O.T. Economic Proposal

IA Roy

Well-known Member
"The Proposal"
When a company falls on difficult times, one of the things that seems to happen is they reduce their staff and workers.The remaining workers need to find ways to continue to do a good job or risk that their job would be eliminated as well. Wall street, and the media normally congratulate the CEO for making this type of "tough decision", and his board of directors gives him a big bonus.

Our government should not be immune from similar risks.

Therefore: . . . .Reduce the House of Representatives from the current 435 members to 218 members and Senate members from 100 to 50 (one per State).
Also reduce remaining staff by 25%.

Accomplish this over the next 8 years. (two steps / two elections) and of course this would require some redistricting.

Some Yearly Monetary Gains Include:

$44,108,400 for elimination of base pay for congress. (267 members X
$165,200pay/member per year.

$97,175,000 for elimination of the above people's staff. (estimate $1.3
Million in staff per each member of the House, and $3 Million in staff per each member of the Senate every year)

$240,294 for the reduction in remaining staff by 25%.

$7,500,000,000 reduction in pork barrel ear-marks each year. (those
members whose jobs are gone. Current estimates for total government pork earmarks are at 15 Billion per year).

The remaining representatives would need work smarter and would need to improve efficiencies. It might even be in their best interests to work together for the good of our country.

We may also expect that smaller committees might lead to a more efficient resolution of issues as well. It might even be easier to keep track of what your representative is doing.

Congress has more tools available to do their jobs than it had back in 1911 when the current number of representatives was established. (telephone, computers, cell phones to name a few).

Congress did not hesitate to head home when it was a holiday, when the nation needed a real fix to the economic problems. Also, we have 3 senators that have not been doing their jobs for the past 18+ months (on the campaign trail) and still they all have been accepting full pay. These facts alone support a reduction in senators & congress.

Summary of opportunity:

$ 44,108,400 reduction of congress members.

$282,100,000 for elimination of the reduced house member staff.

$150,000,000 for elimination of R educed senate member staff.

$59,675,000 for 25% reduction of staff for remaining house members.

$37,500,000 for 25% reduction of staff for remaining senate members.

$7,500,000,000 reduction in pork added to bills by the reduction of
congress members .

$8,073,383,400 per year, estimated total savings. (that's 8-BILLION just to start!)

Big business does these types of cuts all the time.

If Congresspersons were required to serve 20, 25 or 30 years (like
everyone else) in order to collect retirement benefits there is no telling how much we would save.Now they get full retirement after serving only ONE term!

Greg Yost
Right-of-Way Supervisor
Texas Independence Pipeline
Send your proposal to as many "media outlets" as you can. A few come to mind: Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Steve Malsberg, O'Reilly, etc.
I'd ask my Rep. and Senator to vote in favor of this! Maybe add that if they want to run for Pres., they have to resign from congress.
Tell Me if I’m wrong. I need truth in order to operate effectively. The Bible says truth will make you free. I think with proper evidence I will know the truth when I see it.

So far as I can see from the evidence:

1. In the beginning the primary reason for Subsidies and Government Stimulus is to garner votes for one or more Politicians. This includes Tax exemptions and rebates for the sake of discussion.
• This evidence should be apparent.

2. Subsidies and Stimulus and tax exemptions are never carried out judiciously. They never solve the problem as intended. They distort free enterprise and wealth.
• I was raised on a peanut farm, back in the 30s, There was government support on peanuts. When I went in the lunch room at school, there was always big bowls of peanut butter on all the tables. That was the beginning of free school lunch. I have never understood why we needed all of those peanuts. The next step was to limit the number of acres a farmer could plant. If there was too many why didn’t the government stop price support.
I know a dairy farmer who a few years ago was struggling to make a living. Some politician decided the way to reduce the amount of money for milk support was to buy the cows. Why couldn’t we stop the support and let the price of milk go up. The WHY brings up another issue. Anyway this guy who was working hard to barely make a living sold his cows, with government support, for over a million dollars. Part of the government deal, he couldn’t open another dairy, some investor from California bought it and is milking cows there today and the price support hasn’t stopped.

3. These things are never stopped because it would hurt those involved, who budgeted for planned for, bought equipment for etc. More importantly it would be suicide to any politician that voted to stop them.

3. Why couldn’t we have an Income tax that taxes everyone at the same rate? Why do we exempt some people from paying sales tax? Failure to do so simply creates fraud and unfairness. I got a neighbor whose only property is a house and lot, doesn’t even have a garden. The only animal he owns is a dog yet he drives a pickup with farm tags on it. That is very common.

4. Can anybody tell me how we got here and more important how are we going to get out. If we can’t we will soon loose our freedom. Evidence -History
I've though of this for years. You could reduce it further, combine all the itty bitty states, R.I., N.H., etc. into one district w/ one Senator.
Unless the laws changed on pork it would continue w/ one Senator getting richer.
Most of pork could be eliminated by dishing out funds, like highway funds, based on need, quantity of roads, population.
I'm not sure if I'd want LESS representation.

Hitler probably felt that he was the ONE representative for ALL the German people.

The problem, of course: Am I being represented properly to begin with???
The problem isn't that we have too many in Congress, the problem is that the Congress has assumed powers that are not granted to it by the Constitution. The Constitution severely limits what the Federal goverment can do. It doesn't matter if it's a good idea, for example, to use Federal money to build schools, that power hasn't been given to the Federal government, and is instead retained by the States, or the People.
you all can fix it by never vote for the incumbent no matter what. get them out and see what the next do if they see a pattern of 1 term only maybe they will think better and dig into us less or they will just flat out steal all they can every second.
we are screwed no matter what.
I don't agree with reducing the House of Reps. Fewer reps would result in even more power for the few really large states and the large metropolitan areas.

Iowa has closed the "Farm Tag" loophole on pickups. Starting in 2007, you must be actively engaged in farming to keep the low registration fees on license plates.
I agree on the tax thing. They want to go to county and municipal income tax here. I say ok eliminate ALL property tax and tax everybody at a lower rate than current property tax. That would bring in more $$$ and not double tax those who are responsible enough to get an education, get a job that enables one to pay a mortgage, and be responsible with credit so as to qualify for a mortgage.
No, it ended when FDR threatened to "pack the court" over the <s>Raw</s> New Deal. The Supreme Court gave in and let him do whatever he wanted. The Supreme Court, up until then, had regularly stricken down laws that violated the limitations on powers enumerated in the Constitution.
Or take the 850,000,000,000 divided by the US census figure of 303,824,640 gives $2,797.67 for each and every person in the USA. unless my calculator overloaded ?
sorry that would be like playing first team first half and then bringing second squad last half even tho you were behind you have to have some experience and some jobs can,t be done in a short time
Nuh, nuh, nuh, NOOOOO!! When those politicans are ousted they keep getting their __FULL__ pay! Different set of rules than the real world.
Fire them all except Coburn and Paul.. The next batch gets 2 year terms. And they do not set their own pay and benefits. Whatever happened to'By the people, for the people, and of the people' Wayne
I guess you never heard of "No taxation without Representation" ??

Hell, le'ts just eliminate Congress and the Supreme Court completely and make the Presidency a dictatorship! That'd cut even MORE government salaries!

Absurd bulls#it, you say? Well, you started it!
Isn't it the nnalert solution to double or triple the number of people on the government payroll and then give them all a raise? This puts more people to work with more money to spend to stimulate the economy. Maybe we could really spend ourselves into prosperity if the government hired all the jobless and gave them all a title, paycheck, benefits and an early retirement package. Think of all the stimulating that would do for us. Then the bright thinkers would decide these people don't have to show up for work because that would save on gas, wear and tear on our roads and bridges and save us from greenhouse gases spewing from our cars. Now they have saved the jobless and the environment. Can't wait for them to tackle health care.
And nnalert fiscal policy is to keep cutting taxes--that is, the government's income--and stil spend as if the money they cut was still there. Neither the nnalert or the nnalert understand the concept of living within their means...so let's kick 'em all out and try somebody else, because neither of the two parties we now have are worth a s#it.

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