Pellet Stove Pellets 5.97 a bag!


Well-known Member
WOW, went to lowes yesterday and pellets were 5.97 a bag! I hope people will figure out that you can heat with gas or electricity cheaper if pellets are that high!
Yeah, its a bit ridiculous. It depends on where gas/oil ends up. I paid 220/ton for my pellets and since gas dropped now I'm break-even on either one. Will probably buy some corn from a farmer friend since its dropped and is cheaper than pellets. Unfortunately I can only go about 25% corn. Still helps. Check this link out to compare costs. Next to "free wood" (buy chain saw, time gas, truck/tractor ect its not "free") Coal is still the cheapest. Figure it out at
In north Texas, 2 weeks ago:
Fanin-Flame-$237.50/ton (calc bag=$4.75)
Hefleys- $200/ton (calc bag=$4.00)
Perhaps one reason is a shortage in the meterial that's used to make the pellets. In my area planer mills, saw mills and OSB mills have closed the doors on many operations. Wood shavings are going for $1,600 per trailer load for chicken house bedding today. Indepandant truck drivers for the wood Ind. shut their rigs down back in August. Getting harder to keep a fresh supply of pine logs to run a mill now. Plant log piles are very low for the time of the year.
I think you're exactly correct... and when the mills learn how to write a check that reflects today's operating costs, they'll be buried with wood. Until then they can go on shutdown.

The only ones cutting wood around here right now are the poor bastards that have big payments to make on machines and are just about there... so they can't afford to lose it all if they stop. The rest of them just walked away.
There either needs to be a major downward adjustment in stumpage rates here or price increases for wood. Meanwhile, none will be cut.

I bought pellets for my corn stove figuring it was cheaper than $6 corn in August. Corn is now 3.75 and it is a wash. It was $4 a 40 # bag.
Why would anyone think that any one sort of fuel is going to be very much cheaper than any other, if they have to buy it from someone else who has control of the price????

Wood, as in sticks of wood is a cheap source of heat, if and only if you own the tree and cut it up yourself. Otherwise the price is going to be right in there with that of gas and oil. You can't pay some one who owns the tree, someone who cuts it, someone who hauls it, someone who grinds it up, someone who turns it into pellets, someone who bags those pellets, some who hauls the pellets to the store, and the store who sells the pellets, and still expect that they are going to be cheap.

Well I guess you can expect that.... but then people are going to think you are a bit silly.

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