Red Pontiac (potato, not car)

NY 986

Well-known Member
Would like to know anybody's experience growing these. I am told they do well on heavy soil. Need to expand the garden beyond the current size (create my own economic stimulus) and best ground for potatoes on my farm is down along the woods where the deer have easy access. I want to keep everything up near the farmstead for convenience. I am doing this just for family and not trying to do a roadside business nor do I have the time for roadside.
Opinions on if they are good eating?
To me, these are the best tasting taters that there are! My dad and I raise enough to feed him , grandma and my family, pulling in 8 5gallon buckets last year. Easy to raise, and they have done really well in the bottom area by the pond.
Have had good luck growing these in northeastern PA (Susquehanna County) most years. Flavor is excellent. They don't keep as long as white potatoes do. Just eat them first, no problem. If you want a real treat, slice a fresh potato really thin, coat with cooking oil, arrange in a single layer on a platter (on parchment paper, if you have it)and microwave about 5 minutes, or until golden brown. Add salt or seasonings and munch.
Give a man a potato and he will eat for a day, show a man how to raise a potato and he will eat forever, teach a man to distill a potato and he won't care either way. just in case you need a smile
best for cooking but white potatoes better for baking. Neighbor lady always had whitest mashed potatoes and they raised Pontiacs.
The Pontiacs are one of my favorites. They rarely have a problem with nematodes when other varieties growing next to them do. However, they do tend to be smaller than other varieties. Size doesn't much matter when the big ones come up rotten though.

My other favorites are Yukon Gold and Kennebec. I recommend planting all the varieties you can get your hands on to see which works best.

No variety seems to be any better at fending off the potato beetles though.

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