Hello !!! what does everyone have planned for the day?

plow hand

Well-known Member
I"m going to do some domestic things today..and then slip out in the garage and work on my van 2nd time around for maintainence...230,000 miles.
Sit at the hospital while 17 year old daughter has ANOTHER test! She has had off and on stomach aches since before Christmas, and they cannot find anything wrong! Would be easier if they found something wrong. Greg
move snow, again

<a href="http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii215/garyindaup/?action=view&current=PICT0002-15.jpg" target="_blank">
PICT0002-15.jpg" border="0" alt="Christmas Day2008
What kind of van do you have? The wife's Caravan is still running good (188,500) but don't think the box frame will last another 2 years. Other than that, I'm spending time cleaning the cellar / wood shop to pre-empt a gripe from the wife!

Man! Spring can't come early enough for me
Chrysler Town &country.... plug wires looks like a light show at night.... have to check the water pump antifreeze on floor...shopping for tires...man have they gone up..trying toget another year out of it.. then maybe.. I can justify buying a new truck..
I have a 19 year old daughter that gives me stomach pains and grey hair. To answer the origonal question, I'll work till 3 and go home grab a bite to eat and head in for church tonight.
We"ll pray for your daughter. Has she ever seen a chrioprator ? I had headaches for 20 some years,and past several years stomach pains.doctor could find a answer.So last resort chrioprator, after one month pain has slow started to go away,5 months and stomach pain is amost not even their.This doctor uses a pro adjuster tool,instead of the old cracking way. It is worth a month of time to try, what to lose when trying? God luck god bless
Not sure what I'm gona do when I get out of school at 3:30. I think I mite go work on my tractor some since I got the parts yesterday.
Greg,my niece had the same problem...it turned out to be an allergy to wheat,wheat germ which is found in about everything she eats gluten free food good to go now....I wish you guys well...
Plow hand
Worked today with a enjoyable view from the third floor,outside on scaffold, at UMASS in Amherst,MA.Not bad sights every 2 hours when classes change.Beats TSC anytime.Better variety.

Spent a fair share of the day re-wiring lights in our old historic theater(built in 1883). I'll be at this job for another week or two at least. Going to have at it again tomorrow, then load straw on Friday. Who knows what I will do next week?
Daughter had a Hida Scan-tests the function of the gall bladder, today. She says it does not matter what she eats, or when she eats it, it will just about knock her over whenever it wants to. She has learned to ignore it as much as possible. I think she only missed 1 day of her senior year because of it! Won't know the results till next week, at least that is how these have usually played out. Thanx for the concern! Greg
Can't say I had any plans this morning, but I decied to go out and start to trim the much overgrown west fence row. Trees and scruff are an extra 10 ft. or so into the field.

Got a good portion of it done today, quit around 4:00. I'll have to go out again to finish what I could reach from the ground, then push it onto piles to burn. Still have to climb in the bucket on the loader to reach the higher branches that hang down. They're about 10' off the ground, but then they hang way down to several feet off the ground. Good for knocking out lights and scratching the tractor/operator.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Went from Dover Tn. to Salem Ill and picked up a nice little d 2 cat from Andy on here. Left at 6 am and was back eaating supper by 6;15 about a 450 mi turn in 12 hrs. And not tired at all, my have things changed in my 50 years of driving. Better roads, and lots better trucks, kinda an enjoyable day.
I'm not going with new anymore. There are to many mini vans out there that are only a few years old from rental companies. Tires, I get through a warehouse I always dealt with having a repair company, but Yeah they have gone up. Must be all that cheaper crude used in making em! I gotta change belts next, but I'll have the boys do that. My big ol ham hocks and forearms can't get in those tight places without leaving some skin behind. (and I grown quite attached to it!)

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