OT Bush duckin shoes

What I don't understand...is why didn't the Secret Service cover Bush better? Wouldn't it be considered a threat? What if this guy throwing the shoes was a diversion, and with everyone holding down the shoe thrower, someone else got into the action? George was just standing up there like a sitting duck.

Personally, I think the SS screwed this one up big time!
I can almost picture a SNL skit where in the next press conferance all the press is sitting around stripped down to their underwear.
'40, if George did nothing but one deed in his stay in the White House, I will be eternally grateful - he saved us from 4 years of Al Gore. When a guy's home state won't even support him for President, you just gotta know he is a certified idiot.

In terms of ethics, he makes Bill and nnalert look like the Pope and Mother Teresa!

A word of advice to both nnalert and nnalert - your non-stop rantings about the other party have divided this country so badly that we will have great difficulty solving ANY of our problems, no matter who is in office.

Unless you can join ranks to fight the blatant corruption from both political parties, this great country is going to collapse from within. You won't need the outside world to destroy you - you will have accomplished that yourself.
"A word of advice to both nnalert and nnalert - your non-stop rantings about the other party have divided this country so badly that we will have great difficulty solving ANY of our problems, no matter who is in office.

Unless you can join ranks to fight the blatant corruption from both political parties, this great country is going to collapse from within. You won't need the outside world to destroy you - you will have accomplished that yourself."

My hat truly goes off to you Sir!

Your statement is one of the few that I've read in the past months that actually shows we(society) may have a chance! With any luck, some of it may rub off on others..............
hills you are absolutley spot on... the politicians have this left.right,left,right b.s. going on while we are watching this dog and pony show going on we are not paying attention to whats going on behind our backs instead of preserving this country for what it is,they worry about only their respective party.. al
I agree with you there.However its a tossup who the certified idiot is.If the United States can only find a George Bush and an Al Gore to run for president we need to find different people to pick candidates.This corruption on both sides is killing us.Since I only put out hate according to Rodney or whoever,both sides deserve it for that matter.I dont see the advantage of Bush over Gore.They both are worthless.Bush may be the worst since he is the mastermind Cheneys puppet.That right there has to have people all over the world rolling in the floor laughing at us.Left or right,both look stupid to me.Especially right,as in John Ashcroft,theres an idiot for you,then theres that bunch of preachers.The agenda of the left is maybe a little worse,but its kind of like a tossup.You know the far left is wrong,and the far right is insane.Where most of us live at,in the middle somewhere is sick of both sides.Thats a volatile situation.

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