OT/did old mean it?


Well-known Member
There was a post from old a few days ago that just said BYE. Somebody said they didn't think it was him,that the ip address was wrong,but I haven't seen anything from him since. It's usually late February to March before things get so over the top bitter hatred on here and I've had all I can take,but I've been looking for things to keep me occupied elsewhere as much as I can already. I HOPE old didn't mean it,but he hasn't posted on any of the other forums either. I know Dads88 left almost 2 years ago and never came back. Darned shame when things come to that. I guess kids have nothing better to do in Jr High School anymore than to sit in the library and hassle adults online.
He best come back, I personaly did a small deal with him, and he was a honorable man when he would not have to have been.

We have experiance the rich kid on the play ground kicking the smaller kid for recreational purposes only. They grow up to be the trouble makers in college and then in adulthood they keep up the pace. Some folks are just that way regardless, and ya have to wonder if they are unaware of their stupidity, or just never learned any better.

As you all know I'm as full of it as anyone that walked the streets, and grew up on teasing, pranks, and joking around. But being mean to some one else is just wrong.

I am unaware of anything that would have set Old away, and refuse to check it out. Maybe he will come around and visit us later on.

Hopefully NE IA
Old was always doing his best to be helpful, and we all lose when we lose someone like him.
I hope it isn"t anything like health or economic conditions; personally, I miss his comments, and hope everything"s OK on his end.
I have been e mailing Rich, and while we didn't discuss the particulars of who said what, he did indicate that he was just gonna lay low for a while. I think if we clean up our act he will come back. We need him. Anyway, I know where he lives, and if he don't come back I'll have to go down there an flop knots on his head!

I have entered into some of the political discussions and while I am pretty outspoken, I can listen to someone who I think is 100% wrong, and stupid for believing what they believe, but I recognize their right to think this way and would never call them names or insult them.

We just need to be nicer. I think it is hard when we are working in print, and not face to face. Also the anonymity that computers offer, lets bullies and mean people sorta feel like they are "hiding" and don't have to be nice.

Lets just be nice and talk about tractors.

I agree with GeneMO, this site could be cleaned up some. Very good informational and educational site but some of us get carried away sometimes (not me!!lol). I like Old,s comments and answers but I think some of the comments made to him and others have nothing to do with the subject. Hey Old. Come back when you want but come back! Len
Right on Gene !! I know some people that don't respect the rights of others having different opinions. I believe this is what makes the world go round.

If all thought the same there would be no conversation.
Been thinking about the old thing, and the thing that sticks out in my mind, I don't recall any time that he was less than polite to everyone. We had a discussion on what he called a paticular tractor he owned, and he was not convinced at first, but when I place a few facts, he was very open minded about the issue.

He is the type we need here, as he has the bumps on the head, scraped knuckles, and blood blisters to show he has some experiance, and not book learned as they say. I would assume he has a few gray hairs on his OLD head from trying to figure some things out.

I'm pretty melow for the most part. I was married to a gal with seven brothers and sisters, and never once was all family members present at the table. There was always one that was evil, and the rotation was handed around. I was never in the spot lite fortunatly. That all started fourty years ago, Father in law passed away, also one eighteen year old grandson of his he never got to hold or see . Seems no one won, the attorneys got alot of money, the cops office was busy. But as of today I see no winner of any sort, even using my imagination.

Second wifes family screamed all the time, scared the crapola out of me at first, but I guess no one even realized they were screaming at each other. Ourside the family every single one of them were extreemly quiet and reserved, never heard them speak hardly even when spoken to.

So where I'm going with this, is that maybe some of the real know it all jerks on this board, may indeed be real nice in person.
Ya,I'm not above responding to posts that shouldn't be here myself. But I try to make a point in a level headed of a way as I can. Seems like by early spring,nerves are so much on edge around here that even a "best guess" response to a real tractor question will get your head bitten off some days. I know I've been called a know it all and asked in a sarcastic way why I didn't answer a question if I was so smart instead of asking more questions or suggesting that they post on a brand specific forum for more help.

By the way,the Jr High remark in the original post,I didn't mean you Lanse. I might have a year ago,but you've turned into a mature young man and are a pleasure to have around.

It seems all internet forums now have the same problem with wisea@@s.

Discussion forums are like antique flea markets to me. They're all fun to visit and participate in, you learn things, but also have to filter out the junk (nasty comments).

Deciding when to interact and with whom..... and not take it all too seriously certainly helps.

Be a real shame if he didn't return though, just like David from Wales. Now where'd he go ?? Got fed up too, I imagine.
I guess I haven"t been around much for the last 6 months. Don"t know what happened with OLD but sometimes we can get a little to caught up in this internetz stuff.

BTW I am not mad at any of you guys I just have been having some other stuff going on in my life lately. I am hoping it will be good in the long run but it has been a bit of a battle lately.
Well, I do not know if old left for good or not. Is there a proper etiquette for leaving "Tractor Talk?" That might be one issue here. If we're honest with ourselves, we know why we're here & also why we might leave, right?
(as well as how we might leave). If old really has left, I don't have a problem with HOW he left; old is who he is & what could I do about it anyway? If you see this, old, I enjoyed reading what you wrote, or 97% of it:)
Everyone acts like it's one sided.... This is just an observation and not intended to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone mad but if all of us would be honest and look at ourselves and each other with an open mind, everyone might get along a little better.

1) Stop being so thin skinned, there are more important things in life than dwelling on the fact that someone may not except your opinion as gospel. Life goes on.

2) Everybody knows the rules regarding OT posts, etc. If you don't like a post, don't read it. Quoting the rules and reminding people what kind of a forum this is is only repeating something everyone knows anyway and makes you look like an idiot. You now have two idiots butting heads on a post inviting other idiots to join in.

3) Nobody cares how educated or uneducated, takes everyone to make the world balance out. What I care about is whether you can help me solve a problem or if I can help you solve one. Red's positive and black is negative whether you have a second grade education or are an electrical engineer. They still hook up the same whether your Catholic, Baptist, methodist, or athiest. Stop trying to impress each other.

4) Too many people treat these forums like the potbellied stove in the feed store or the barbershop bench. Get off the bench, this is the world wide web and not the bubba network. Too many times people have started a thread only to have someone answer or attempt to answer and the thread being hijacked because someone else wants to have a personal conversation. Except the fact that there are people from all over the States and world on here and not all personalities and opinions are going to match. Life goes on, move with it.

5) Something that would weed out a lot of cowards and punks that post anonymously and spammers, would be to make it mandatory for all users to to register, be approved by the administrator (?) and fill out a profile. Only 1 user name per IP address (unless a family member is using the same computer and fills out a profile themselves).

Stop wearing our hearts on our sleeve.

several people have moved over to the forum based in Nebraska including those mentioned in this post.
I think he did.

When I first started frequenting this site it was a much friendlier place. In the past couple years it has rapidly grown worse. There is a small group of folks who continue to ignore Kim's posting guidelines, and when called on it get downright nasty. I know the internet gives people the anonymity they need to speak their mind. I am quite certian they end up saying things they would be to afraid to say face to face.

Someone suggested that making us register to post with our real names would help. I agree. Barring that, the site needs to reign in those who consistantly ignore the posting rules, or I fear the site will continue it's rapid decline.
Been a tougher winter than the last few, so I suppose the craziness starts a little early. :)

Myself, I had a few times a year or 2 ago that I just needed to lay low for a while, & not get in anyone's way. As much for myself, as for what anyone else was saying. Kinda nice to have a break once in a while.

Another thing is what is going on at home? We only show what we want to show around here. Sometimes there is a lot going on at home & we come here to escape - but the things at home come along with us.

In the past decade I've lost my mom, dad, sister - all with long lingering miserable deals; brother in law went through cancer, father in law as well, got some estate situations simmering along, and hey - once in a while the wife & I just don't see eye to eye. You all know how that goes.

I can get a little cranky for no reason, and join in or create a fray......

Good to take a little time off & regroup. Another forum I am on, I just stopped posting for 3-4 months, kinda was wore out. Was refreshing not have myself logged on, so I couldn't post a message real quick - just read what others said. Started enjoying things there again, & back at it.

Probably should do that here too, and give you all a rest from my babble. :)

Catch you around, Old. ;)

I have posted on here and been flamed, but take the bad with the good. Most times the advice is good, even if sometimes there is a difference of opinion. I hate to admit I didn't notice OLD not posting anymore, as I'm not on as much as during farming season when I need advice. DOUG
Olds really cool, kinda like an all knowing grandpa that i can ask whatever tractor question to and get a straight foward answer from. I like old, we need him around here.

This winters gonna be an interesting one, especially once people start getting too tired of snow and plowing pics stop showing up since its now a chore, and people start going for each others throats. Its gonna be interesting.

The nice thing about youtube i can just block people and not have to deal with them.
Ya,you know,it's kind of like the coffee shop. You've got the usual bunch of friendly folks who come in and set at the big table,wait to see what everybody's talking about before they join the conversation. Maybe come in to see where the fire was last night or when somebodys funeral is. Tell a good joke,listen to a few. Have a cup of coffee or a burger if it's noon. Just want the comradery. Then you've got a couple of old coots who sit there looking like they're sucking on a lemon,just waiting for the chance to land one good political zinger,and they're going to get it in there before everybody leaves even if they have to do it when everybody's getting up. Of course you have some filthy minded individual who has to try to make a double meaning out of everything and make it a joke about s*x. Most of the malcontents get tired of the dirty looks or of being ignored,and eventually stop coming around or they learn some manners and clean up their act. Trouble is,just like in olds case,they drive some nice guy away before they change their act or find someplace else to hang out.
8 years for me , and at least once a year he throws a pity party for his self to see if anybody loves him. There is a lot I could add but "old" he ain't, that is only a handle.
(quoted from post at 15:22:58 01/24/09) 8 years for me , and at least once a year he throws a pity party for his self to see if anybody loves him. There is a lot I could add but "old" he ain't, that is only a handle.

Someone needs a little sensitivity training..... :roll:
Old is good guy. He will try to help you out if you have a problem. I think he's getting sick of people questioning why he gets disability and can have tractors. Just cause you have a disability doesn't mean you have to sit around doing nothing. If he deserves to get some disabilty benefits, he shouldn't have to justify it to anyone. I commend him for trying to do as much as he can by himself. Tractors are good therapy, aren't they? Dave
gene, you can catch old over on the cowboard. howard runs a tight ship over there, you have to register with him to post on his board, and if you get out of line, yer done. i agree with you 100 % gene. really ticks me when somebody flames a guy for a legitimate post. no reason for it. yup yt has some trolls sneeking in, and kim does her best to pick em out. i was taught the only dumb question was the one that didnt get asked. i like reading the o/t posts also, lot of really good information there, not necessarily related to tractors,but part of life in general. gotta treat people the way you want to be treated.

:) Well, I'm sorta new here, but I do have a couple of thoughts! :shock: I guess that one question I have is Why aren't the "OT" topics posted on "Tractor Tales" instead of "Tractor Talk" Isn't that what that forum is for? :roll: Why don't people have to log in to post? It seems to me that doing that would weed out some of the garbage. :eek:
Dave 8)
We don't want the talers board to get clogged up.It has no archives and only has 4 pages.As they say it goes in the manure spreader after that.It is usually just banter not anything in particular.
You are rite Richard H.,,, this stunt is just for affection,,, some play rite into his hands,,, for the record don't miss'em myself

He use to brag that folks charged to much for their work and how he did the same work for haft price and that should B what a working man should charge,,, I spec if I had a government guarantee I could charge less also,,, I am a working US tax payer it don't set rite with me when you double dip and brag about it then tell me I charge to much for my time,,, I backed him into a corner one time 3 are 4 years ago about this and he pulled the same stunt,,, BYE how childshin can one git...
I started a tease and a couple of others picked up on it when he used the spelling "wench" instead of winch. If that hurt him, I will apologize if I could talk to him on the phone. It was back on the 19th on Tool Talk. Leonard who has benefitted from his advice.
OLD... is a top guy. I know him very well for he lives but a short ways from me. Have done tractor dealing with him and was very happy when done. He also has worked on my tractor and saved me hundreds of dollars to.
He is disabled and has to do the work on a tractor very carefully. I myself have helped him do some tractor work cause he can not do some things.
It's funny how certain people can be negative on here about someone when they don't face them in the real world!
As for being disabled. One can have things wrong with them so they can not work 8 hr jobs and have to lay or set down at times. Does not mean they are laying in a bed and can't get up. "GET REAL !"
I send OLD an e-mail got an answer back he said he was fed up with Y/T after 9 years. he also put BYE at end of his message to me, and through the years we have e-mailed quiet a bit.
Well if anyone has a beef with him being disabled, he showed me the scar going half the length of his spine. You dont get an operation like that for the fun of it.

He is not happy about his back problems. Back pain is no fun.

Guess he can hang out with all the other know it alls then. I see hes whining over there with the rest of the whiners.
it is because of comments like yours that good people leave the forum. no whiners, no know it alls and no ill manners over there. i dont hide behind an anonomous post and try and ridicule someone. i visit this site to talk tractors, tools, and anything else, whether directly or in directly related to farm life. do you contribute to this site, or just attempt to stir up trouble?
Give Him a Land Line call, Tell Him that WE ALL get a little (or alot)Irritated sometimes, But I enjoyed His Posts,....Understandably I'm SURE The Guy doesn't feel good some Days! Larry KF4LKU

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