Up-date on Australian Fires


Heartfelt thanks for your concern. Have taken some time out in my lunch break to post an up-date. It"s not good news. From todays papers: The death toll stands at 181 with 80 people still missing. Over 900 homes have been distroyed, and several towns burnt out. Many children have been orphaned or lost a parent. Over 5000 people have lost or fled their homes. Fire fighters are still battling fires and at least two towns are still under threat. Police suspect that four of the fires may have been deliberatly lit, a 100 member police task force has been formed to investigate. They have identified a suspect and are searching for him. Donations are pouring in: over $55 million raised over the last two days. About $34 million has come from indivduals (including some victims of recent flooding in north Queensland). The U.S. President has sent a mesage of sympathy. We thank you.
Folks are up in arms here because they have not had power for two weeks now. What we had here with the ice storm in no way compares with what yall have on your hands. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

Only 33 found dead here so far from the ice storm.

tlak KY- I don't think I would compare our ice storms to Austrialia's fires, but I would not down play the hardships or loss of life as only 33. Some people may be well with power and water and a hot bath, but to date this hasn't happen storm area wide.
Don't worry, we're sending FEMA....anyday now....

Hope things turn better for you. A lot of people hurting down there.
Thats what I meant when I said what we have here in no way compares with what's go'n on there. We have alot of folks upset, but we have only lost 33 so far, my heart goes out to those down under who are in the fire's path.

Our pryers go out to you and yours. Thanks for the updates. We do not get to much news about it here. maybe just a 5 sec blurb on TV is all we get.
This is a story that should get alot more coverage than it does. Complete devistation from what I hear.
Any info you can give to help keep us updated would be appreciated.
I hope things get better in OZ quick! A lot of good folks have been through pure he77. People just don't realize how bad things are when you lose everything completly. Something as simple as an air mattress, a blanket and something to eat, become the best things in the world if you have nothing. We are having a another flood situation here locally in western Indiana and I have friends in the river vally area, I am going to help them get stuff out on the morning. At least we have a days advance warning to move things out. Some of those folks down under died just trying to out run the flames and were found burned up in wrecked cars or cars that were overtaken by the fire. I am not even going to get in to what should be done with the arsonists. Not my call. Red Cross here did very little to help people last June in the floods here but were taking in huge donations. Oh boy, they gave people a bucket, a mop and a gallon of bleach and $200 and made them jump hoops to get those things. Whoooptie doo! I guess they were supposed to use the mop as a pillow. Salvation Army was wonderful! They really helped a lot of people that really needed it and asked for no hoops to jump. One of my friends even told them what they did was good enough and to let someone else have some of the help they offered him. He knew there was a lot more people who needed it worse than him, even though his house was a total mess, he would make do. It ment a lot to him that they went that extra mile to make sure he could acually have something to sleep on that wasn't soaked in river mud. Is there an organization in Austrailia like the Salvation Army, If so, I want to help!

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