Allis B fun


Well-known Member
The mag is on now-i turned it right side up and stuck a few more wires in it and now it works.

We got that and a redneck gas tank on it and tried to pull start it but weve got a little issue with the rear wheels. One spins fine, the other doesnt spin or spins backwards. Someone said this might have something to do with one tire being filled and the other being empty, someone else said its alot more complicated.

Any advice here???
Allis B update
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To pull-start it, you need to have it in the highest gear to give the tires better mechanical advantage to turn the engine without slipping, leading to the goofy wheel action you were seeing.

What gear were you using?
What gear are you using on the Allis? You should be in third. Too low a gear and the engine will have too much leverage over the wheels.

When one wheel turns backwards that means the differential is working, but the engine is not turning over. Try towing it on the driveway. (assuming you can crank it over by hand and nothing is stuck)

Good luck.
the one tire forward and one backwards is due to trying to turn the wheels if you jack up your ranger and turn 1 wheel you will see that the other one turns in reverse with the truck in gear. Put the tractor in high gear and then try you will see a difference. also make sure the person in front keeps an eye on you so that when it starts you don't run into him. Be ready to pull it out of gear when it starts
Bet you where in 1st gear and or you tried to pull it from a stop in gear with out the clutch pedal down. Either one will cause that to happen. You need high gear and hold the pedal down till you get going then let it out slowly
Hobby farm
All you've done this time is to show you have a good solid clutch and probably close to adjusted correctly or it would have slipped instead of the wheel sliding. When pull/push starting use high gear, what happened is normal and has nothing to do with loaded tires. PLEASE don't run that engine with no coolant, couple pops or all firing fine, but that's all. Even that quart ? of gas will last long enough in the B to do harm to a fresh dry engine. Is the front seal repaired ?
Your getting a little ahead of yourself again Lanse. Get the front seal repaired and a radiator with liquid in it. Without weight trying to pull start a little tractor like that in the (MUD), in first gear is like trying to pull start it on an Ice rink.

With the gearing in the differential, when one wheel turns and the engine does not turn, the other wheel must turn backwards or something has to break. that is the way any rearend works that has spider gears.
I was kind of wondering about a couple things too. How many other people fixing up a tractor, and painting it all nice, would pull it through the mud the first time it came out of the shop? And not even complete yet? Am I missing something? Dave
LOL! Dave, you just have to remember Lanse is 15. He has matured a bunch in the last year but being 15 and wanting that thing to show some signs of life over rides the advise to get it complete.

I remember the (first) Radio Controlled Plane I built. Ahh! I remember back, I was but a kid of 52 and had to get that Piper Cub in the air.

It looked so real lifting off and thru the right turn down wind. I sure didn't need help from an experienced RC pilot. After all I used to be a pilot myself. What The? Why Did it do that? Nose into the frozen ground benind the neighbors barn.
Oh well time to rebuild.
LOL Thanks Dick!!

Yup, and i learned about brush jobs......

I think a horrendous oil leak would be reason enough to repaint. Once i find some money, im going to buy a sandblaster and paint stuff right. I have this nice little B needing a fresh coat, a wheelhorse, and a nice unstyled WC.

WCs coming along, i got the sleeves and pistons for it, and once i find O-Rings im gonna get her back together.

BTW, i painted that B last january. Id like to have her running by january 21 exactially a year after i got her. Id like it painted by early febuary, a year after i did that, but i think ill wait for warmer weather.
I know what it's like to want to have a project finished or at least show signs of almost being finished. At least Lanse is still working on it. I've had some projects I had to give up on and couldn't finish. Sometimes it is really hard to be patient, especially when you THINK you are close to being finished. It's frustrating when you find out that you aren't that close. One of these years I'm going to repaint my tractor. Lanse, you have to be really careful with a sandblaster. They will blow sand in places you won't belief and a big enough one will warp and even put holes in thin sheet metal. Dave

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