Forced to eat

plow hand

Well-known Member
What were you forced to eat that you cannot eat to this day ?I would have to say peas out of a can for me....nasty!!!
LIVER!! Both my parents loved it, all us kids had to "try a bite, you will learn to like it"! Why would I want to keep trying something I hate with the thought that someday I might change my mind?
I was forced to eat everything as a kid there is nothing that I don't like today.
I will say that it took some time to be able to eat steamed clams.
Thanks! I was beginning to think that I was the only one who didn't like mushy carrots. Raw is how carrots should be eaten. Dave
Lutefisk. Never forced to eat it, but tried it when I was a kid. My friends mom made it for dinner one day, we both liked it and insisted on having more for supper. Everything was fine til about three days later and I still had the aftertaste in my mouth.

The other one is carrot cake. When I was about ten I got into a pan of carrot cake, ate way too much, then ended up getting the flu later that night. Didn`t taste near as good coming up thru my mouth and nose as it did going down. To this day, even the smell of carrot cake makes me lose my appetite..
(quoted from post at 16:10:10 02/20/09) I was forced to eat everything as a kid there is nothing that I don't like today.
I will say that it took some time to be able to eat steamed clams.

Same here. But, it'd take a pretty big dude or 3 to make me eat ochra , lindburger (sp?) cheese and raw fish.

squash and liver couldn't even wash them down my throat with milk,or anything else, just the smell of either one makes me gag to this day yyyuuuccckkk
I can yolerate beets now.

But never could get used to chokecherry jam. Dad loved it. The little buggers came up in the garden like weeds, so we had a big supply. Ugh.

Head cheeze was the other thing for me. Ugh.

Those darn colored baby marshmallow peeps ate them when i was younger till they came out my nose. Cant stand the sight of them.
rabbits ducks and geese. growng up, during the nixon years things were pretty tough. sooo. we raised rabbits ducks and geese. had over 600 mallard and roen ducks, over a hundred chinese and emden geese and close to 200 rabbits one year. ma had a big deep freeze. we butchered and froze and pretty much lived off them for quite a while. polenta and rabbit, fried rabbit, rabbit salad sandwiches for lunch. cant eat em, got sooo sick of em.
I wasn't really forced to eat anything, but liver was one of the things that I hated. Usually was a little hungry after that meal, thankfully we didn't eat it much.
Creamed corn. Mom held me down and spooned a heep in and I threw up all over her. She never did that again. That was over 30 ago
Yah it was abuse those nasty mushy stinky things... nuns made me eat peas...recess followed lunch so I would fill my mouth up and then run ouside and spit them out...What dont you eat Joe ??
Salmon patties! I will eat most anything but salmon patties is at the top of a short list of things I do not care for. We had those with stewed tomatos on Fridays during Lent when I was a kid. Interestingly, I dont mind eating the stewed tomatos today.
While it is not a food I would have to say milkamagnesia. You know that stuff in the blue bottle.

Everytime one of us looked sick mom would give us a dose of that stuff. YUCK!!!!!! Could not even wash it down.

My kids do not even know what it is because they have never had it.
Liver. Can't abide the SMELL of the stuff, much less the taste.

Fried parsnips and rutabaga would be in the next two positions.

Lot of other stuff I wouldn't ask for, but I can choke it down out of politeness. Them three I ain't ever eatin' again without a gun pointed at me!
C"mon JIC, what"s wrong with salmon patties? Just like tuna..once you get past the smell, you got it licked. Hehehehe!
Chicken in any form!! Dad was a poultry farmer and I ate enough chicken to fill a battleship when I was a kid. No more!!
Pecan sandies and mince meat pie. Anytime we went to my grandmothers house. That is what she had for us as a treat. I can't even look at a bag of sandies with out getting sick. My G/Ms thing for breakfast was calf brains,scrambled eggs,cottage cheese and ketchup all mixed together. She had that at least twice a week along with a glass of buttermilk and cornbread.
That fits me to a T ,agreed.
Used to watch the old man mix butter milk ,2 raw eggs and hot sauce to wash down his raw oysters ,limberger cheese and crackers.
There is prolly somethin worse but ...
Limburger cheese. Wasn't forced to eat it, but my mom really loved the stuff. It was the worst smell on the planet. When our daughter was a baby, my wife walked into my parents house, and immediately smelled our daughters diaper thinking she had filled it. Turned out it was the open package of limburger cheese on the table that was causing the smell!
Any pasta but spaghetti,cooked carrrots,brussel sprouts, eggs, Mayonaise on anything but tun the list goes on for quite a while.
Reminds me of one of my all time favorite Presidential quotes.

"When I was a little boy I hated broccoli but my mother made me eat it anyway.
I still hate broccoli.
But now I'm the President of the United States and NO ONE can make me eat it any more."
GHW Bush
Grade school cafeteria: Fish sticks, hard as a brick. Also same place, grapefruit, half rotten and sour as hell. I love all other citrus, but to this day can't handle grapefruit. DOUG
nothing! i ate everything, though i won't touch slo gin today cause a buddy and i had too much of it forty years ago.jim
Cold potatoes. Dad made me sit at the table 'cause I dilly-dallied too long. Gagged on every bite. First thing gone on my plate is potatoes in any form.

Love liver!!! Pickled okra okay, but not boiled or steamed. Like parsnips, cauliflower, broccoli, and most vegetables--raw or cooked.

Dad never liked cheese after picking up a bar of yellow soap.

Larry in Michigan
Believe it or not, cornbread and butter beans.
We didn't have much, ate horsemeat more often than beef. But cornbread was a daily thing. Can't stand the stuff anymore.
Never could stand liver but love liverwurst on a sandwich with mustard.
Go Figure.
any animal products what gives us the right we are just another animal except we were not designed to eat meat I will argue against anybody.
Never forced to eat anything. But being number 14 of 16 children, well go figure. David..........
Lamb....can't stand to walk in a house where it's being cooked!!! Also, any kind of fat or gristle, it gives me the willys.
Cottage cheese and Buttermilk !! These are both foods that are already rotten and folks don't have enough sense to throw them out. Was forced by the babysitter to eat both , FOR BREAKFAST !!! Never touched either since.
Pearl Tapioca Pudding Momma got temporarily blinded at work[RCA] and farmed us four kids out to a place that could look after us. "the Camden Home for friendless children " What a joke. Mrs Mayer was the warden. Give you any ideas! couldnt stand those eyes looking back at me. Lots of displeasure. I wont force that on anyone. Not much of a dessert person now.
I wish I knew what was in the soup at breakfast one day the first time I was in Japan so I could avoid it, the texture was terrible. I also accidentally bought liver on a stick in Tokyo, I thought I was buying grilled chicken. As liver goes it wasn't bad, but I wanted chicken,
When I was about eight years old, I ate too much corn on the cob, ended up sicker than a dog. I couldn't eat a roasting ear for about 4 years after that. The folks would look at me and say "What the heck is wrong with you? Everyone loves corn." Just the sight of one would make me lose my appetite. I got over it in my early teens and love those ears of corn again....I try to limit my intake though.
When I was about eight years old, I ate too much corn on the cob, ended up sicker than a dog. I couldn't eat a roasting ear for about 4 years after that. The folks would look at me and say "What the heck is wrong with you? Everyone loves corn." Just the sight of one would make me lose my appetite. I got over it in my early teens and love those ears of corn again....I try to limit my intake though.
What you don't like rice good grief and i suppose ya don't like roast dead water buffalo either. The first round was not to bad after nothing but Crat for over a month . RVN 67-68 173 airborn
When younger and not well off. Took mayonnaise on bread with cheese for a sandwich to school lunch almost everyday. Got a 2 cent milk with it and that was it. Swore that I would never feed my kids that nor I eat it ever! .. But funny now, that once in a while I eat one with milk cause I am hungry for it.
You can argue all you want but my Bible tells me we were made to have dominion over the animals and they were created for our use. So have fun eating your bean curd while I eat the protein our bodies were created to use best.
I decided a long time ago that I would never eat liver again, and I haven't. We always had our own beef and pork when I was a kid, and we always used up the livers after we butchered. As an adult, when I butchered, I gave away the liver. Liver just tastes awful to me.

Lots of cheese smells like vomit to me. I don't eat vomit and so I don't eat most cheese. I feel the same way about butter for the same reason.

But really I LIKE most food. Almost all vegetables, most meats and fish. As a kid I was somewhat of a picky eater. I trained myself to eat and enjoy lots of things I would not touch as a child.

Canned peas still taste and smell gross, but I no longer pick them out if they are part of a casserole or other mixed dish. Frozen peas are much better.

When we were raising our children, we never forced them to eat anything, but if they didn't want to eat what the rest of the family was eating, we would not let them have anything else. In general, my kids were pretty easy to please.

Lutefisk is something that my family traditionally had during the Christmas holiday season, as my ancestors came from Norway. I like most of the other traditional ethnic dishes, and I will eat a little lutefisk if it is served, but I cannot say I like it. If I never had any more lutefisk, I don't think I would miss it!

This is making me hungry. I think I will go make myself a sauerkraut sandwich. I didn't think much of kraut as a kid, but I love it now.
Salmon and sharp Cheddar cheese. My mother would take minced canned salmon, add crumbled crackers and an egg, then fry it in lard. Most disgusting thing you've ever choked down in your life.
My father loved sharp Cheddar cheese. I can't stand it. I love cheese, just can't stand sharp Cheddar. I'm not real fond of full-cream Swiss either unless you freeze it. Don't know what it does but freezing changes the flavor.
I already told you mine Cooked Spinach. I noticed that no one said chitterlings. Makes me wonder if everyone likes them as much as much as I do?
A lot of people are eating Spam now.We took it camping when no other meat would keep.Spam is made with pork shoulders.
Nothing wrong with cottage cheese or butter milk used in cooking.Food phobias make me laugh.My mother taught me to cook and eat any thing at an early age.My friend wont eat yellow potatoes,claims they hurt his stomach.He will only eat green stemmed swiss chard but not red ,yellow or pink.I show him they all grow on the same plant.He saw some orange tinted cauliflower at the store,said he would never eat it.I see many people who wont eat purple string beans even after I show them they are green inside and turn green when cooked.Ive tried squid and octopus.Not a favorite but will eat it when its available.My friend refuses to eat lasagna, Hes missing some good eating.I think people with food phobias have some screws loose.
I gag at anything that smells like peppermint. Had a little to much peppermint schnapps about 25 years ago-lol. Bummer cause I miss those chalky candy cane sticks. My grandpa would always have some when I would ride along in the 4020 doing fieldwork.
Not forced to eat, but ate so many I don"t want to see them ever again... marshmallow peeps.

A little older, Southern Comfort. Just the smell makes me run.

Something else I can't stand Roast Beef and Rice.I was on the Saratoga in Namn and we had roast beef and rice four times aday. To this day I cannot eat them at the same meal.
Liver- forced to eat it when a child, have always hated it. Can't stand beef fat- I like beef (not as well as fish, but OK)- but I have to cut off the fat. Had a lot of parsnips as a kid, haven't had any since.

I planted beets in the garden when first married, wife said she hated beets, I'd have to fix them myself. She took pity (and took over) when I was struggling with the pressure cooker. She tried a bite as I was eating them- and she's been a beet fan ever since.
This is a GOOD POST!!!! This brought back many memories of the dinner table at our house when I was a kid. Mom cooked salmon patties, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, cabbage and anything else that would raise a stink in the house. If I smelled anything funky when dinner was cooking, I cut a trail over to a neighbors house and hoped I got invited for dinner there because I knew Dad would make me sit there untill that plate was squeaky clean no matter how long it took. Celery is another so called food, but I call it poison. I didn't like most vegetables when they were cooked, but would eat them raw and be fine. The exceptions were cooked corn and green beans. Those were about the only veggies I wouldn't gag over. Mashed potatoes I couldn't get enough of those and still make 2-3 big pots full every week! I Also will eat veggies now if they are stirfried like in chinese food and I acually learned how to make liver that is great! Trick is to not over cook it. Mom used to make dried out shoe soles out of liver and we had to choke them down. Another thing that made me puke was casseroles, To this day I gag if I even see one. They look like someone barfed in the pan and put it in the oven and called it dinner.
Some uncooked foods. If you"ve missed a few meals growing up you"ll learn to eat almost anything cooked. Rabbit was the original fast food- a .22 rifle was a kitchen utensil for many people, squirrel and pigeon can be a supper treat. Chinese and French cooking have some interesting ingredients- cook it and cover with sauce for the upper class, just cook it some for the peasants and add pepper or some kind of greens with flavor. Some of the early redneck recipes from W Virginia have alternative to rabbit stew=possum, racoon, porcupine(had porky roast and leftovers stewed, tasty). Some relatives in military went through Ranger course- the term "snake eater" has a real background. Some relatives on Russian front and during occupation would eat anything they could dig or catch- don"t gripe at dinner table about food when couple uncles around. Rallies occasionally had a few of the older riders remember food in Russian POW camp- no complaints about biker stew pot. Cook it well done and close your eyes when on fork- enjoy. RN
Anyone,hurl over fish eggs (caviar)I saw my brother do it....I have no desire to even try it now..

Smelled them once.......... When I was a kid we ran trot lines and caught buttloads of catfish. Friend's brother would keep the egg sacks out of them and scramble them with eggs. Swore they were good, but I'll never know.

Used to dislike turnip/rutabaga, olives, dill pickles,fresh fish that wasn't battered and imagine this, beer.
Caught the chicken pox at age 33 and spent 3 days & nights alternating from high fever to the chills. Alternated from being just in my jockeys pouring rivers of sweat to curled under the quilts shivering.
Dr had prescribed some anti-viral meds and later said if he knew what I was doing. He would have hospitalized me.
After recovery my tastes and tolerances of food had changed.
Calves liver and onions, but I like chicken and goose liver. I do like the smell of calves liver, but can't get it past my mouth.
Grew up eatin' cheap cuts of meat and unidentified steaks and chops. Forced myself to eat a $40 steak rare to see what I was missing. Never again want any meat with a name or pedigree on it. Once was enough. Dave

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