OT soda crackers

Who eats thier soda biscuits properly whole and held in your fingers?
Instead of ruining the soup and crackers by breaking the crackers into the soup and stirring up a soggy mess?
Yep,I remember that. When we started getting them like they come now,I thought they were resturant crackers. Geez,who'd ever heard of singles?
just sittin here havin sode crackers with a splash of potted meat on each.Yep I remember them bigger ones that you had to crack down to the smaller but haven't seen them in years.
Never heard tell of Spam, Kam etc being called "potted meat".

Armour Star: Mechanically separated chicken, beef tripe, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, beef hearts, water, partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue, salt, and less than 2 percent: mustard, natural flavorings, dried garlic, dextrose, sodium erythorbate, and sodium nitrite.
Hormel: Beef tripe, mechanically separated chicken, beef hearts, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, meat broth, vinegar, salt, flavoring, sugar, and sodium nitrite.
Libby's: Mechanically separated chicken, pork skin, partially defatted cooked pork fatty tissue, partially defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, vinegar, less than 2% of: salt, spices, sugar, flavorings, sodium erythorbate and sodium nitrate.
It's essentially the same product, except in a less solid form; about the consistency of mayonaise. Falls into the redneck-food category along with liver cheese, possum innards, etc.

<a href="http://s261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/thurlow8/?action=view&current=pottedmeat.jpg" target="_blank">
pottedmeat.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
Didn't think to take a picture of the backside 'til I had posted the other'n.........

<a href="http://s261.photobucket.com/albums/ii44/thurlow8/?action=view&current=pottedmeat001.jpg" target="_blank">
pottedmeat001.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
I'll stick with a slice of Black Forrest ham. Or some home made stinky summer sausage made from venison etc. Both actually contain real meat.
Hey there:
Do you remember when you first saw a "bread slicing machine"?? Or smelling fresh ground coffee, not in a can?? Whole hams hanging
in the delicatessen, along with, dried salted cod,and all the different cheeses,(espiecally limburger)!! The "aroma" in those places, made my mouth water, darn am I that OLD, 76 1/29/33.
God Bless
Boy B&D, you had a can of each to read the labels on... ew...

My wife bought some of that stuff one day. She thought it was a tasty snack from her childhood (which wasn't that long ago). I told her what was in it and she about barfed.
Do you do anything except slice summer sausage and eat?

Looking for recipe so I can disguise and eat gift sausage.
That there is exactly what I was enjoyin. Spam is more of a lunch meat in a bigger can and you have it cut it into slices. Spam mighty good eatin and is a big thing for breakfast over in Hawaii. Mighty good lookin pen you got there. Did you make that?
Don't forget the water packed wiennies and the can opener on the outside of your Bass Boat...ohfred
Yeauh, I did, thanks; got to turning them a couple of years ago and take it by spells. I may turn a couple of dozen and then not do any for a couple of months. SWMBO is bad about gathering them up and giving to people she works with. It was the closest thing on the desk to help define the size of the can............
Who could afford soda crackers?

How many remember going to a dairy to buy their milk in recycled banged up glass bottles. The top was sealed using a paper plug with a pull tab on one side. Once got a bottle with a big ball of hair in the bottom but didn't find it until the bottle was almost empty.
And I also remember going to the store and bananas would be hanging on a stalk from the ceiling. Even remember beans, rice, sugar and potatoes being in bulk and being weighed. Live chickens sold too. Fischer's Market in Cape Girardeau, Missouri would butcher you a chicken while you waited. Also sold blood sausage.

I had a childhood friend who used so many crackers in his soup, he dumped it onto a plate like stew.

Dice up some summer sausage and brown it in a skillet. Remove and set aside. Mix two or three egs with a little milk in a bowl and mix with a fork. Dump the eggs in a skillet and when the bottom starts to solidify add the sausage and some diced cheese. Finish off for a few minutes in the oven. Pretty good groceries.

Larry in Michigan
Yep, and I also remember the big sticks of bologna that was sold by the slice. The old man that hand-sliced the bologna with a butcher knife had a grocery store up front and a funeral home in the back. He was also the embalming person. I don't know how good he was at his embalming, but he sure was an expert at slicing the bologna!

Have any of you guys ever seen the two businesses in the same building like that?
when i came home from army in WW II, my Mother had a big plate of SPAM( SHUDDER) set out for dinner!
After eating that garbage meat for several years, i made a vow to never, ever, let it past my tongue and teeth, even if i was starving!
And, i have never eaten it since! Even reading of some folks who say they really like it makes me gag!
If your hungry? You will eat anything that is food for the body. Poor times is poor times.
I remember for school lunch every dang day. Cheese on two bread with may-o and one little pint of milk the school give for 2 cents.
Swore I would never ever eat that junk when I grew up. But life is funny sometime. For once in a while I get to wanting a cheese and may-0 on bread with milk. The cheese and may-o was goverment stuff given to the poor. "US"
Funny what sticks in your mind isn't it? I remember when Fritos first came along & another memory was putting butter on a slice of white bread, putting sugar on that & you thought you had a good treat.
If you really work for a living, a can of Spam left on the dashbord of your truck in the morning amkes a mity fine lunch at noon. Nice and hot, with a copule of slices of rat cheese and some saltines. Work is the greatest appetizer there is...........except for hunger.

Poor folks have poor ways...............
I don't remember it, but I think my dad told of crackers being shipped by the barrel when he was a youngster. He was born in 1884.

I was watching the tv show "tougher in Alaska" a native village there had their supplies deliverd by boat - a whole pallet of spam was a big deal to them.
ARMOR potted Meat

Armour Star: Mechanically Separated Chicken Beef tripe Water Salt Contains 2% or less of Mustard Natural Flavors Garlic Powder Vinegar Dextrose sodium erythorbate Sodium nitrite
Sure didn't see many potato chips as a kid. Poor poultry farmers ate what they had and I ate so much chicken I still can't stand the stuff. Mom charged $.25 to kill and dress a chicken. Dad finally convinced her that was too cheap and she raised the price to $.35. Lots of memories there, some good and some not so good.
I was a kid when the modern day bread slicers came along in our family bakery in Akron, Ohio. I can remember sll the things most people talk abput. Grew up on a farm, used horses until 1941 when we got our first tractor. Frozen milk with creamcicles sticking up out of the bottles, outside iceboxes the iceman delivered ice twice a day, privies, and model T cars and trucks. Ah yea I am also 76. soon to be 77, Henry
I think Spam has pork shoulder and some other cuts in it. I can't recall all the ingredients, but it has higher quality meats than "potted meat".
I know all about eating poor food. I was poor along time.

Soda crackers with margarine( butter cost to much)

My specialty was macaroni. For some reason we always had huge boxes of macaroni around.
Not much else.
Start off with Macaroni and cheese. Yum
then after the cheese was gone.
Macaroni and milke w/ sugar
macaroni with just sprinkled sugar.
Macaroni with any kind of spagetie sauce.
Tomato soup when out of sauce.
Then just plain macaroni

We also used to always have huge jars of sliced pickles.

Many time plain macaroni with a side O pickles.
You eat what ya got.
My Grandfather (born 1884) would pour a big glass of fresh warm milk he had just hand pulled from his cow, and break up about 8 crackers into it. Sprinkle a little sugar on top. OH Yeah, GOOD eating!
I remember the cats would come into the barn when he was milking. He had a stool made from a cut off round wood fench post with a 2x6 across the top. Chains on the rear legs of the cows. The cats would sit up and open the yaps. Then he would aim a shot or two right in the mouths. He was a deadeye, better than I was with my squirt gun!

We used to have spam when I was a kid (usually a fried spam and egg sandwich, on toast)- I liked the stuff. And my daughter, who is kind of a "free spirit", likes it as well. We used to get a can once in awhile and have it for breakfast, all the while extoling its virtues and exclaiming over the exquisite flavor, pretty much just to devil her brothers. They were especially grossed out by the jelly on the corners when you open the can. 'Course, with the healthy eating craze now, I can't go near the stuff. My sodium level will be over the top if I just pick up the can.

We never had soda crackers much when I was a kid (if you couldn't grow it or raise it, we didn't eat it). But I remember the sheets (I thought it was 4 to a sheet) when I went to Grandma's in town. They could afford luxuries like soda crackers, and always served them with soup. Little sis and I would argue over who got to break up the sheets and put them on the saucer to serve.
Neither. Dip the cracker in the soup, eat the dipped half. Dip the other half (holding it by a corner), eat it. Repeat so long as the soup and the cracker hold out.
Thanks for sharing. Pretty much just like that.Except Grandpa would have had bibs and laceup hi top shoes on.I sent it on to my Sis and Cousins.


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