Gotta vent before I kill someone........


Well-known Member
Guy setting next to me is/was bragging about doing his taxes (while the messiah is on TV talking about taxes) saying, "I get an extra 1800 bucks back cause I didn't get a stimulus check"... Not to be rude, I said that he must have had a lot withheld...
This punk pops back with "no.... I've never had a return that was less than the amount of my total withholding".

Multiply this by (pick a number)...........

I just get this stupid look on my face and say "and you don't feel bad about it"? And two other guys pop in and say they are in the same boat.

I'm done venting now.......

I'm sending my State and Federal out in the mail today. Total: $42,800. I knew when my yeild moniter in the combine kept hitting 200 bu. running corn , Uncle Sam was going to be happy. I'm not.
dave, your not done venting till you vent about me, I didn't know you picked your messiah as a black man, I guess you deserve what you get, ha ha ha ha

my Messiah is a White Man.........
(quoted from post at 05:01:59 02/26/09) dave, your not done venting till you vent about me, I didn't know you picked your messiah as a black man, I guess you deserve what you get, ha ha ha ha

my Messiah is a White Man.........

Thanks for cheering me up... You're comments would be more impressive though if you had the balls to register and tell us who you are.....

My Messiah is Jesus Christ However not sure of his exacth complection. He paid the sin price for all. regulardles of color. I am white but have a few black folks I know who are christan also. Signed William E Wilson
If my memory serves me correctly, our president (whose citizenship is questionable), and not a Messiah at all, said that if any citizen (or was it 'American worker')? Makes less than 250K, He/She/It, would not pay "one red cent" in new taxes.....

It was not about what he said, but rather what he 'did not say'........

I feel bad that you got upset about the punk or what ever (illegal alien) sitting next to you.

This is 'just money'. not living. Soon there will be enough money for everybody.............we'll just print some Germany, just before Hitler took over. Or Argentina, Or Mexico, Or USSR. :roll:

I have 2 businesses. I don't make aolt, just get by, live small. I am at the downhill ride of my life. It's okay to vent. Glad you didn't kill the "punk", cause we're going to someone to run the country when you are my age or a little older. :shock:
what difference does it make who I am,, no one listens anyway, every one has there own grove to follow, and 99% chance your not going to change that.
Didn't mean to get the holy rollers spun up. The subject was taxes. Guess the ones that are keeping the messiah thing up frt are in the same category as the guy I'm talking about.

Oh well.......

Have a good day.

I guess that when we play with big numbers we have to pay big numbers. Havent done my taxes yet,not looking forward to it either.

That's all well and good, and it's OK to give some tax breaks to lower income (which I happen to be one of) folks. But when a person or family gets more back than what was withheld, how are they producing anything other than more debt for the country?????

It's not the individual's fault. Should be a rule that returns cannot exceed witholdings. If I were king for a day.............

Part of what you describe is called the Earned Income Credit, and the rule allowing it is nothing new. It's been around for years.
The "O" man's latest cheerleading campain type speech pointing the finger over his shoulder at the last 8 years is tanking the bank stocks.
Sooooo buckle your seat belt cause you ain't seen nothing yet!
In print 1000 banks will fail in next 3 or so years.
He hasn't figured out that this recession is now his not anyone's else and history will record as such.

Moving from Iraq to the new sand/rock pile is going to increase the casualties way beyond belief. The National guard is not positioned for this with the lack of ground equipment and being recalled 3 or more times to the battle.
The joke about having older people dafted this week (here) is true just look at the age of most national guard types. Military budget is due for a BIG hit from our new man. We are spending untold millions a day to police the oil world!

Nuff said coffee time....
Now that the great one is cutting subsidies ,hows that going to affect your operation?bet theres a lot of folk thats been scraping buy for years that are going to give it up.I'm going to let my place go to weeds and get some goats,least I can feed my own bunch.devil take the rest,
The President's "citizenship" is only questionable to the ultra right wing lunatic fringe. Do you question the Holocaust? How about the moon landing? Is Hitler alive in Argentina? Please get a grip on yourselves and start worrying about real problems!
US citizen, yes. But you don't need to be a native born US citizen to be Senator. There have been several immigrants in the Senate. One that comes to mind is Magnus Johnson. To be President, you must have been born in the United States.
There's a lot more of them out there than you think. Remember almost 40% of the people pay NO INCOME TAX. If there were 8 guys sitting at the bar chances are at least three don't pay income taxes. Although external_link is giving them a tax refund (a more "acceptable" way of saying WELFARE CHECK).
A lot of people are in that boat, the median family income is only about 50K. The group making over 250K per year is only about 2% of the population. If the median guy has a family, 2 kids, a wife, the standard deduction totals nearly 40K. Throw in a mortgage interest deduction, church and charity deductions, mr. Median ain't paying a whole lot of income taxes. And he doesn't have much money for 401K contributions, either. And by definition, half the taxpayers are paying LESS.
Well this year I broke even. If you can call it that.
I get $500 back from fed and have to pay in $460 to state.
I guess I will take the $40 bucks and eat out once.
A few years ago I was talking about taxes to an acquintance who at the time was probably in his late forties with a wife and several kids. He told me in an arrogant way " I don't pay taxes". Then he laughed in a kind of proud, snotty way.

Then he said he makes himself poor so that his family qualifies for title IX.

He and his wife home school, don't have a TV and don't allow their kids to watch TV anywhere, and belong to some offbeat conservative evangelical religion. (OK, now I've stepped on some toes).

I didn't say anything, knowing I wouldn't get anywhere, but I thought, we honest folks pay taxes to support a pretty darned good country here and he's freeloading off of us, arrogantly enjoying it and pretending to be a pure, bible thumping christian! Grrrrrrrrrr. I can feel my heart thumping now! Jim
The Earned Income Tax Credit was enacted in 1975, and signed into law by that abundant nnalert, Gerald R. Ford.

Notice a couple of things about the EITC: (1) You MUST have "EARNED" income, such as wages, tips, commissions--if all your income is from welfare and unemployment, you don't qualify; and (2) you MUST have a "qualifying child" to claim the EITC.

So if you don't have kids, and you don't work, you don't get the EITC. The EITC has been a big help to those serving in the active duty military, whose income is traditionally considerably less than what they might have earned at a comparable civillian job.

So if you feel like you want to kill someone over a program like this one...I truly feel sorry for you.
Earned Income Tax Credit History
As far as I know, his birth certificate is locked up in a vault in Hawaii. Certificate of live birth does not count, you can get one of those in Hawaii without actually being born there.

This will be an issue until he releases a copy of his birth certificate, there is no reason why he should not simply release it and put the whole matter to rest.
You can legally become a senator, governor, etc without being a natural born citizen.

The US Constitution states you have to be a natural born citizen to legally become the President of the United States of America.
Nice job of editing. It says Or US citizen at the time of adoption of the constitution. I think he is a little young to be grandfathered in.

Did you intentionally misquote the constitution?
Don't feel too bad, dave. Couple years ago work was really busy, had ALOT of overtime. Made good money. Made a little farming that year too. Paid 36% of my salary out to taxes. I'm single, no kids. Got back about 2000 total. You all here can draw your own conclusions and figure out the math. Worked my a** off. Didn't get much to show for it.
Why go to Wikipedia, why not just google the constitution and see what it says. And by the way, it does not say what you are trying to twist it to say, as usual. The long and the short of it is, if external_link was not born in Hawaii, then he is not legal to be the president according to the constitution. Now he has not released a copy of his birth certificate, even though asked to. His camp has released a copy of a certificate of live birth, which is NOT the same thing. But you sheeple are too foolish to grasp that. Joe, you need to realize, maybe the people you are used to dealing with are as feeble minded as you seem, so it works for you. But around here, each farm has a system to handle the large amount of septic seepage you keep spewing.
(quoted from post at 09:56:07 02/26/09) Worked my a** off. Didn't get much to show for it.
I'm in the same boat. Married, but I'm American and wife is German. We are both treated as single. she pays German income (and every other) tax and I pay American. I can't claim any mortgage payments on a house here. Seems to cost me money to work OT. I usually take comptime and donate annual leave to folks in the program for donation (sick and used up all leave). I don't bat an eye about that, but it kills me to know that I'm paying in so the dude next to me can suck it up......

I just can't see things getting better with a constant drain. Maybe I just B ignant though...


I know...what happened..??
In our farming community, you paid CASH or you didn't buy it..and a "Hand-Shake" was a contract..
external_link-lama-ding-dong now says he will want ANOTHER $750 Bazzilion dollars later..!!
Not hard to see that HE was raised on a Credit Card....
I guess it IS a fact that those are the Majority now, and they don't have any "Clue" about Balancing a budget...
If this continues ........
AND..WHY is it that we, the Citizens are not offered a chance to invest in this..??
At 40% interest, I want a piece of this..!!
The American "Way" has always been to be CREATIVE...
If your company runs into a tight spot, you make something else that you can sell....not whine and expect "something for nothing", as it looks like everyone and their brother are, now..
We are looking at a very dismal future if we allow this to go on, folks...
The average "American" won't so much as return a shopping cart..and would certainly not accept a job that is "beneath them", even to the point of starvation...!!!
These are not "Americans", they are Parasites...
There should have been NO "Bailout package"..we NEEDED to let this economy find it's own level once and for all..this is a SYNTHETIC Economy and cannot continue...
An ounce of Gold was $35.00..not it is $1,000.oo
I think that in itself shows how our dollar's value has diminished, and it WILL drop far more..
How are we ever going to take back control of the Asylum...?? The Patients ARE running it..
Guess I may have a little different slant on this than many.

Wife of 38 years and I have always both worked hard, had a few good breaks, avoided "bad" choices (and debilitating injuries), and have had a pretty good life. We pay quite a bit in taxes, but always seem to have enough left over to live pretty well.

My point goes back to something my dad told me when I first learned about welfare and "the dole"- He said "Yeah, you can live off the guvment, but its not much of a life, more like an 'existence'. Not enough money, and too much time on your hands, feeling sorry for yourself. You'll always do better working hard and making it for yourself." Both our jobs are secure, so I guess as long as we're not reduced to living in poverty, we'll keep on keepin' on, and not begrudge the growing safety net.

We have a substantial portion of the population that would like to work, but can't, due to mental or physical impairment (often caused by "bad choices"- but the choices were made, and not much can be done about it now). More that could work, but don't want to. Those folks used to starve, but we as a country made the policy decision that we would have a "safety net" for the infirm and indolent, and whether we like it or not, that policy certainly isn't going to be changed now. Can you envision Barney Frank EVER voting against a social program?

Actually, the income redistribution by the guvment has performed an important function for the last 10 years or so. By supporting (sort of) the increasing number of non-workers, we have compensated for the fact that there are fewer and fewer people needed to produce the goods and services we need. That, coupled with "consumerism" (convincing people to buy stuff they don't really need, including more house than they can afford), has kept the economy afloat.

But it all changed, in the twinkling of an eye, last fall. The folks who were buying the consumer stuff suddenly lost $100,000 or more from their retirement funds, and they were astute enough to come to two conclusions pretty much instantly: 1, I'm gonna have to work for far longer than I planned, because my nest egg just flew away, and 2, I've gotta quit buying this consumer junk and start salting money away again. Once an ant, always an ant.

The porkulus program will not create very many jobs, at least not permanently. Most of it is an income transfer to keep the masses from revolting in the streets. With lots of money flowing around, most folks will be able to maintain the status quo and will anxiously await the end of the recession/ depression.

I still don't see how we'll get out of this mess- because so many jobs lost were for making stuff that the folks with money are no longer going to buy (how many new car buyers actually NEEDED that new car?). I think the economists may not be nearly as stupid as they have seemed of late, and are trying hard to tread a fine line between saying what they really believe, vs. causing panic in the streets.

Hang on, its gonna be a rocky ride.
(quoted from post at 08:24:36 02/26/09) My Messiah is Jesus Christ However not sure of his exacth complection. He paid the sin price for all. regulardles of color. I am white but have a few black folks I know who are christan also. Signed William E Wilson

Amen to that Brother! :D
Signed: David N Seager 8)
i have heard both his momma and grandmomma said he was born in kenya.
why don't he break the seal on it and prove what it says.
oh by the way obammy derailed the guy (jack ryan) it was thought would have kicked obammys but in senate race, until somehow how ryan's sealed divorce records the seal broken. in that kingdom of crime chicago.
i wish we could vote chicago into michigan
Mike, I always read your posts when I see them. I really like you dry humour. How is your 35 deluxe going with that new rockshaft?
On the subject at hand, it think you hit the nail right on the head. How a government (society) treats its most helpless is a real measure of its worth and the worth of its people.
On the current economic crisis - most people can only channel their talents thru corporations - ie as an engineer, I can best be creative thru a coorperation designing products. The most important role the government plays now is to make sure the companies are around to provide those channels for our citizens to deliver their talents to others. If our governments don't do that, other governments will and there will be lack of opportunities here (North America) and money and jobs will be exported for good. Kind of reminds me of Bruce Springsteen's song "Foreman says these jobs are going boys and they aint ever coming back". Net result of not ensuring these compnies do not fail is many more people need the safety net and all of us being a little poorer with less oppotuinities.
My two cents worth.
Take care
Joe, as a matter of fact, I am not a registered nnalert, I am a Conservative. Now I realize this isn't something you likely can wrap you brain around. Now regardless of that, the facts we were discussing have nothing to do with what party one might support, they have to do with someone scateing the Constitution. If President external_link will do one thing, bring out a notorized copy of his original birth certificate, this whole noise will go away. Now it has been over a year that this has been an issue, yet he still has not done this simple act. It only leaves to reason that he has not done this for one of two reasons. first because he is above reproach and should not have to answer to us, he is our modern messiah and we just ain't bright enough to accept it. Or second, that the notion is correct that he is not a natural born citizen, thus not legal to hold the office. And yes the Constitution does require that anyone seeking the office of President must be a natural born citizen. You can twist and turn the original document around but the rest of us can read pretty simply what it says.
And another thing, I am not crying about anything. I have fully accepted that Mr external_link is our President. You have never seen me refer to him in any slang way, he has earned the office for one term and I will give him that respect and refer to him as the President or external_link. I have refered to him as the messiah, not out of respect for his accomplishments winning the office but more to mock the simpletons on this site who think now that the evil nnalert are out, the messiah will set everything right. HAHA. I have to laugh everytime you and trucker and the rest of the village idiots spew such sewage, your party has the likes of Ted Kennedy and Barney Fwank. The more you say that stuff, the more foolish you look.
While I will give Mr external_link the respect he deserves, which the left nuts can't do for our last administration, I will hold him to the fire. He has promised so much and has not a clue how to do any of it. He has promised the American people that if he got elected he had the answers and would fix all that ails us. I will respect him and wait for the results. But it isn't very hard to see that someone who has no experience at running anything is going to have a hard time getting us back to where we belong.
Joe don't take it personally but we all see you a religious fake. You are the baffoon that preaches to us one minute and then tries to use the Bible to justify abortion the next. We easily see how fake you are, in your faith and your policy. We know that you play your little games posting under numerous handles, but thats ok, thats part of the way mentally ill people draw attention to them selves. You aren't satisfied with your off the wall rhetoric, you aren't even man enough to stand behind your handles, but we will keep listening because it is a good reminder for those of us with a dose of common sense, that there are actually people out there amongst us who are like you.
Yep, I was behind a woman yesterday at the food store swipe her link card for one candy bar. From where I was standing looking at her I would guess two ax handles and a credit card wide.

How did that song on the TV show? Mov'n on up.

I do beleive she voted for the "O" man!
True, a lot of bars tend to attract a crowd that isn't to interested in working or paying taxes. The only guy paying taxes in that situation is the bar tender.
Unless its justifiable homicide :)


Call it a late term abortion and be done with it.
You've gotta face facts Dave,it's over. Study "food and circuses" at the end of the Roman Empire. We're there my friend.
Holy Sh!t people,if you're replying to a specific post quote it so that anyone reading the thread will know what the He!! you are taking about! Thank you. This applies to all threads not just this one.
Who are these fellows you refer to as "punks"? Obviously not Germans, given the stimulus check reference.

American expatriates like yourself, either civil service or employees of US companies? Not likely, given that very few expats would be eligible for Earned Income Credit, which is what I think you're railing about.

The third possibility would be US servicemen. Sorry Dave, I can't get too upset about a serviceman taking an EIC is he's eligible. Even if he is serving in a relatively cushy post in Germany.

Oh, one more thing: If indeed you're talking about servicemen, I wouldn't recommend calling them "punks" to their faces.
Well all I can say is the wife and I arre retired and we have to pay taxes on our Social Security AGAIN and we can't freeze our property taxes BECAUSE we make SO much money on Social Security that we don't qualify!! 12000 a year in medical and still have a house payment and a 10 year old Ford sooo we sure are rich?? Don't know where this is going...BUT it doesen't look good to ME!!! Charles
(quoted from post at 17:24:03 02/26/09) Who are these fellows you refer to as "punks"? .
Punk is one of them universal words to me.
In this case, it's a guy that is drawing more than he is paying and bragging about it. Pretty much rubbing it in the face of those that are financing it (rest of the folks in the office). I feel better about him being a part time soldier than one of the innercity external_linkites, but it stil gets to me. I have no problem with ANYONE getting something back even if it means that they get everything that was witheld in some cases, but there should be NOBODY recieving more refund than the amount that was witheld. They probably think I'm a punk for getting upset too.


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