
Well-known Member
Since folks share a joke here now and then here is one of my favorites.

A man was driving down a dirt country road when he came to a large puddle covering the road. Not sure how deep it was he decided to chance it and drive through it but got his car stuck in the process. There was a farmer on his tractor in the field adjacent to the road. The man asked the farmer if he could pull him out of the hole. The farmer obliged and the man gave the farmer $20 in appreciation. The farmer added the twenty to a huge wad of bills in his pocket. The man asked, "Where did you get all that money?" The farmer said, "Well, I spend just about all day pulling people out of that mudhole." The man said, "If you spend all day pulling people out of that mudhole when do you have time to do your farm work? Do you have to do it at night?" "No," said the farmer. "Night is when I put more water in the hole."
Well, we had one close to that when I was a kid. County was widening and filling in a portion of the road going thru a swampy area just down the road. Shoulders were soft to non-existant. Had several runoffs. Dad pulled them out. The money they handed him bought me a dandy spincast fishing rod and reel.
There is a story in our community and heard it from highly reliable source. Old fellow who was once devout Methodist but had dropped out after some church troubles who lived on the next farm above mine in 1920's lived on a dirt road and which got very muddy and stayed that way all winter except when it was frozen. The most muddy spot was almost a half mile from his house and several times during the week he would have to go to the barn and harness his team and then carry the double tree and chain. He never charged neighbors but usually charged 50 Cents to pull strangers and salesmen out. On one occadion the driver was dressed in a suit and an overcoat so he charged him a dollar. Lots of money in that time. The driver said, " I am Reverend XXXXXX the new pastor at XX XXXXX Methodist church. You can come hear me preach two Sundays and not put anything in the collection plate".
Well this one is true I was there, I got a knock about 10:00pm and the local basket ball star said he was stuck and would I pull him out, this was the same guy that thought it was funny to take all of the plug wires off of my tractor(I drove it to school every day, 1/4 mile)I had a WD and went out 2 miles pulled him out(I was 14)He had parked in an abanded farm road and was stuck up to the axles. His girlfriend would never look me in the eye after that. Kevin

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