yep,my mother in law on a mule..I though she was smilin,as it turns out the mule was walking away from me :)
(quoted from post at 11:10:52 12/17/08) What is the grossest thing you saw on an animal?

[color=red:47697ce658][size=24:47697ce658]Grab a bucket!!!![/size:47697ce658][/color:47697ce658]

Yup, that would be about as ugly as it gets (at least next to a cow with "cancer eye")!
How about maggots on the horns of a cow that were cut at the wrong time of year.Not a very good smell either.
Don't know about ON them,but I didn't care for what the dog carried IN last night. Looked like the leg off a cat or something. None of'em had one missing this morning. He sat by my chair crunching on it about making me sick. Finally dropped it. I picked it up with a paper towel after a while. It had thawed into something mushy. Must'a been a mouse or something.
Most inhumane and gross thing was a friend's dairy cow. Poor old girl had lost use of her rear legs, he left her in the pasture just outside the barn. I walked by her, hind quarters covered in her own manure and maggots setting in on open rotting flesh. I wanted to put her down right then. He had left her there for what had to been a week or two. He was going to call the rendering people, she died in the meantime. I dont go barn into his barns anymore.
When I was growing up there was an animal breaking into our chicken coop at night. It would eat some of the breast meat and all of the skin off their heads. In the morning we would find the 1 or 2 half-dead birds flopping around the floor of the coop. We never did catch the intruder.
there was a stray dog that ran around near the last place I had...he'd run wild for years. Had an old collar on, and his neck had grown too big for it. his entire neck was just a mess of rotted flesh full of maggots and goop. county tried for years to catch that dog, and never could. He finally must have just died in the woods.
Sounds like a mink. We've lost two of our pet ducks to them over the past three or four years, one just recently. We're plotting revenge on the mink now.
Had a stray cat that used to come up to my place. Both side of it's head were green abcessed pockets. Obviously in pain so I decide to try the "take it to a vet " thing. This cat was wilder than a March hare so I set out a cage with cat food spiked with two Sominex sleeping tablets. Cat eats..I trip cage. Cat goes berserk. Cat calms down after about 20 minutes and curls up into a sleeping position. So far so good. Now the bad part of the plan- I open the cage to put the cat in a pet carrier for it's trip to the vet. That cat erupted into the most violent pus slinging furry chainsaw ever witnessed by man. I got my a$$ kicked and the cat got away only to crawl under my barn and die 3 days later. Dead cat in 100F Texas summer is not pleasant.
old timer down the road kept steers in/behind the barn but lived across town. Left the shl!t pile up so high the steers had to scrape their backs bloody raw on the partly collapsed header on their way out. City condemned the place shortly after I discovered it.
i caught a half grown Jack Rabbit and realized why i was able to catch it , the little Rabbit had a mess of wood ticks in his ears, swelled up ticks, anyway i plucked them out of his ears like you plucked berrys off a bush, with my thumb nail got the little feller cleaned up, blood all over his ears, then let him go, idont know if he liked the job i was doin but i bet the little guy feels better.
I've had several bulls over the years get abcesses on the side of their necks, ears or shoulders from fighting other bulls. I always have the vet come out and drug the bull and lance and clean them out. Nothing smells as bad as abcess puss!
I need peptobismal after looking at that. If they put suit and tie on the it, it would look and sound like external_link.
We have a st.bernard/collie dog that has long hair and doesn't keep himself clean. It was the middle of summer and his butt was completely covered in $hit. He started to stratch and pull his butt around the ground and whimper alot more than usual. About a week later it got real bad and we checked and he has maggots all over his real end. The next day we did a 5 hour maggot removal surgery. He had 2 holes about 1 inch in dia. by 1/2 deep and some other holes. We shaved his back half end right down and his front fur about an inch long. There were probably about 2000 maggots on him and they were picked off right down to the last one with tweezers. We then put peroxide all over his back end (about a half litre). For about 3 days we weren't sure if he would make it but he pulled through and is doing decent for a 9 year old dog. I NEVER EVER want to see a maggot within 2 feet of my hands again.
What about giving the Man a fair go, when he brings the country out of this slump I suppose you bashers will reject the benefits..pigs might fly.
I had a neighbor once that had it piled up high enough that the steers broke the light bulbs in the barn.
Back when I was in high school, I went out to check the cows and found a newborn baby calf sitting beside the pond. Its mamma was dead in the water at the edge of the pond. She had a major prolapse while giving birth to the calf. I swear that every inch of her guts had blown out her backside and were turned inside out. The guts were strung out all over the place. We bottle fed the calf and it turned out ok.

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