To Missouri hunters (deer)


Well-known Member
I know a number of you do not agree with the new regulation there are saying there going to do with the free permits and needing to own 80 plus acres to get a free permit to hunt. Well here is a phone number you can call and complain. They said that the reg. is not in place yet so if enough of us call they may change it to something more like 20 or 30 acres.
573-751-4115 ext. 3848 or just ask for who you need to talk to to complain. Or you can go to this web site
Hobby farm
I'm not in Missouri nor am I a hunter but I'd still like to comment if you don't mind.

The area of 30 acres would yield a property of the dimensions 1143 feet by 1143 feet if square which most aren't.

While most hunters would know what is beside them and aim in accordance there are those that wouldn't if the deer were to move causing re-aiming.

Assuming a hunter wouldn't be standing at the very edge of his property--is 1143 feet enough of a safety zone for flying bullets? What does the box of shells say for travel?

Just another way to look at the proposal.
You'd probably need a bit more than 80 acres if keeping bullets on your own property is the reason for the requirement. How about if you're 100 feet inside your boundary and one is between you and the boundary? Now What? Just another way to look at the proposal. TDF
I don't think bullet control has any bearing in this at all. I think it has more to do with the MDC getting out of the farm tag business. It would probably save them time and money if they didn't have to fool with the smaller landowners which surely outnumber the large acreages.

I'm not really worried about that at all. What I don't like is the new 4 pt. rule. I understand that a lot of deer hunters want bigger bucks and this is probably a good way to accomplish this. A neighboring county has had this rule for the last couple years and already we're seeing bigger deer over there. But we need to reduce the population. We have too many deer period. The seeking of bigger antlers probably does more to deny hunting opportunities to the average guy than anything else. I have a bit of a problem with trophy hunting. If you hunt just for antlers and nothing else than you probably really aren't out in the woods for the right reasons. Antlers cause more jealousy, hard feelings and bad behavior between otherwise reasonable people than just about anything else in the woods.
Hunting is really about intelligent hunters making intelligent decisions in order to keep themselves and others safe.

There is the old story that three newbies decided to go deer hunting one year. In order to be prepared properly they studied firearms, field dressing, licensing, safety and all that would be required of them. Day after day they talked over what they would be doing in order for it to become routine so as not to forget anything.

On the fist day of the season, to say that they were pumped up with the ol' adrenalin flowing like a faucet would be an understatement.

They each went in separate directions but soon it happened, Willy shot Joe after seeing movement. Willy yelled for Bill to get the vehicle to rush Joe to a doctor.

Into the emergency room they flew yelling, "Doctor, doctor, can you save him?"

The doctor replied, "It was just a flesh wound and I could have saved him---if you hadn't field dressed him."
This was the first year we had antler restrictions in my county (Camden). Also what is funny is the 2 deer I have shoot so far this year where big boys at 9 and what would have been 10 point if he had both sides of his rack. The restriction does cause problem with a fast shoot because you have to take your time to count points and sometime there isn't the time to do so so a deer gets to walk off.
As far as the acre restriction I have a problem with it because I only have 44 acres so going to the 80 will hurt me.
Hobby farm
This rule thing has nothing to do with shooting it has to do with land and cost to hunt. You will still be able to hunt on any land you own and it does not matter if you own a 100X100 lot or if you own 3000 acres you can still hunt on your own land you will just have to pay for your deer tag at $17 each if you don't own more then 80 acres. Which will hurt me because I own 44 acres so to hunt it could well cost me $100 just for my tags
This new rule has nothing to do with the shot but has to do with the $$ to buy your deer tags. You will still be able to hunt on your own land even if all you have is 1 acre or 3000 just you will have to pay for your deer tags instead of having a free land owner tag if you own less then 80 acres
well, heres my $.02
I think the requirements should change from 5 acres. w/ five acres you are not a farmer. I will back Old up however 80 is a bit much. Doesnt effect me (yet) but we don't want them to keep creaping higher and higher. I Myself will call in. My propasal is at least 20 acres.
Quit bellyaching. I've been getting landowner permits in Nebraska for 40 years and it always has been 80 acres minimum.


Ernie and Joe were deer hunting around the base of a mountain when a fellow on a hang glider came sailing down the side of the mountain. Ernie lifts his rifle and, "POW, POW, POW!!"

Joe asked, "What the heck kind of bird was that you were shooting at, Ernie?"

"Durned if I know, but I sure made him let go of that guy he was carrying off!"


Two buddies were deer hunting when one of them collapsed. The other fished out his cell phone in a panic, dialed 911, and yelled, "My buddy just dropped dead!"

The 911 operator replied, "Now just calm down, get control of yourself, and I'll talk you through this. Now, the first thing we need to do is make sure he's really dead."

The operator heard two gunshots over the telephone.

A voice came back, "OK, what do I do next?"
I see both sides of this thing. Yes, it does appear the MDC is money hungry.........and they've got more money now than they know what to do with.
Their reasons for changing the rule to 80 acres is based on the premise that a land owner with that many acres is probably trying to earn at least a portion of his living from that 80 acres. Therefore, free tags will help to prohibit the damage done to his crops. Their contention is that with the current rule of only 5 acres, this acreage is not used for "living" purposes. Many times you'll see 5-6 free tags given out to family members of a landowner with only 5 acres. Does that seem right? Wouldn't you think that with that many tags he (or they) would simply aniliate (sp?) the deer on that 5 acres?
Another consideration is that the MDC gets federal dollars based upon their "sales" of deer tags. They contend that the increased federal dollars will help to improve hunting state wide. They also contend that Missouri has the lowest hunting permit fees of all our surrounding states, both for resident and non-resident. I can see where many gardening and nursery people will be hurt by this new rule because of all the damage the deer do to these areas. I think you can obtain a free "nuisance" tag for these acreages. I just know that deer and turkey hunting in Missouri is better than it has ever been. I give the Missouri Department of Conservation the credit for that.
I don't agree with the 5 acres either but to jump it up to 80 acre is a bit much. Ya I could see it go to 20 or 30 acres or even maybe 40 but to go up to 80 thats a bit to much. I plant wild life cover every year and manage my place to help the wild life so this in the long run would hurt me because the money I spend on putting out the wild life food plots would then have to go for the deer tag instead of for the wild life
Yep people with 30 or 40 or 50 acres will just say to heck with it and shoot a deer and cut it up and never pay for a tag or report even taking a deer. Where I live I could shoot a deer any time I wanted and stand about a 99% chance of no one ever knowing I did so
You have to buy a tag to hunt your own land? What a bunch of BS.I can hunt any land I own or lease with no license.They should put a bounty on deer to get rid of them
Ya I call if a hobby farm but I do in fact at least brake even most years with the hay I sell maybe even make a few $$. Now as it really being a hobby farm no it isn't its just the name of the web site. Most farmers would not farm if they did not enjoy doing so, so why not do what you like and make your farming a hobby as well as a way to make income
right on, traditional farmer. we got too many laws restricting hunting anyway and especially on a persons own land.
Just my 2 cents on acreage. Five acres not a farm?

Well, maybe not for the rowcrop folks with corn and soybeans.

For trees 1200/acre is not unreasonable x 5 acres = 6000 trees. With a retail value of $100 and up. Typically I turn over trees every 3 years.

Come over sometime and I will show you the damage deer can do on two acres of trees. Thousand upon thousands of dollars of damage. Not whinning just stating the facts.

Deer and rabbits are not easy on trees.

Who does the deer belong to, the land owner or the state. If owned be the state, then I think it's only right to buy a deer tag that allows you to take state property for your own use no matter how much land you own. If the deer belong to the land owner, then only the land owners would be able to kill them. That would open up a real big bag of worms. rw
Here in Illinois I believe it is 40 acres for a landowners permit. However, if you're like me and you were born after 1980, you also have to take a hunters safety course to get a hunters license. Plus you need a FOID card.

It's all about $$$.
Old,maybe you better tell that to the two men in Oh.who were arrested for taking a deer with a rifle during bow season plus more then one buck in a license yr..$100 plus court cost,$6,494 x2 in restitution,(Value of deer)200 service,five control,hunting privileges for 5 yrs.,deer,all fire arms,and all equipment fofeited.This was for EACH one,so who owns the deer?
As I said and this is as per the Conservation dept. The people of the state own the deer but the conservation dept regulate the hunting of the deer. So as is a lot of things there are laws even for thing we own. And by the way this is not what I'm saying but what the conservation dept says and has told on told numbers of people in the state of Missouri and is part of the hunter ed. course
The whole story on the "Ohio Deer Incident": .

I don't live in MO or I'd call. I will call when KY tries this. I have several people who try to get me to go hunting/fishing with them every year. I tell them to come here. Just to hunt off my own place the licence and tags are right at $50. Toss in fishing licence and turkey tags, dove/duck permits, ect,,, it can high dollar quick. I pay income, property, sales, ditch, and a load of other taxes. I am not going to pay deer, dove, turkey, or fish tax. I don't have to pay taxes to put a hog in the freezer, and that cost me less than feeding the d*** deer. I don't have to pay a tax kill tobacco or cut worms. If the state owns the deer they need to feed the poor things.

Ok, my rant is over.

That wasn't my point,yes they broke the law and should be fined,but the state said the deer was worth $13,000++ to them(State),so they are saying in a way that they own the deer.
I only own 40 acres,and custom hay 300-500 acres every year,but on that 40 acres in NW Mo I rotate Wheat,Beans,and Legumes,have a pretty good orchard that the deer try to attack,and also raise steers in feedlot,and pasture the cropland over the winter.I put more food on peoples tables than several of my neighbors with bigger farms.If they pass this deal through I may bring a class action against the state of Mo for discrimination of the small farmer.If handicapped people,women,and people of color can do it,I think We ought to make our voices heard and call the number and complain
I didn't miss your point but I think they got off to easy. They knowingly broke the law because they thought they wouldn't get caught. They didn't get away with it. The law's the law as they say. If ya can't do the time don't do the crime. Judgments don't have to be fair market value as we all know. Example- Maximum fine for speeding in a construction zone now here in IA is $1,000. So 13 G's for a couple of deer isn't out of the realm of possibility. You also have to consider any priors they might have had and the way they reacted to the law when they were caught. I have no sympathy for low life poachers. ...Randy
Goose....ya got that buddy took his blonde girlfriend hunting and he collapsed... anyway that's the way it's told around here.
I agree with Randy.

If someone got caught, say breaking into my garage, first offense...wouldn't break my heart to see 'em pay $13 grand + 200 hours of community service. Enforce that stuff, you'd probably me more effective then jail on a lot of minor stuff.

There's a lot of laws on the Connecticut books that are something like $200 or 30 days in Jail...passed back when $200 was a month's wages. Start fining a few months wages you'd probably get some attention. Now all they get is the $200 unless they have a history of doing it over and over.
FWIW...Connecticut Free Landowner Permit:
-- Nov 2 - Dec 31
-- 10 Acres or more
-- 1 Either nnalert, 1 Anterless
-- No hunting license required if you live on the property

Deer taken by land owner permit don't need to be checked, need a form mailed in. Proposed regulations will do away with check stations for all but four days a year.

If I understand the regulations right, and you get the right permits, you could pile up:
-- 2 Either, 2 Anterless, Archery Season
-- 1 Either, 1 Anterless, Archery January season(basically coastal CT & Fairfield County only)
-- 1 Either, 1 Anterless, Private Land shotgun/rifle season
-- 1 Either, 1 Anterless, Free Landowner Permit (archery, shotgun, rifle, or muzzleloader)
-- 1 Either, State Land muzzleloader
-- 1 Either, 1 Anterless, Private Land muzzleloader
-- 1 Either, State Land Non-Lottery

So that's 14 you're allowed long as you pickup the permits and have permission to go hunting on the land you're hunting.

THEN there is the State Land Lottery, which is at least 1 of Either, and maybe more if you win a lottery for a Controlled Hunt area which are the places with the worse population problems.

Think we have more deer then hunters up here?
Randy,I will say it one more time maybe clearer,It was in reply to Old saying the state doesn't own the deer.The $13,000 WAS NOT A FINE,(Civil Matter)I guess that Oh.has a new Law that all Wildlife has a Monatary value to the state,same as your car,house to you.I agree they got off light.
You probably won't see this but maybe I didn't make enough room between my statements. I understand the 13,000 wasn't a fine. It was a judgment. In my opinion the state manages the deer so in a way they own them. Here in IA - though it hasn't happened to me - I understand that if you hit a deer on the road and kill it if the monetary damage is less than a $1,000 the state gives you the choice of taking the deer or a settlement. If Gary sees this maybe he can shed some more accurate light on this. So if they own them they can attach any value to them they want to. JMO ...Randy

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