tractor show


New User
I"m organizing a tractor show for a 175 year celebration in 2010/ first question is /what class"s should tractors be divided into /2nd question is / what incentives need be offered as prizes to get tractor owners to bring their iron for exhibition/ will be a parade and 2 day show
Thanks in advance for any replys
Here's my $0.02...

Don't do classes... Don't judge...

Just invite people to bring their toys, have some participation plaques made and pass them out, and just let them gather and have a good time. Shows and parades are much more fun when you don't have to worry about who gets what trophy. When you get into judging and so on, it turns into a battle of the deepest pockets.

If you want to DO something during the show, have some contests like wagon backing, egg cracking, or a crank up contest. Ribbons to the winners.
When we go to a tractor show we like to see old machines not new ones they are plentyful at the plowing matches.Ribbons will do for prizes no expensive hardware necessary.Plenty of food most necessary people love country food. Also if possible a country band to play country music.Farm machinery a hit and demonstrations will woo the crowd. Thanks let us know where this is going to be held.
No classes, no judjing. if you want a bit more something for oldest, farthest brought in, things like that.

I'd agree with the suggestions not to do classes/prizes on appearance.

Depends on where you're at as to the mix between old/new. I run a small tractor show (small only in the sense we haven't figured out how to get more tractor owners involved) just north of Atlanta as part of activites at the railway museum where I volunteer. We've got a metropolitan visitor base where a lot of folks haven't seen tractors or trains so we can invite the dealers to bring new stuff and our visitors get just as much of a kick out of it.

Having a hay ride is a big hit as well.

Forgot to add blindfolded driver. Fun to watch, especially if you get teen age girls that don't know right from left to give directions to the driver. Chris
When GM did its 100 year parade in Flint, MI this year they lined up the cars by year. Kind of cool to watch them go by starting with a "horseless carriage" all the way to 2009"s.

maybe you could get one of each year parked, then before tractor years, start with the horse-drawn equipment.


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