweet milk.
buickddeere,,,,I hear ya,,,,like i said,,I like the taste a raw milk but the only way i would trust it would be if i knew what the cow was eating and how Carefull the milk was being handled,,,,in other words i would only trust my own,,lol.....but i do miss it
In my opinion milk from a healthy cow is a lot cleaner than lettuce from Mexico or food from China. I worked at a dairy farm and we didn't milk them in a sewer. With the way food is processed today I will take my chances on a farm. My grand parents drank milk from cows, and goats and both lived into their 90's. My parents lived into their late eightys. I will continue to grow my own garden and raise my owm hogs. Might die tomrrow but it won't be because I eat poisioned peanut butter or lettuce with human waste on it. DH
In the late thirties when my mother started her family, out country doctor told her: Your cow’s milk is fine for the baby but it should be boiled. Those babies are all still among the living.

In our hometown an older farm woman moved to the edge of town, brought along her milk cow and sold milk to who ever wanted it. For the first time about 1950 the U.S. Government required that all cows beef or dairy be tested for brucellosis. The town cow may have been the only one in the county to test positive. As far as I know, no ill effects came from drinking her milk.
My cattle were beef, rather than dairy, but I've had my share on me. When a new 'hire' would be spittin' it out of his mouth and complaining, someone would be sure to tell him that if it hadn't been on the ground, it wasn't dirty...........
In my opinion milk from a healthy cow is a lot cleaner than lettuce from Mexico or food from China.


I would tend to agree. Anyone ever see a hand wash sink on the side of a field of Strawberries or lettuce (US or Mexico)? Or a porta potty with toilet paper?
Never drank any other kind growing up, and still drink it to this day whenever I can get my hands on it. While I normally drink 2% or 1% for waistline reasons, there's still nothing like the taste of whole, raw, cold milk. Here in northern NY, it's still quite common for people to buy milk from local farmers, though as always you have to make sure Big Brother doesn't catch you at it. There have been some creative souls who have skirted the rules by having their customers own "shares" in a cow and then claiming that as they "owned" the cow they were entitled to the cow's milk (raw, of course) and were not "buying" the milk. Granting that I've been on some farms that I'd be scared to drink the milk AFTER it had been pasteurized, in most cases I don't believe milk from healthy cows is any worse than most other things we eat, such as fresh vegetables.
I only drank unpasteurized milk a few times during a visits to relatives in CO who milked cows in the 70s. It didnt kill me obviously but I can't say I cared much for it. I was in my early teens at the time but can still distinctly remember that well worn tupperware pitcher they kept it in. The thick taste it had over some cereal sticks in my mind also. It does brings back good memories though, Thanks
We who grew up on unpastueurized milk have more antibodies. Our bodies were toughened in when we drank milk that had live bugs in it. Jim
I grew up with it, so did the wife. If your use to what they call milk today from the store, you propably won't like it, taste alot different. We still drink a gallon or 2 a week. Drive a couple of miles to a friend's dairy farm and get it fresh right out of the cow.
I drank some growing up on farm. It is rich so it takes some getting used to when you first drink it. I think mama boiled ours.
Same here, a fellow dairy farmer said he sells the milk out of the bulk tank to some people he knows, so they can uh um "feed it to there chickens" lol.
Pasteurization only kills the bacteria that causes Reuhmatic fever otherwise shouldn't affect the taste we drank and used whole milk throughout the growing years homoginized whole milk took some getting used to because that floating cream was pretty nice for ice cream and kinda got thick on the first pour now I do only skim or 1% but still milk is good and would probably take some getting used to whole milk again. I have a friend that had Reuhmatic fever his hearing is poor and he missed a year of school from it.
YUK! never did like milk in any form. I had all kinds and they all taste bad to me, besides I'm Lactose intolerant.
I'm afraid I don't get it. With all the news over the past few years about the safety of our food supply, y'all are arguing against pasteurization?

I've had raw milk on a few occasions; I can't say as I cared for it, having been raised on homogenized milk. I suppose it's what you're used to.
It will not kill you if you get exposed to small doses of it over time. Anyone who grew up in the barn has been nnalert by the bugs in raw milk and the E Coli and all the other little critters actually strenghten the immune system. Its funny, the folks that swear by modern vaccinations can't seem to make the connection to a natural vaccination effect.
I drank it for 20 years and lots of it.We still milk ,but we buy it all and lots of it now.Drinking glass after glass of 4% milk makes me fat and I don't want a big fat B hind climbing up and down silo's and on my feet much of the day.I wouldn't recommend it to anyone,maybe even discourage it,but it didn't hurt me except for the funny twitch I developed in my head lol.pd
Hehehe.....were they good at milkin?

Now you"ve made me start thinking about long ago and those young heifers with a pair of firm udders and an eagerness to visit the hay mow on occasion. They didn"t give any milk..but what they did give...impressed me more than all the milk I ever drank. Damn....that was a long time ago!
We drank REAL milk ,butter,andICECreamfrom the Cow until I was 22yrs old..None Of Us 8 kids ever broke so much as a finger !..Worked alotta 14hr days doin everthing strenuous and dangerous ,from Fallin off moving wagons ,ladders and barns ,vehiclewrecks ,Haylofts,fistfites ,base ballbats, and stuff fallin on us ,, just everthing short of pickin fites with the Bull and being SHOT OUT of a CANNON,,The Neighbor kids did that and they drank REAL milk TOO!.And Now I drink 2%homoginzed for 30yrs and have chest pains ...my 2cents ,jim
I am one of those people craving raw milk in a state that doesn't allow raw milk sales...so I bought 1/10 of a cow from a friend that does cow shares on his organic dairy farm. only been sick once in the last 3 yrs from the flu, no more sinus problems or allergys,and it tastes lots better than pasturised milk. Also for all you "Lactose intolerent " people out there, you are more than likely allergic to the processing of the milk more than Lactose.If you can eat yogurt you are not lactose intolerent. When they ultra paturize & ulta homoginize dairy products, it changes the fat composition into something your body does not recognize and your body goes into a defensive mode hence allergic reaction, lactose intollerent....I have several people I work with that are "lactose intollerent" that have tried the raw milk from my share , and none of them got the cramping or squirts like they would with store bought milk. Also think of it this way , when they pasturize , it kills all bacteria , good & bad....their is alot more good bacteria than bad, and the good bacteria helps you digestive system break down the milk ,and other foods.Also isnt the disease that causes sickness in people (milk fever), been eradicated in the dairy herd in the US since th late "50's???In the end it's a freedom of choise, I CHOOSE to drink raw milk like some people CHOOSE to smoke , and CHOOSE to drink beer & whisky....It is my RIGHT to decide what I put in my body, not some legislature a 100 miles away....Ill get of my soapbox now.....Shawn
In the end it's a freedom of choice, I CHOOSE to drink raw milk like some people CHOOSE to smoke , and CHOOSE to drink beer & whiskey....It is my RIGHT to decide what I put in my body, not some legislature a 100 miles away.

OK as long as YOUR CHOICE doesn't cost ME extra health care dollars.

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