Slightly OT----Early Voting----Your Area???


Well-known Member
There seems to be a lot if people voting early this time. I stopped by one location Thursday and they said it would be one hour. Line was way outside the building. I went to another office closer to home and only had to wait 30 minutes. I have never seen so much early voting in my many years. What does it mean?????
They have made there choice and nothing is gonna change there minds,I hope they choose the right man and woman ! D.G.
Here in ohio some counties have more absentee voters than population.Acorn registered 660000 new voters in ohio with no way to verify.A federal judge stopped them from trying to verify the votes,so they will all be counted.
I read some where that they were expect'n such a big turn out that they were going to split up election day. nnalert were going too vote the 4th and nnalert were being asked to wait till the 5th.

Read it on the internet so take it for what its worth.

Yes, it's true, nnalert vote in the 5th. So don't go on the 4th and clog up the polls, they'll be ready for you on the 5th.
Hilary of course, I see Joe the Plumber must have had a better paying job that day..Don't know the significance in choosing Joe but Down Under it's cheaper to split the atom than call a Plumber.
To me its just another way to mess things up and have a war as to who wins and who loose and in the long run will probably cause all of use more trouble
In Oregon we vote by mail in ballot talk about a good way to cheat. The democratic vote jumped way up since we started.
Funny there are thousands who wait till the last minute to drop off there ballot at the main office. If you are in line at 8 Pm then you get to stay takes till about midnight to get them all though.
Personally I would do like Washington mail it in if post marked the 4th it counts get rid of the those drop off places.
PS maybe I should run for Governor in two years might be fun.
Lot of vote scam going on out there. The Dumocrats are going to get all their po folks to vote 2 or more times. Voter fraud will likely determine the next prez. Real Sad.
Here in Canada we just had our election. We dont hear of voter fraud because when you vote you must have a goverment registry card they send to you before the election with your name and address on it. When you vote you must have three pieces of id one with your pic on it.The volunteers at the polls mostly know the people who are voting because you vote in your own neiborhood.In Canada you gotta wait till after the election to see the crooks.
Just because they registered doesn't mean that they will show up to vote...and they still need I.D., right? So if Bugs Bunny shows up and he doesn't have proper I.D., he will be turned away.
Hey gun gurunt stick it-John McBush and dysfunctional Caribou Barbie 8 more years of going in the red.
It's all mail-in here in Washington. Lots more fraud, because every ballot that gets mailed out gets voted by somebody, even if the recipient is dead. No way to verify anything, other than signature, and not enough time to do that. Nursing home and cemetary resident voting is at an all time high. nnalert are pleased, those are both groups that were "under-served" by conventional voting at the polling place. It was especially hard for the deceased to make it in.
Photo ID?

That would disenfranchise people!

Seriously. Of course the people who make that argument are also, in general, in favor of union "card checks" -- the proposal to replace secret ballots for union organizing with simply signing a card.

In my state a photo ID is preferred. However, if you don't have one, other things like an Electric Bill will be accepted as proof of residency. It's unfreaking believable.
So you are pro-abortion, and pro-abortion for minors without notifying their parents, for Gay rights in cluding Gay Marriage, for higher taxes, for more Big Government programs, for weaker National Security and smaller military, against our 2nd ammendment right to keep arms, and against our 1st ammendment right to Freedom of Speech by imposing the Fairnes Doctrine again.

Good for you nnalert. Very American of you. We'll check back in a few months and see how you think your man is doing.
Yea that has been tried in Fl amd Mich waiting trials.Course repos are next to god so no worryslighty ot early voting your area
Just like everyone is blaming the Clinton administration. Folks our brilliant leader has found a way to take this country to a recession or near depression if it was a nnalert in office I would vote rep.Collin Powell said enough but I suppose you could say now that he has changed his mind he was never that smart.
Im pro life and against gay marriage but those issues you speak of (moral)do not get my bills paid and supply you or your children with a job do they? some of the biggest crooks sit in the front row of church and would rip you off the first chance they would get and have had plenty of s-- before marriage!!!!
Well, the people you are voting for believe in and will push those issues forward, but your money is more important than what kind of country we leave for our children, isn't it?

Vote your wallet, not what you believe is best for the country.

We fought socilaism and communism for 50 years, but now you're ok with it because you think it will help you get ahead. Good thinking, slick.
Were you unaware that the nnalert have been in control of congress for the last two years, or are you just ignoring that fact?

Congress spends the money, not the President.

Go vote for the socialist, be proud, sleep well.
You are wrong, as usual, on every issue. Bush, while not perfect no my favorite, tried in 2003 to overhaul Freddie and Fannie. That's a simple fact you shoose not to believe. The nnalert stopped it. Then again, in 2005 the nnalert in congress tried to bring to light the problems with the sub-prime market, only to have the nnalert tell us everything was ok, just fine, no problems. Haven't you seen the hearing on YouTube where the nnalert are circling the wagons, talking about what a great job Freddie and Fannie were doing? Or is that another fact you choose to turn a blind eye to? Or are you, and all those here like you, just to partisian to admit these facts?
look back and see that Clinton signed into law the removal of the regulations covering Wall Street. 60 minutes had a big segment on that recently and how that (over time) has led to the financial collapse of things now.
Last night at the ocal dance hall, my friend and his wife were dressed as McCain and Sara Palin. There was no doubt that the whole crowd were supporting McCain, they took first place and it was like a real camapaign stop. Some one came in dressed like external_link and was bood out the door. Hope the whole state will be that way Nov. 4th.
Hey ,Indy I recycle so I can leave a nice place for my children to live and teach them strong moral values just because you are a nnalert does not mean you are sueaky clean and dont do anything wrong...oh yah you are a nnalert so you never ever did sin I forgot that.... Slick
(just drill baby)
Never made any of those foolish claims.

But you, sir, are supporting people who think it's ok to kill unborn children. Is that what you teach yours?

You are supporting people that do not believe in our right to keep and bare arms, is that what you believe?

You support people that think parents of minors undergoing abortions should not be told, is that what you believe?

You are supposting someone who believes it is right to take money from people who've earned it to give to other people who have not. Is that what you think is right?

You will vote for people who in the last week have said they want to cut funding for the military by 25%, do you think that is a good idea?

Did you watch the video link I sent you, that show external_link and nnalert saying tax cuts for those under $250,000, no, for those under $200,000, oh wait, no, for those under $150,000? Did you have the courage to watch that? Are those people you can trust?

And not to mention to truth on taxes. The nnalert will let the Bush tax cuts end in 2010, and everyone including you have had their taxes lowered because of that, wether or not you know it or will admit it. No one will have their taxes lowered under external_link, informed people know this. If you believe that any nnalert will ever lower your taxes, you are in complete denial and are uniformed.

I have never, ever, said that nnalert are perfect, or anything close to it. I have repeatedly, here on this site, said that they have made big mistakes, spending too much. But you will not admit to any of the faults of the nnalert.

Did you see there hearings in congress where the nnalert said everything is fine with the mortgage industry? DID YOU SEE THAT? Or do you not want to know, following them blindly into socialism and communism?

I'm putting up a link to that hearing, have some integrity and watch it.
Amen to you brother.!
I think alot like you.
It is too bad that people vote their wallets instead of morals, decency and principle.
Uncle sam cant give you anything unless it is taken from someone else.
"Those that would trade freedom for security deserve neither"
I am praying hard for Obammy to lose on Tuesday.
Where to start.
Are you gay or can you have an abortion, then what's it anything to you? May be you should have an abortion to pull you head...... Have any kids, any teenage girls, then what' it to you?
Congress has the majority in congress but not the necessary overriding majority, but what's that matter if that fool Bush will sign anything in front of him. One of his eleventh hour bills is for coal mines to be able to dump closer to water sources. If you get black water you know who to thank.
So all the military and gun rights are suddenly vanishing when there's a nnalert president, what happens to the 235 Repug representative and 49 Repug senators, they just give up and sit on their hands. McCain is one of the most powerful senators for the last thirty years, what's he done about all the problems he going to fix now? Seems like he had thirty years to do something, maybe he was womanizing like slick Willie.
Maybe you need to read more so you know what you're talking about.
(quoted from post at 16:09:09 11/01/08) It is too bad that people vote their wallets instead of morals, decency and principle.
Uncle Sam can't give you anything unless it is taken from someone else.

Then Uncle needs to start taking a lot more from Big Oil and all them Wall Street poobahs that just got bailed out.

I'm prayin for external_link to lose but I ain't votin for McCain.
Mike, where do you live? My sister lives in the Seattle area, and unless I misunderstood, I think they still go to the polls.

I live in Spokane County, and this county has been all mail-in for a couple of years. I was under the impression that our local elections department decided that mail-in was a cheaper way of handling elections than hiring many people to man the polling places for each election. I don't think the decision to change the voting was ever put to a vote of the people.

I agree that the mail-in ballot system does produce some opportunity for voter fraud. When most people were required to appear at our local polling place to vote, the people working there, selected from both major political parties, usually knew personally most of the voters. I doubt that very many false voters got to vote at our poll. If the poll workers did not know voters, they asked for photo identification. Also, you had to be registered beforehand and listed on the book to be able to vote at that polling place. I had total trust with the people who worked our poll--it would always be done correctly and fairly.

I always enjoyed going to the polls to vote. It was usually a social occasion, as I almost always would see someone I hadn't seen for awhile. There were many times that a trip to vote ended up taking a couple of hours, because I would visit with various people after I voted.

I wonder how the governor's race will go? Four years ago, I really thought Rossi had been elected on election night, and if I remember right, he was announced as the winner in the first recount. The idea that a "suitcase" of uncounted ballots showing up in King County was really suspicious to me--just doesn't pass the "smell test". But finally they decided Gregoire was elected. That worried me: a nnalert controlled legislature and state senate, and no nnalert governor to possibly veto things that were too over the top. But I guess I would not say that Gregoire has been as bad as I feared.

I hope we go back to regular voting. And I think that lots of other people feel the same way.

BTW, I used to use the handle Hal/WA, and then Hal(WA), but now the system doesn't seem to want me to use either handle without a password, so I guess I will have to think up something new. GRRR, it ticks me off.

Good luck, hope the election comes out as well as possible. I sure will be glad for the negative advertising to be over!
Yes... it made me mad, but I got away without it since I know the returning officer quite well.
A lot of the things they're doing today are not about increasing our freedom or protecting democracy. They're about advancing the opposite.
The voter info cards we get here should be more than sufficient in most cases. Photo ID is only goig to create more apathy about going to vote...

Now how is Oboma going to lose if YOU don't vote for McCain ???

None of the other 8 canidates on my ballot were even heard from because they don't have billions to spend on ads.
Many Washington counties have gone to all mail-in, I guess I just assumed they all had. I'm near Chehalis, about 90 miles south of Seattle. Rural county (Lewis), strongly nnalert. Only nnalert to have any cred here is our Congressman, Brian Baird. He actually has some common sense- went to Iraq, talked to the generals, came back and voted in favor of the surge. Also refuses to lock up federal forests, is in favor of salvage logging of bug-killed trees, etc. He'll probably win a solid majority here, this in a county that's about 70% nnalert.

I think you're right about Gregoire- she hasn't been as badly as feared, and probably hasn't done a poor enough job to be voted out, especially in this state that usually goes nnalert anyhow. She's also a master of PR- when we had that devastating flood last December, she got the National Guard out instantly, sent lots of money, came down herself and pressed the flesh, etc. She had won a bet of some kind with the Governor of Massachusetts or New Jersey or somewhere- one of those "our salmon against your crab cakes" deals. She wheedled him into sending cases and cases of them (instead of the single box they had bet), and she took them to a soup line in Adna and, appropriately clad in jeans and sweat shirt, served them herself, with much glad-handing. Above and beyond the call of duty, and the folks don't soon forget that sort of thing.

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