Way ot: tom 43

still relatively new here on yt and was just wondering something. not to be mean or come across in a negagive manner but by all i have read so far seems like a good question to ask. did something happen to tom43 or has he always been the way he is? your post is also welcome tom43, i would be interested in reading what you have to say also.
just mumblin

pulled his head out of his a$$ long enough to give a little idiotic input to the press conference thread...........

was that "joe MN" in disguise bashing you on the ad rant? The 'thread of evil" comment kinda makes me believe it was. It was also funny.

And it is not that I don't have the peewees to leave a message but if someone posts a number and is selling...I expect them to respond to incoming calls. I am just kinda wired that way. Kinda like looking someone in the eyes and have them look down immediately....up goes a red flag.
I think that Mr. 43 is at the doctor's office getting his medication level increased.

And he is being fitted with a new straight jacket.
sure was. As far as the phone thing and the way we do business, there's a Dr Seuss quote that fits real well

"those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"

which, in this case, translates to if they are serious enough to leave a message, they are serious enough for me to call them back.

we only run ads for animals. Anything else gets sold on ebay.

They must have been the missing links between Trucker 40 and Tom 43. Now to figure out tlak?

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