Honey do list .

Gentlemen, (ladies too).Is it better to get your honey do list done immediatly? I mean fast or stretch it out and ACT like you are real busy with it.Which method keeps the list to a minimum ?
Keep it it a minimum, and surprise her with one she has been nagging about, that you havn't gotton done for awhile.{ don't tell her you did it}, just to see if she really pays attention to what you do.
I have no Honey-Do List. Hard to believe but I beat it. I when we were first married I worked nights and she days. I would come home in the morning and there would be a list on the table. After about six weeks of her coming home and finding a neat little pile of torn up list I quit getting them. Now she just asks and I slide it into the list of projects with the priority I think it deserves. This is not to say that on occaision I cave and do things her way,but it is mostly mine. My favorite saying is "I can"t be that bad, you"re still here." We have been married 27 years and lived together three before that, so "I can"t be that bad"
Yeah, but then I would turn on the puppy dog eyes and lay it on good and she would melt.
I don't have a list either I don't tell her what to do and she tries to tell me and my response is I'll get to it when she pushes I remind her who I am and that I never tell her what to do so don't tell me.This goes without saying that if it needs to be done now that is when I do it but when I haven't even squished all the air out of the sofa cushion she gets nothing "why couldn't you say something when I was up?" We have been together for almost 20 years and I have always been the same so why change now? high school sweethearts and I am almost 35
Been married 42 years and long ago worked out the perfect solution..........I tell her what to do and she tells me where to go.
Seems like theres no end to chores, big or small, yours or hers. Just stay at it and be consistant. Peck away at it if you will. Wiping out a "honey do" list in short order only prompts a longer, more complicated list the next time. When you do something for yourself write it down (I keep a "Will do" list for myself which I usually generate as or after I have completed a task and sometimes add to it while I'm taking a beer break) just incase she holds you accountable. My fiance is always impressed with how much I get done when she's not around partly because I write every little thing I've done on the list. If only she knew how many breaks I take - LOL! Personally though, the lists give me a sense of accomplishment too.

Good luck,
Thurlow: Sounds like you have a "successful marriage". A "successful marriage" is defined as one in which there has been no divorce. I'll be celebrating 45 years this month. Similar circumstances. Now, my mother and father also had a "successful marriage". That was because my mother told my father what to do and he did it. :)>))
The important thing is to make sure she catches you working. You don't have to accomplish much, just work when you know she is gonna see ya. The other thing is, don't cause work for her - clean up after yourself.
Egads, man! What are you thinking discussing a thing like this here?!?!?!? There could be wimmens lurking!!!

May I suggest using the back channel?
Hey there:
Been married 54 yrs.(same woman), she says
"the man is the head of the house, but the
woman is the neck that turns the head"!!
My comeback is "sure, but I'm like a piece
of chain, I can PULL a very heavy load, but don't PUSH worth a damn!!
God Bless

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