uh-oh i tink we gonna need a new govner...o-t

Join the club, 2 governers ousted in one year now, yours seems likely to do some prison time, ours got away without being charged, and now has a great new career, writing a column for some obscure newspaper somewhere. Who's next.......

Well, sorta a connection to external_link. According to the computer news page, one charge against the gov and his chief of staff is trying to profit from appointing external_link's senate successor. You guys in IL have been complaining on here about the sorry state of IL government, now the feds agree.

It is about time.He didn't learn a thing. I voted for Ryan, but I think he should stay in jail.Our former Gov Edgar said Mon eve at the Illini game he thought due his age and health he should be pardoned. What kind of message does that send to our young people. Who knows how much money these Govs. have stolen from Illinois. Earl In Illinois
Yeh, makes you proud to be from Illinois. Anybody from Wisconsin or Indiana want to buy the Chicago Area?
This is just the start folks. Fasten your seat belts. With B.O. driving we are in for a bumpy four year ride Stan
rezko is under inditement for campain fraud with gov rod. rezko was also a major fundraiser for external_link. if external_link gets indited too, then who is gonna be the pres? nnalert? or just call a do-over and re-run the election. wooo, what a wicked web we weave.....
Naw, Al and the gang are gone - Al and boys had more dignity, finese, and more respect from the common guy then these low life rats. You knew where you stood with Al.
Just in keeping with a long standing Ill. tradition, Kerner,Powell,Walker,Ryan. Until we can keep Chicago out of our politics, we will continue to elect external_link, blago and whoever the city decides will be good for them and bleep(to quote Pat Fitzgerald) the rest of the state.
Question...who was the IL. Senator that was chair of the House Ways and Means comittee for many years? First name Dan maybe? Didnt he go to prison or come very close to it as well? Been racking my brain over that name all day. Thanks
was that dan walker? then there was the guy, i think maybe sec of state, that had all the money in shoe boxes. maybe paul powell?
Rick, a Senator isn't likely to be in the House..:) You are thinking of Dan Rostenkowski. Mike (from across the river in Missouri).
Ah yes....now I remember. Wasnt there major ethics allegations againt him as well? I had him as a Senator in my mind, but certainly could be wrong. Didnt he serve(loose interpretation) for a long time?
Guano rolls downhill and the dark one is now at the top of the heap. He'll skirt this somehow but I still say he won't dodge the bullet in the end. We are going to wind up with Prez nnalert I have no doubt.

What scares me the most is not for one second do I think it will be some extremist group that does it. It will be corporate america that calls it in and that is one scary fact.
I heard he was holding out for $300,000. To be a US Senator I would have paid that in a second, too bad he didn't have my email. I would sell my house, the farm, all my old tractors, the family cemetary, cashed in my 401K and sold my daughter into slavery to pay for that oppertunity. If I was a Senator all my friends and family would have great jobs and government contracts. No one would bring home the bacon to my states voters like I would. In my spare time I will morn this lost oppertunity ! As a senator I think I would have fit right in.
It"ll be fun to watch how Obammy dances around this one. Every single associate of his is corrupt, but his followers still believe he can walk across the cesspool and not even get his shoes soiled. I think ole Blovo will start singing like a bird when they squeeze him, and we"ll see just how deep the cesspool is.
Toolz - You know Blow-vich has done a lot for our state. For instance, he closed down several state parks to make his airplane more effecient. I also think his idea of sending state workers to soutern Illinois is is a good idea in case Chicago falls into Lake Michigan. Oh Ssst, maybe that is what he was thinking about!


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