
Nope, Here.
It is all God's country, but you have to know that it is John Deeres that have a Heavenly rhythm.

This poem rpoves it.

“A Farmers Heaven”

There'll be a place in heaven
For old farmers such as me
That's a truth that I have known
Since I sat on Daddy's knee
When our days on earth are ended
And this tired old world I leave
I will spend my days in heaven
Just a threshing out the sheaves
There'll be horses hitched to wagons
And across the fields I'll drive
Collecting God's good harvest
In that place beyond the sky
There'll be a great old tractor
Pounding out a sensuous beat
All the threshers singing sweetly
Threshing out His sheaves of wheat
A threshing feast will then be served
The harvest table loaded
With fruits of labours truly earned
Now bountifully unloaded
Frank Roth

Only the JDs can pound out a senuous beat. (LOL)

Ahhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,, ok. you said ends., he he he hum he hum he hum he he hum he he he, do you want fries with that sir?
Texas is so large that it's beauty is lost on you before you exit the state.If you're looking for gods country my friends horse ranch near Congress Arizona has to be it.Cottonwoods,Mesquite,Ironwood,Palo Verde,Creosote Bush,to many Cactus to list,Brittle Bush and a whole Catolog of Desert Fauna creates a atmosphere so many of us get hooked on.We would not live any where else,maybe think about it but forget real quick.Photo is Fall in the Congress mountains.
God's country is wherever we happen to live. During my years on the harvest I've visited with Baptists in Texas and Oklahoma, Roman and Ukrenian Catholics in central Saskatchewan, Mormons in Idaho, and every other religious belief and political affiliation in between and, you know, I haven't found a bad one yet, and I don't expect to.
It's been very interesting listening to these folks talk about their homeland, a place that's so different from where I come from.

I've been asked questions like "why would we want to drain water away from our land","who waters my crops while I'm gone on the harvest" (why,god, of course), how tall is corn and do you plant it in rows, and how thick, and how big is a cob? I've had to explain that it's an 'ear' and the kernals grow on a cob.

After being exposed to this, I've come to think that maybe the little part of the world I live in isn't the only place god favors, though I think he has a pretty good handle on NW Iowa!LOL Jim


There is nothing more impressive than the praries of IL when everything is green and full of life. The fields of corn seem to go on forever, truely a sight to behold.
Thanks for getting the picture posted. I haven't got that figured out. That is in north AR and that picture is my western property boundary.
Amen!... Though I am a little jealous of the guys up north with your deep soils, Looks like 6 feet or better deep from pics I've seen, and TV shows on Home & Garden Channel on the Satelite. Quite lot different from my thin soil country of Central Texas. 3 to 6 in deep on top of the calichie layer.
John A.

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