New Federal cow-fart tax?


Well-known Member
Just heard this on today's news. Almost could not believe my ears. Federal legislators are proposing a farm-animal "fart" tax. The claim is that farm animals are contributing to global warming. The proposal on the table right now - will require farmers to pay a $175 per dairy cow tax, every year. Beefers are only $85 per year; maybe they pass less gas? Pigs, goats, and sheep will also have a lesser tax.

I propose a "politician hot air tax." In fact, maybe we should put flow-meters on their mouths and tax them by the cubic foot of BS per minute.
Legislators are not really for it - however this is an EPA thing. It's not voted for, it's administered....

They also have a dust regulation that is looming in the background. You can't produce any dust when you do anything.

EPA is taking over the governing of our country.

Now, what I'm having trouble understanding is all this hoo-ha about carbon dioxide emissions. As I learned in basic grade-school science class, plants "breathe in" carbon dioxide and "exhale" why wouldn't a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere be beneficial to plant life, rather than being an "environmental hazard"?
Grasping for straws---If they don't get it that way, they will figure out something else. Taxes will be paid!
I'm all for hitting the city folk a little too if the proposal is put into place. Since cities tend to suffer more from air pollution put a hefty tax on dogs and cats in addition to livestock.

I'm beginning to wonder if there are behind the scene efforts underway to slowly move citizens away from the eating of meat and move them toward grains, fruits, and vegetables? The food pyramid has already been modified.
Just read in the paper that we furnish Nancy Pelosi a 757 at 22.000 per hour to fly. Round trip from dc to home in ca. is 100.000 dollars. Have to pay for that fuel somehow.
Farmers,particularly small farmers, are an easy target because they work so hard and such long hours. It isn't easy for them to effectively organize.

Guess emails to Congress might get their attention.

Is there an effective website to use for a campaign to express opinions?
I heard that too the other day, they must have too much time on there hands, next I heard was dust filters on the farm also, exspecialy on combines they said, yeah I want to see that, just another way to scam money from us
Somebody posted about this a couple of weeks ago. And yes, this is unbelievable. Wait until they drop the cap+trade scam bill on us. Energy costs will crush us. But, the government will have plenty of extra money to pi$$ away as they see fit. Jack

You are exactly right. This is a PROPOSED EPA regulation. It has not yet been adopted, and frankly, I doubt that it will ever see daylight. Congress is not involved in this at all. It's purely an Executive branch decision.

Having said all of that, I responded to the EPA's request for comments which closed on 11/28/08. I told them that I was vehemently opposed to the proposal and hoped that they would eliminate the section dealing with farm animals.

It probably doesn't matter since Congress is not involved in the proposed regulation, but I also contacted my representative and two senators and asked them to exert whatever influence they could to revise the regulations to drop the part about animals.

I guess we'll see what the new administration does with it.

Tom in TN
I always wondered if cow farts are causing global warming, what about the millions of buffalo that thundered down the prairie from Oklahoma to Canada in the days before the pioneers? Is global warming specific about which ruminants" farts cause a green house effect?
Global warming could never result from a cow phart, because the very idea of it is BULL S#IT!!
I learn to despise abundant politicians and their entire political/social agenda more each day. "Global Warming" is PURE "politically correct" BULLS#IT and I could never be convinced otherwise.

Mr. Bob
Thank you for the facts Paul. Was going to write pretty much the same and saw your post.

"IF" this goes through (and I hope it doesn't) it could result in helping the small farmer. I have less than 50 head and what I read I wqould be exempt. That's beef cattle. DEQ has started controlling water being used from wells here. So far only industry but look for more in the future.
Those brain dead environmental thugs never want to consider anything that the buffalo did. Those herds were no more real to those stupid hippies than dinosaurs.
On any given day there are about 1.2 BILLION cattle on the planet. The US has 100 million of them. Far more than the 1800's buffalo but less than 10 per cent of the global number. So tax the other 90 per cent also?

Global warming just doesn't make sence. If I'm not mistaken, my part of the country was under ice for a hoooo bunch o years. So I'm assuming that global warming has been around for a while, and not something new at all.
This is a re-run.but Scientists are monitoring the output from sheep and cattle, apparently certain grasses increase the output so don't be surprised if some fodders can't be grown.years away I guess.
What about the dust storms and all the pigeon poop in the cities.I think we ought to holler about all the unnessary aircraft flights just so the crews can get flight pay every month.That would account for alot of dirty air and waisted fuel! Hoss
The "Brother" probably don't even know his steak comes from a smelly ole bovine! "whatya tokin' bout bro"? "gots mine fum da sto"!
I was listening to the radio one time when Steve Martin was on. I thought he was joking but maybe he wasn't? He said the real reason they don't want to deplete the ozone layer is because up above it is the fart zone... and what if they came back, but not necessarily where they came from? Hmmm??? Dave
And of course we all know that dinosaur farts caused the end of an ice age and the resulting heat wave flooded the dinosaur habitat which is why they died off. Then it took a little bit(million years or so) and another ice age came. This time it was of course woolly mamoth farts that ended that deal and caused another great extinction on the planet. Ice ages come and ice ages go...for years scientists believed this was just the normal cycle of things here on earth. Thank goodness for Al Gore and the rest of the nutjobs for bringing to light the true reason for everything on this planet-farts!

Now, on the serious side...when they can PROVE BEYOND A DOUBT that cattle emissions are detrimental to the ozone layer and thus being the real cause of "global warming"(and that it isn't just a natural earth cycle), then, and only then, will I pay a tax for this.
(quoted from post at 12:27:33 12/03/08) How long until every american is added to this new "Fart Tax"? Doesn't everyone fart?

I got a couple of coworkers that need to pay back taxes..........
Couple years ago only 'big' cattle farms needed a permit to raise livestock - over 150 head.

Just had my permit consultation this September. Anything over 9 head needs a little paperwork, and if you are anywhere near a wetland (duh in Minnesota!!!!) you need several bits of paper.

I have 22 head.

COOL, NAIS, and so it goes.....

I think we will get all our meat from China (I love the smell of grilled melemene....) or Canada in a decade or so. Big or small, will be out of business.

Had an old farmer tell me to never sign up for any permit for livestock no matter if it is free or not. If you go and get the free permit then you admit you need one then sooner or later it will not be free and will be hard to get. If all the farmers refused to get these permits it could never be enforced.

Trouble is I agree with some permits otherwise I'd have a big stinking hog farm next to me. Don't get me wrong, I've lived in the country all my life and also farmed all my life but those huge hog outfits isn't farming to me and those type of smells are nothing like the farm smells of even 25 years ago.

What's needed is common sense but I guess that hasn't been around for a long time. I saw how farming had gone for the past 30 years while under mostly nnalert rule. All the small farmers in my area are either gone or work in town and hobby farm and soon will be gone and I mean all of them but I don't count on the nnalert either.

The Freedom to Farm Act is a big culprit that supports the largest farms best.
If you guys would actually look into this and read what the EPA actually said you would see that the Farm Bureau is just hyping this up with what is to me out and out lies. Besides that if it were true the head of the EPA was GOP appointed so you'd have to blame the GOP not external_link. But it is NOT TRUE.

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