Took the mower off my tractor.


Well-known Member
What freedom!!!!!!! No more stretching and acrobatics to hold the mower out of the way in tight spots. Procrastinated on it for a couple of years and it only took 10 minutes to remove it. Go figure. Got me to thinkig about what motivates people to do things and got to thinking that maybe the messiah would have helped the New Orleans drama out a few years ago. Think about it......

how can 2 million folks get into Washington DC in sub zero temps in 1 day when 200,000 couldn't get out of New Orleans at 85 degrees with four days notice.

YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe I'll start cleaning and painting my tractor when the weather breaks cause I's motivated now.........

It does make ya think, All those types of people that went to DC to watch the 1/2 breed get sworn in, I am really ticked that it wasnt -20f with -50 windchill in DC.
(quoted from post at 19:40:19 02/01/09) Does the weather affect your Klan meeting attendance?

:x Oh for crying out loud! Here we go AGAIN! Can't we just get beyond all of this hate and malcontent? :shock: It gives me rubus of the gastric mucosa and I become MOST unpleasant! :roll: Now, KNOCK IT OFF!!! :roll:
Dave 8)
Not a word about Angela Merkel, probably throw you out.

Wearing your tinted glasses and in your haste to throw sh$$ at your new PRESIDENT, you could not see the obvious. Bush was President at that time of New Orleans, or so the rumour goes.
I even sent the duds an E-mail ,castigating them for leaving the bodies of their fellow Americans to decay on the streets, NOT a good look on foreigh Tv. Would not be hard to have a few burial details..That is apparently what you condone with your support of BUSH.
Instead of sending a E-mail maybe you should have went down there and showed everybody how it should have been handled .
(quoted from post at 18:09:49 02/01/09) Not a word about Angela Merkel, probably throw you out.

Who rattled your cage again??????????? You may be an alright guy, but, for the life of me, I can't see what you folks in the Lower UK (same for the ones in far west france) think you have the right, need, or whatever you want to call it to comment on our country on any topic concerning how it is ran.

Wasn't there a nnalert governor down in LA back then that had absolutely no preparations for the possibility that a hurricane might come through one day? Wasn't it a nnalert governor that stood around clueless only throwing rocks at the President because that's all she knew how to do? Don't they now have a nnalert governor who actually does more than collect a salary now?
It's not the federal government's job to provide total protection against acts of nature.
Yup, sounds like the Postville Iowa protest. The left brought in professional protesters (winos from the streets of Chicago) from Chicago to protest the round up, capture, and deportation of a bunch of illegal aliens by the INS. It was along the lines of 5 to 1 protesters against sending illegals back home. I wanted to go to stand up for removing the illegals, but I had to work that day...
Their never was a plan to evacuate anyone before Katrina; no matter who was governor; mayor; even though everyone warned the flooding would happen one day.

The cost was to high and still is to high to run every time someone says a storm is headed our way.
No city; state can afford things like this over the long term.

If you want to comment on what a governor; mayor did or did not do in the past you need the facts; not what you heard on T.V.
Like the Governer of New Orleanes said, and I quote"We knew we had a problem, and mother nature took care of it for us"
(quoted from post at 23:56:20 02/01/09)
(quoted from post at 18:09:49 02/01/09) Not a word about Angela Merkel, probably throw you out.

Who rattled your cage again??????????? You may be an alright guy, but, for the life of me, I can't see what you folks in the Lower UK (same for the ones in far west france) think you have the right, need, or whatever you want to call it to comment on our country on any topic concerning how it is ran.

Dave 2 I bet you wouldn't jump on Bendee if he had said what you wanted to hear.
Don of th USA and paying ALL my taxes.

Just plain out bad manners for anyone that doesn't belong to the country to comment on the way it's ran or who runs it. And yes, even if he'd been badmouthing yomamaobama, I'd have jumped in too. Just not something you do.
Not sure if you meant your tax comment as a jab, but we'll just chalk it up to ignorance.

(quoted from post at 14:16:20 02/02/09)
Just plain out bad manners for anyone that doesn't belong to the country to comment on the way it's ran or who runs it. And yes, even if he'd been badmouthing yomamaobama, I'd have jumped in too. Just not something you do.
Not sure if you meant your tax comment as a jab, but we'll just chalk it up to ignorance.

It means that since I love this country so much there is NO way I'd live eslewhere. I've seen seventeen countrys when I was in the Navy and NONE made me even consider living anywhere else. You don't see it like that I suppose. NOW is that clear enough. Should be, it's printed, not written in longhand.

Got it! You must have typed it a little slower that time. You's such a nice guy to accomodate my ignorance.........

Thanks Bro,


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