Drove over to Matador ranch today for an open house of their new hunters lodge.You wouldn't beleive it .It is $10'000 square feet with 12 suites,with everthing need at your service.Hunting is white tailed deer,quail and others.Here is the catch'the cost starts at $5000 and up'and they are booked up for some time.Look at matadorranch.com
I don't call that hunting, that's just for the wealthy that have a want to kill something,not a need to fill the freezer.And want all the luxury money can buy while they are at it.

it's pathetic
Ranchers got to make a living somehow thanks to Wall St., politicians, greedy packers, and Oprah for ruining the cattle market prices again!!
Do I actually have to show up? Can't I just send my secretary to shoot that critter? Or even better, can you shoot it and I'll just send her to pick up the mounted head?
And I bet the whole place has 10 foot fences all the way around and they import semen from 16 point bucks. Deer farm hunting makes me sick.
I agree with many of the coments made . I am not a hunter and could not bring myself to shoot one of these beautiful animals'but this is a poor county,and hunters are going to hunt somewhere.So why not here where the overflow from the wealthy can boost the econemy(sp)This is a working ranch with lots of cattle and cowboys 'and this is another way to boost the income in this town of 700 people.Thanks for the comments.Ken in motley county.
if the fool, i mean yuppie hunter is going to pay, the rancher might as well be there to take his money, soon yuppies wont have much money and they better know how to hunt something if they want food,i cringe during deer season here when all the Beer hunters are around , you'd be amazed at what will pass for a deer to these guys,not only elk, but cattle, a guy last year shot a mule,[like in jacka$$] other hunters, seems if it wigggles in the brush they blast away with no clear target in sight,hunting preserves are good , they keep these guys in one place more or less, so the guys like us who have watched and tracked for months ahead of time only to arivve home with the correct critter for the season by noon on opening day so we can get it butchered and put up in the freezer so we can eat it all winter wont have to deal with these rich noisy idiots
You must be talking about their "Managed White Tail Package:

"These four-day hunts inside our world-class 1,000-acre high fenced pasture include one-on-one guide service, lodging, meals and field and trophy preparation of your animal. These hunts are for trophy mature whitetail with price based on each individual animal and communicated by the guide prior to harvest. Prices will range from $6,500 to more than $20,000."
Untitled URL Link
I agree with Ken. It's bringing income in to an area that wasn't there before. Anybody that can afford those prices is probably a lawyer, doctor, banker, etc. who grew up hunting but lives in NYC or Washington and can't afford the TIME to hunt as you would. They can schedule 4-days off but for some, that's all they can afford TIME-WISE to do. They don't have time to plan the hunt, set up a camp, cook up the food, etc. So they need a packaged deal. Matador is just furnishing a service that some people will buy. I wouldn't call it "pathetic". Think of all the people who work on that ranch who get a paycheck because of it.

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