
Well-known Member
For those of you that think you can't get more out of a system than you put in to it, check out these guys from austrailia. www.lutec.com.au
Did you ever take any science classes? It is people like you who keep these crooks in business. There are businesses and universitys worldwide who are trying to develop highly efficient machines because of the income/notarity they would garner, and you are willing to believe in backyard conmen??
Let"s all try to remember a few of the things the best minds of the day laughed at and ridiculed:
Physicians washing their hands between patients;
Heavier than air flight;
Transmission of pictures through the air;
You can all remember others, many others.
Everything we know, and think we know, is subject to someone stumbling on something we didn"t know, or thought was wrong, or impossible.
On the other hand, if they"ve got a valid process, they shouldn"t be afraid to demonstrate it publicly, and no, I"m not planning to invest...
Read. My. Lips. (and those of the greatest physicists in history)

You CAN NOT get more power out of a machine than you put into it.


The best you can hope for is to minimize losses due to friction, heat and conversion inefficiencies.
The law of conservation of energy is not subject to repeal. Either by trained scientists or backyard tinkerers.

A lot of charlatans have made alot of money from people that can't grasp that simple concept.
Quote "Did your science class explain the power of a permenant magnet?"
Teddy, A magnet does not have power, it has force. Only when you move it does it have power, which comes from the movement. No more than a rock sitting still.
One of the primary failures of our "scientific" instruction is to take the position that we've discovered some TRUTHS, that anything that seems to contradict those TRUTHS, or not quite fit them, is researcher carelessness, incompetence, stupidity or it's a con.
Granted, that mindset is reinforced by the millions of cons that've been run over the centuries.
If the thrust of the scientific mind is to expand our knowledge, to inquire into the unknown,the better reaction would be (to any seemingly impossible new claim) "Gee, that's great; call me when you've got a demo ready" and not "You can't do that, it's impossible because of (fill in the blank) or because of THE LAW OF (fill in the blank).

Well darn. That "sophisticated investor" requirement pretty well eliminates anyone who posts to ytmag.

And why is it that all these geniuses who are smart enough to invent machines that violate the first, second and third laws of thermodynamics can never seem to figure out how to turn off the caps lock on their keyboards?
How is it that a 50 cent compass bought 50 years ago still points North? Answer Because it has a power of its own. A rock doesn't have that power unless it is a lodestone.
I agree. But a permanent magnet works on the principal of E=MC squared. So you are using matter to produce energy. You are not getting something from nothing.
Yes, it is the younger minds that are not set in their ways yet that are going to gain. But they are being tought in schools at a young age that you can't do such and such so a lot of good ideas are never fulfilled.
Teddy, E=MC square works on nuclear physics issues, not electrodynamics. Every generator/alternator has physical effort put into it to turn the rotor/armature. My bicycle generator has permanent magnets in it and when the lights are running, I pedal 5% harder than needed to propel the bike. Absolute foundation physical science, not edge stuff like Zero point energy, or other N dimensional string theory. We have a lot to learn, we do not even know why galaxies stay together at speed, but electrodynamics is under fair control. JimN
I suppose there's going to be a resurgence of 'cold fusion' next week...
I think I'll pass on this opertunity.

Took a quick look at their website. Like most of these types of operations, they're trying to attract investors without ever demonstrating a practical application of their "technology".

As a practicing electrical engineer, I find their description of how it works full of "techno-babble" intended to impress lay people, but meaningless to anyone who actually understands technology.

I couldn't find a manual on line for the wattmeters they claim to be using, but I have a rather strong suspicion that the machine "makes" power by fooling the wattmeters.

The input wattmeter would be measuring low duty cycle pulsed DC, and I'd be willing to bet that the RMS function can't follow that waveform. Things like pulsed DC can easily fool a digital meter, particularly when the pulse rate is something close to the sampling rate of the digital meter. Same reason that digital meters don't work very well for measuring noisy signals on engines.

If they replace the digital wattmeters with true analog meters (which mechanically integrate the waveforms), or even better, with a calorimeter arrangement, then I might believe the results.

Until then, they're just another bunch of charlatans preying on a gullible public.

If it works so well, why can't they take part of the output power and feed it back to run the input, which would result in a net power gain, eventually producing infinite energy....
Where on earth did you ever get the idea that magnets are based on "E=MC^2"? Probably went to one of those progressive schools that never taught you to think for yourself....

Magnets can store energy in the form of the magnetic field, but they cannot create it. The energy stored in the magnetic field has to come from somewhere when the field is created.

In the case of a lodestone (naturally magnetized material), the energy to magnetize the loadstone came from the earth's magnetic field, which in turn is created by the movement of molten metals in the earths core and the earth's rotation.

In the case of a man-made magnet, the energy stored in the magnetic field comes from whatever mechanism is used to magnetize the material in the first place, usually electricity.

Now, before you dismiss me as being brainwashed by the educational system, I work on the design of spacecraft containing some of the most advanced technology in the world, and we don't succeed by limiting our thinking to conventional wisdom.

Because any time I move the compass off its quiescent condition (pointing north), the energy required to move the compass needle is stored in the magnetic field. This is the energy that is used to move the needle back to its quiescent condition.

Don't confuse power, which is the rate of energy consumption or generation, with the storage of energy in the form of a magnetic field.

I am not here to question your intellegents. It sounds like you are involved in projects way over my head. But I will say you are wrong when you say the magnetic field of a permanent magnet comes from the input power. All the imput power does is align the atoms of the material and then the material makes the field. If your way of thinking were correct you should bo able to magnatize a stick of wood but we both know that doesn't happen. If you put x amount of energy in a 1 pound piece of rare earth magnet material and measure what it takes to get maximum strength then put that same imput into a 1 pound piece of soft iron such as is found in a generator's field core you will not end up with the same strength field. So the magnetic field comes from the atoms of the material not the imput power.. Also once you have maximum atom alignment the field will not get any stronger no matter how much more imput power you put in to it. Open your mind! What is in a magnetic field is coming from the atoms of the material and is matter in motion and behaves according to E=MC squared.

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