Red vs Blue tractors

So we got the Red tractor on the right and the blue tractor on the left. Now supposedly the Red tractor is all shiny looking, got lots of money thrown at it, and the blue tractor is all rusty looking. Poor blue tractor he needs help cause he was to lazy to help him self. So if i get this right we is a gonna steal from the Red tractor cause he don't have to be that shiny and give it to the Blue tractor to shiny him up a little. Problem is if i'm the Red tractor i'm putting it in high gear and gettin the Fork out of Dodge with my shiny stuff while the gettin is good. So now where does the Poor pittiful Blue tractor turn to when there is no money to steal.
So now there is no Red, no Blue, no lazy, no down trodden, no motivated tractors cause what's the point if Blue is going to steal it all from you? I say all Red Shiny tractors take a vacation for 4 years and guard your shiny self for all you are worth. Way i see it we will starve the Blue tractors of fuel cause they have to work for someone.
I might need help after re reading this. LOL

Take care
Farmer with a shiny hidden Red tractor in the Barn for no one to see.
Well all the red tractor people that work for a living should not buy anything, really make the economy tank downward. Then in 2010 the Red folks will gain tractor seats in the house and senate. Then in 2012 the silly prez will be voted out by a large margin. Of course leather coats, tennis shoes, and gold chains will sell like hotcakes, for a while anyway.

Guess I'm safe....
Ya gotta look on the positive side.

At least ONE of the blue tractors will finally at long last be forced to go to work and quit moochin' off the rest of us. :>)

Folks stopped buying Red tractors because it does not work as advertised.Using tons of fuel when promising to be the most efficent and requires endless maintainance when Red was supposd to be the manufactuing company of less maintainance.
The Red tractor dealers sure are troubled watching folks choose Blue but unless Red delivers a product that performs as promised people wll not be buying Red on anything other than a reputation it has not lived up to for a lot of years.
Some folks will always buy red no matter how terrible the product same with blue.
Don't care about color don't even mind paying a little more but tired of ordering a smaller more efficent model and getting a bloated gas hog.
My guy lost, by alot. Apparently people want a change. Lets hope and pray that this change will be positive for the country. Any type of redistibution of wealth or reparations will enrage a further divide. We need to see what he does and make DARN SURE congress hears what we think, from each of us. We cant just sit here and complain. Our representatives dont ussually hang out here. I also do remember external_link stating that minority fathers need to get off there duff, get a job, and be a respectable father figure. I hope that he plans on putting the expectations to the lazy as well as the over indulged. What I fear is an assasination, that definatly will set of some type of civil war. Be optimistic, pray, make your voice heard to them we voted in. All I will finish with is a big That a girl For Michelle Bachman. Norm, congrats, but dont be greedy this time.
Seems like lately a buncha blue tractors have been painted red and sold to unsuspecting farmers. This has been happening nationwide, but most notably in the northeastern farming country. I think a lot of those re-painted tractors were sold off yesterday. Unfortunately, there were no red tractors to replace them, so they were replaced with newer blue tractors. Good sales opportunity for a real red tractor dealer in that area in a couple years when the shiny blue paint starts to fade.
Trouble is, we're still going to see higher and higher taxes and funding shifts from government contract manufacturing (such as defense ships, planes & equipment) to more and more social programs. I'd rather the government follow the original constitution on providing for the defense of the nation rather than making the US the largest nanny nation in the world....BTW, in case you guys haven't heard of the "Global War on Poverty"--this is an $850 billion bill co-sponsored by external_link to direct the president to combat global poverty with US taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately this is one of many facts that never saw the light of day during the campaign....Now that BHO has been elected, we will soon see his true colors--not his campaign rhetoric, but rather his true goals for our country....
I like both tractor colors as well as colors of other brands of tractors. I have a green one, an orange one, a red one, and a gray one. They all work together and compliment each other by their diversity, just like our country should.
(quoted from post at 10:33:24 11/05/08) Ya gotta look on the positive side.

At least ONE of the blue tractors will finally at long last be forced to go to work and quit moochin' off the rest of us. :>)


I like your thinking Allen. Now get off the computer and get some farmin done.!! Hope to god you don't lose the farm again. I remember them days all to well!!
Take care

Blue tractor just keeps chuggin along doing the work the same as the blue tractor always did while the red one goes home and sulks...
You have your tractors mixed up. The blue one is shiny and has lots of money throwed at it !
(quoted from post at 12:33:33 11/05/08) You have your tractors mixed up. The blue one is shiny and has lots of money throwed at it !

Now you have a point there Mike. Damn now what ? If ya can't beat em then join them. I think i'll just sit back cry poor and wait for the checks to roll on in . I hope it's bi-weekly cause monthly would be real hard to keep my finances strait. LOL This kind of reminds me of the military 1st day of bootcamp. Gentlemen ya aint white, black , yellow you alll are now Green.
ON the brighter side of things I fondly remember the free cheese we used to get when i was a blue tractor working my way up to a bright shiny Red tractor. Being a blue tractor back then wasn't all bad, just a shame to throw alll my hard work away, and having that dream of being a Red tractor. Poor young kids now, don't remember that 70 percent tax bracket many moons ago. I hope they get a taste of that real quick.

I guess that makes my tractor an independent...


But seriously, until something gets worse or something gets better I'm not blaming or congratulating [b:27cfdbee93]anyone[/b:27cfdbee93].
People - Taxes, in general, are a redistribution of wealth. Always been. And it's been going on a loooong time. Long before external_link.

By the way, what's with the Red tractor company giving $700 billion to their Wall Street friends? Isn't that a redistribution of wealth? Or how about this war in Iraq that's still costing us over 10 billion a month...That's redistribution to another country! Who's the socialist???

Please, someone respond to that. Please.

Hmmm..."Red" in another time meant "Socialist". Co-inky-dink?

And by the way, do any of you make more than 250,000 per year? If not, then don't worry. You'll actually see a benefit. Did you miss that part? I saw McCain at those rallys, telling everyone external_link was going to take their money. That is not the plan.

The plan is to balance the budget and pay off the debt. The Red company has ignored their balance sheet for 8 years now. Ran up incredible debt. People - sometime, some way, we have to fix that. It has to be done. We cannot stay in debt to foriegn countries, like we are now. They own more of us every day.

The problem with "trickle-down economics" is that it always seems someone installs a rain gutter right above the middle-classes' heads. A $600 rebate every few years in NOT the answer.

(I suspect this post will be taken down. It's happened the last couple times I've posted. It's always OK when it's Conservative rhetoric, but another point of view? Can't have that.)
The campaign is over. One guy won, and the other guy lost. It's how it works, every four years.

I'm sick of the whining from the losers already. I can't wait to see the whining from the supposed winners when they found out that all they've won is a bunch of unpaid bills and hard work.
You begged for a responce so I will indulge you.

The congress spends money, not the President. The congress is, and has been for almost 2 years now, controlled by the nnalert. Do you remember how the first bill failed? That's because a group of conservative nnalert, led by Mike nnalert of Indiana, would not go along with the President and nnalert controlled congresses plan. In fact, they never did. It eventually passed, due to Nancy Pelosi's strong-arming of her own nnalert members. But let's make sure you're square on that.

And if you're not, and you are going to say that the nnalert haven't been in power that long and this is really the nnalert fault, then you must also say that from January 20th, 2009 and on, everything that happens is the responsibility of the nnalert, to be consistent in your argument.

As far as the war in Iraq, please do some research and see who all voted to go. Both sides did. And we've been killing terrorists over there and no more attacks have happened here, something you give President Bush absolutely no credit for, when, if there had been another attack, you would have called for his head for not keeping us safe. Not to mention the people of Iraq are very thankful for our having freed them from the tyranny under which they had been living for so long. Now you will approve of President external_link pulling the troops out immediately, reversing the gains that have been made, and casusing all the young men who volunteered for service and died doing so, having died in vain. Just as in Vietnam, we will snap up defeat from the jaws of vicotry. A disgrace and disservice to all who have done so much for so many.
Since Mike Johanns was elected to the Senate from Nebraska, that means in four years he'll run for President.

He quit as the sitting Mayor of Lincoln to run for Governor and was elected. He quit as Governor to become Secretary of Agriculture, he quit as Sec'y of Ag to run for the Senate and was elected, so what's left?
Yes, more social programs. Its scary isn't it. I'd rather see Social Security eliminated than "fixed", but they'd find a way to eliminate it and still charge for it. Doing that enough already. I know several people that paid in plenty and didn't see a penny. I myself would like to say where my investments for retirement goes, and who I can go to for healthcare, where I can live, etc. but apparently this country wants less choices. Have a look at the passing of issue 5 in Ohio. Eliminates crooked, unfair, predatory (whatever else you want to call it) lending but it also gives people one less way to pay bills. I say if people want to pay almost 400% interest let them. Oh well....And don't get me started on taxes. external_links' tax increases will make Clinton's look puny! This country wants to keep abortion, The Federal Reserve, welfare, Social Security, and raise taxes. I don't want to hear it from external_link supporters when they are in worse shape 4 years (or much less) from now! I didn't vote for the guy.
Mike's home farm is a mile west of us. He rode the school bus with my wife. Comes from a good family. Glad to hear he was elected to the Senate.
My son used to work for the red and before that
the blue tractor . He went to school in Racine to
learn about them. When he got back he said they
used the same assembly line for both blue and red
Last I heard was $200,000 , wait no it was 120,000, no wait we aren't sure,might have to raise equally across the board.
It's great how you ignore facts for the sake of an arguement.

The President doesn't spend money? Oh my. I suppose, through your line of thinking, that when he asks for billions for Iraq, and the Congress approves it, then he's off the hook and it's Congress' fault. Is that it? Because that, my friend, is how it happens.

Of course, it's always couched in terms of "it's for the troops", and so if a Dem (or Repub, for that matter) opposes it, then that person is "unamerican" and "doesn't support the troops". What crap. I wish we had more congresspeople who had backbone enough to oppose this kind of thinking, be they Dem or Repub.

The bailout is the Bush administrations' plan. They're your guys, and they came up with, basically, a socialistic plan. Don't call external_link or the nnalert "socialists" when your side is doing the exact same thing. That's my point. I thought I was pretty clear.

And sure, Jan 20th and on will be the responsibility of the nnalert, unless they are voted out in midterm elections.

As far as Iraq goes - you've got to be kidding. Congress was duped by an administration that was "absolutely sure" Saddam had WMDs. They even twisted intelliegence, throwing out anything that didn't agree with their view. That's a fact. Someone, or several people, should be indicted for that. WMDs "sold" the Iraq war. There was plenty of intelligence to the contrary, but it was squelched.

The focus always should have been Al Qaeda. It was for a while, until we shifted focus to Iraq. Bin Laden (remember him?) is still out there, and every now and then he releases his propoganda to rally his side. He needs to be squelched, in a most permanent of ways.

I know Saddam was an evil dictator. But there are plenty of other evil dictators - should we invade every country ruled by someone we don't like? Sometimes we support them if they're supporting our goals.

By the way, this is the external_link policy straight from his website:

"Barack external_link will responsibly end the war in Iraq:
Immediately upon taking office, external_link will give his Secretary of Defense and military commanders a new mission in Iraq: successfully ending the war. The removal of our troops will be responsible and phased."

"Encourage political accommodation:
external_link and nnalert will press Iraq's leaders to take responsibility for their future and to substantially spend their oil revenues on their own reconstruction."

"Increase stability in Iraq and the region:
external_link and nnalert will launch an aggressive diplomatic effort to reach a comprehensive compact on the stability of Iraq and the region. They also will address Iraq's refugee crisis."

Huh. None of that sound like the "immidiate pullout" you spoke of. "Phased" does not, in any way, equal "immidiate".

Watching, reading, and listening to the news this week, I see that the world is already reacting favorably to our new President. What a refreshing change.

I know I'll never change your mind. Hopefully I've given you (all) something to think about.

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