A reminder for us all: bad farm accident



This was forwarded down from our safety manager in South Carolina. He knows these folks personally. A reminder for us all to be careful. I'm guessing they were using a PTO driven auger. I doesn't take but a second for to lose limbs or life. Read below:


Dear Friends,

I was asked to forward this email and request prayer for them. I would
ask that you also forward it. The power of prayer can bring about great
things. Let's just pray that God will see fit to heal her broken body.

Please pray for Katie Parsons and her family. She is the 14 year old
daughter of James and Christine Parsons in Candor. Katie was in a very bad
farming accident Saturday evening. She was helping put in
fencing when her hair got caught in the PTO on the auger. When she reached
down to pull it out she got tangled up in it. She was air lifted from the
farm to Chapel Hill. After 10 hours of surgery her vitals are stable.
Doctors are very optimistic about her survival. However, she has some
loss. Katie was scalped and they could not save it. She has lost her right
ear and 3 fingers. They are trying to save her arm. This is a critical
time for blood flow to see what can be saved.

Her father is blaming himself heavily. The Parsons family has been in the
farming business for 100's of years. They have the produce stand on the
right as you come into Candor NC from Hwy. 211 East.

Jessica Harvell, Administrative Assistant
Albemarle Wesleyan Church
So lets here from these people who claim pto shields are a waste of time and money.
A farming family of 100+ years experience should know all the dangers and not require the use of safety equipment them sissy city farmers need.
How much is the medical care and the victim being crippled for her entire life going to cost? Makes a pto shield look economical.
Even a length of 4" dia corrugated plastic drain tile over the shaft would have been better than nothing.
My thoughts are with Katie at this time... B and D I agree with you I posted a topic on this... RFD TV had some guy getting interviewed.. There was a power unit running an irrigation pump full throttle not a guard anywhere wide open PTO shaft. Let me tell you there was a lot of guys that threw a lot of manure and mud at me telling me to mind my own business.

Best wishes for her recovery...

It could have been one of those typical accidents..the ones where every safety shield was in place, but her hair was let down and it got into the auger itself...

I am reminded of my brother-in -law combining and who was very careful without exception..but got out of the combine once and left the header running to check it..
A thread on his Carharts caught in a sprocket and before he knew it, he was standing there in his UNDERWEAR...
Farming has a reputation for being dangerous and we all know it..
Maybe we can apply to the Government for a Bail-out, to up-date safety on the Farm....??
Looks like they are throwing money at everything else..

So sorry to hear of her injuries..PTO-driven equipment in so necessary, but openly dangerous in many ways..
Do you suppose we should think about having a KILL Switch at the rear of the tractor, for emergency shut-down..???
Maybe an emergency shut-down wire strung the length of the PTO shaft that can be grabbed from any angle..??
Let's do something POSITIVE with this..OK.??

What a shame,by the way,something most folks dont think of,is one of the most common accidents on farms now is long hair getting hung in round balers.be extremely careful around them.they have our prayers
I was farming before PTO guards came on the scene
and we always had a healthy respect for them.Now with guards some seem to think its 'safe' to be right up next to PTO shafts which it isn't, each end can be dangerous around the joints which cannot be fully covered giving those around it a false sense of security.The ONLY safe way to get next to a PTO shaft is when its not turning
I have long hair. When working around the farm, I pull it back and put it in a single braid in back. This generally keeps it out of my face, from blocking my vision and away from "moving parts".

I've had one "near miss". James and I had been on a tractor ride around the farm on two of our JD A's. To shut the tractor down, we generally shut the gas off and let the tractor run out of gas. For this particular JD, it was easier to reach the valve from the opposite side away from the bowl. I had on a nylon jacket and as I leaned over to reach through and turn the gas valve off, my hair which was pulled back but not braided, slid over my shoulder and fell forward, just inches from the spinning clutch. My heart skipped a beat. I thanked our Lord that it did not get caught in the clutch.

I am much more careful about my hair now.
I'd worry about letting anyone with long hair around rotating machinery sheilds or not. It tends to get sucked past guards and screens.

I know in school the machinist made me tie my hair back or wear a hat or I wasn't allowed near the equipment. I didn't think too much about it until my wifes coworker scalped about 2x3" of herself with a 3/8 black and drill drill when her hair got in it.

Terrible thing to happen to the little girl. I will try to remember that when I or my family are working.
That's a good idea, but the problem is the length of time it takes a pto to stop spinning. Perhaps a break away gear with an emergency brake/stop mechanism?
(quoted from post at 09:45:14 02/12/09)
Maybe we can apply to the Government for a Bail-out, to up-date safety on the Farm....??
Looks like they are throwing money at everything else.

Farmers here are inspected periodically for insurance purposes. Ladders have to be approved, gaurds on PTO's. Doors (stalls, etc.) have to be approved, you have to have proper protective clothing IAW what you are doing. If you or someone gets hurt and wasn't wearing/using proper equipment, you get big problems with the insurance.

Joe, I didn't think we'd ever agree on something, but here we do. I have some machinery that is too old to have o.e. guards on it. I also know that if I need to adjust, fix, unplug, whatever, STOP the engine and wait for everything to come to a stop. It's too bad a young girl got hurt, and I hope she gets well soon, but like you say COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!
Joe, I didn't think we'd ever agree on something, but here we do. I have some machinery that is too old to have o.e. guards on it. I also know that if I need to adjust, fix, unplug, whatever, STOP the engine and wait for everything to come to a stop. It's too bad a young girl got hurt, and I hope she gets well soon, but like you say COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!
Ive farmed with my 3020 and 4020 for 40 years and never once had a PTO shield. Never had been hurt. I am very careful around them. Every farmer around here never had them either.
Dad had a neighbor years ago that got his pant leg caught in the pto. It was a 706 and just idling, and he waqs quick enough to grab the pto lever on the way down. Darn lucky guy. Also had a family friend a few years ago went out to finish combining the corn while her husband and kids did chores. They said she was always real safety consious, but qwhan she wasn't back by the time chores were done, they went looking for her. Found her wrapped up in the main drive belt. Never knew for sure what happened.
Thank You, that's what they asked for prayer not how it could have been avoided. I always heard hind site was 20 20 and its true. You can sit there at your computers and solve all the worlds problems by looking back and saying what they should have done.The truth is farming is dangerous and there is no way around it.
Joe,sorry to intrude have you heard of the name Neomia (knee -o-my-a) just curious what it stands for some guy at work named his kid that..
In my prayers. PTOs sure can, well enough said. Really sorry to hear it. God all mighty, that is very, very sad. In my prayers. That's very sad and my heart goes out. No more YT for me tonight.

I will hold Katie up in my prayers. I am glad to see by this letter that my church still understands and believes in the power of prayer. Its not all that common today.
Its about the children..... that may run into it when a parent turns there head for a split second.If adults are going to endanger themselves around moving parts you cant stop them anyway..thats their right....
Absolutely correct MN Joe.

I wonder about what kind of "lah lah land" or denial some people choose to live in. Is it because they are lazy, cheap, ignorant or don't wish to face their mortality?
They claim incidents are "accidents" or "acts of God".
Let's all learn from this again. This safety crap works.It's not when we're being "careful" that we need the protection.
when i was little we never had PTO shrouds on our stuff we had and still have a 71' 4320 and a 78' 8630 deere's and neither of em had sheileding exept for the 8630 because the main sheild was eisily movable to put the shaft on the 4320's wasnt so it was never on and we always steered clear of it when it was runnin and noone ever got hurt just be careful and teh shoud isnt needed plus without it the pto earns respect with it people think they can be careless
Go find some pto incident survivor or the surviving family members.
They will all tell you they should have fixed that pto shield.
What makes you so smart that you will never get caught but only other stupid people will.
I doubt you have never walked up to an abandoned but running tractor/pto and wonder where everybody is. Then notice some old rags, baler twine of something flapping around on the shaft.
As you get closer you realize something isn't right. Somebody must have run over a hog, calf or something with the tractor and left it there. Wait a minute, this isn't right, that's not the right shape for livestock. And livestock doesn't have clothing wrapped around it.
It then dawns on you. Those rags flapping around the shaft are clothing. Human skin, tendons, and guts. That smashed up gore on the ground is blood, fat, guts. A torn off/smashed off limb or two or three laying around.
It isn't any better either finding somebody staggering trying to carry their arm and stop the blood from the stump/socket.
Some of you people have no clue what so ever. It's horrible and it doesn't have to happen.
i ahvnt seen that but i did find a guy staggering along the side of a road missing his hand bleeding away so i took him to the hospital he said it was cause of the sheild he got cocky because he grabbed it once and it stopped so he figured it was safe then this time he went to go over the hitch and his hand got hooked he said if the sheild was gone in teh first place he would have walked around the front of the tractor instead of over the hitch
Read or own words and follow them through. They are not logical and don't make sense.
Besides anybody that grabs a spinning shaft is clueless.
Blaming a piece of safety equipment for an incident? Totally and utterly a fool in denial. Almost sounds like the people who tell you smoking won't hurt "them".

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