Thunder snow?


Well-known Member
I was sitting by the computer before, watching the white out, when there was a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder. Happened 2 or 3 times. Never seen anything like that before.

Any of you guys see it happen?

Donovan from Wisconsin
I've seen (and heard) it happen a number of times here in Nebraska.

It is a bit startling to be weathering a blizzard and suddenly get some thunder and lightening thrown in.
Happens every few years here in southern Illinois. Even had some here in January of this year. Pretty neat. Makes for some bright lightning reflecting off of the snow.
ya I just posted on the spring thread,seems like every year we get that a couple times, cant beleive you havent seen or heard that before you must be pretty young ,pretty neat to see and here it, you know spring is going to come soon,well we hope ,have a good one
I'm younger (24) but I've just never seen it before. Like I said I was just waching the weather and all of a sudden it just got really bright out and I heard it. Pretty cool seeing it though.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I have seen it several times, BUT, the one I remember was late March 1987. Heavy thundersnow-14". Snow plows got stuck in that one! Greg
Hi Don,

That has been happening here by the Big Pond at least once a year since 2004 that I am aware of, usually about this time of the year. Sure looks cool but it just doesn't seem right, sort of scary like somethings wrong...scares the schlitz out of my dogs.

Stay dry,
Seen it a few times. Usually it is acompanied heavy snow that acumilates rapidly. Here we had 8"+ in about 3 hours.
Sounds like we had some around here today too! Sure was coming down hard. I am 25, and only personally saw it once, when I was quite young - was scared and went running in the house not realizing what was going on!!
First encountered it here in coastal Maine back in the early eighties, and a couple times near the lake out east of Cleveland. Sure not very common, but as somebody said down below, it's a pretty good sign that the storm is a snortripper. Kinda hard to judge the distance on it the way you can with a summer sstorm because a lot of the time the snow will block out your view of the flash, so you can't count how long it takes for the boom to reach you.
ya I'm an old fart 47 lived in wisconsin all my life,but it does seem like it has been doing this alot more often in the last 4 or 5 years.dont remember it happening that much years ago.
Back in 1993 we had a blizzatd (up to my knees in 93) here in NW GA. It was around mid March. Zero degree weather and lightning and thunder. Power and phone out for eight days. Havent had this happen before or after that. David..............
You got that right. I'm still a little nervous around lightnign after it struck a 15' pole on our farm less than 50 ft. from the barn while I was in it with my parents. Scared the ever-lovin-bejeebies outta me.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Happens here on the east coast of Lake Huron 2-3 times per year.
My maternal Grandfather was a superstitious old cuss and became totally freaked if it occurred where he lived 20 miles inland.
We had one in Hays, KS in February 1976; the biggest snowstorm in my 13.5 years there. I was driving back and forth to Larned, KS (55 miles each way) and I couldn't even get the one block over to the highway.
It's quite a show. I haven't seen it in quite a while but one time we got twelve inches of snow in three hours up in Sioux City, Iowa.

Never said a word about it cause I was walking home from a party and thought I was just sh!tfaced........ Sure glad to know it happened though :roll:

Saw a Snowbow last week..........Another first for me.

Happens occasionally here - accompanied by a very strong snowstorm. To get enough static buildup in the atmosphere to generate static electricity - lightning takes a pretty violent storm. Lots of uplift in the storm.
I'm in NE Wisconsin myself, so I don't think there's that bigga space in the weather from me to you. I know we're supposed to have another big one today. Yesterday only gave us about 4-5 inches, but it did pile up pretty fast.

Donovan from Wisconsin
It doesn't happen very often here in NW Iowa, maybe once every three years. When it does happen we had better make sure we have plenty of fuel in whatever machine we use to move snow.Jim

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