A life with tractors or...........

plow hand

Well-known Member
What would rather have a life surrounded by tractors or a life like Hugh Hefner surrounded by you know what?/
If everything in life was exactly like we thought it should be, things'd be pretty boring ....................
Simple math problem.
If I could afford women like that I could have any tractor that I wanted.
If all I had was enough to buy a couple $1000 tractors I sure as heck wouldnt have a lady like Hugh.
One woman is enough for me. When tractors have a problem it is usually easy enough to figure out, and it doesn't nag about it. On the other hand???? Good luck!
Tractors.At his age who would want to eat that many blue pills.Something else might turn blue too.

Vito, someone posted a topic about cougars...did you ever have one stray on to your property????
Well, Hugh has lived a good life and seems to be holding on to his health quite well...

But I'm happy with one girl and several tractors. Just wouldn't have it any other way. ;o)
Not under this current administration,I mean wife.Saw the thread and decided to stayed away from that one.

I'll stick with the tractors I have. Mentioned getting another one on the way home from church last week, wife tried to make a sunroof in her car(didn't come with one from the factory). Maybe I'll wait a while before I mention it again.
tractors, the you know what will eventually run off with someone and take most of your stuff too , the you know what is easy enough to get on a very temporary basis as needed, and tractors never play mind games or run around while your at work
like this one?
Wait, you mean I have to choose? I always figured the hot women would be knocking down my door once I got enough tractors. Now you are suggesting that I can only have one or the other?

I guess if that is the case, I'll stick with tractors. My wife can get a bit upset about the tractors. I don't even want to think about how she'd react to a bunch a bunnies hopping around the house...

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