Organic Question

Andrew SWPA

New User
I was asked today if I would interested in doing some custom seeding with my grain drill. Normally I would be interested but the farm where this is to be done is organinic. I am not an organic farmer. So what would I have to do to plant his organic seed with my drill? I won't be applying fertilizer with the drill.

Thanks in advance.
If there is no commerical fertlizer or chemical residue ,then just fill it up and go thats all .
Really, really clean out your drill of any other seed, and have fun planting. :) I'd be concerned about RU soybean seed stuck in the drill & 'contaminating' his field, wouldn't be to concerned about non-gmo seeds in a tiny amount.

I don't even know if that would matter too much, would it? Since the farmer is organic, he won't be spraying the fields with Roundup. Which makes it seem to me that those plants wouldn't get an advantage over the other plants.
Hi Andrew,

Being a master gardener and also an organic gardener. Why don't you ask him what he expects? instead of chemical fertilizer you could use an organic fertilizer. May be you should just clean out the drill? Hope this helps!

Clean your drill out of your seed very well so you don't contaminate his, or stay clear of the job, depending on how far around the loop he's gone...
If he's a serious type there shouldn't be too much for you to do other than put the seed in the ground the same as you'd normally do.
On the other hand, I've met some of those guys who smoke some pretty good stuff.... and you're probably better off doing something else on that day rather than working for them.

Trying to sell organic crops, you often get the load tested for gmo contamination. Finding some gmo soybeans, even in a load of wheat, would flag that load.... Different maturities, different harbest times, I know - but......

Good advice in other posts. Personally, after cleaning my drill, I would ask the organic farmer to check it with me. Then if some gmo crop does show up later, he will know that it did not originate with your equipment.

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