O.Topic -Computer Help


Since I can't print any tractor stuff I guess I can post this here?

I got a new printer and it stalls out loading up about half way through.
So I go to remove the old one, click remove (in add & remove programs). It beeps with an error and opens a window that says "please turn off the device before proceeding". Its not connected to my computer at all. I click ok on that then I get another error beep and window that says "a problem occurred initializing the device manager" , then it closes.

Any help would be appreciated.
Would your old one maybe need to be connected to remove the software? It shouldn't need to be, but computers get strange ideas sometimes.
Most printers are connected to a USB port now. I have 3 that are. I have been frequently frustrated by not getting them installed so that they work. This is what has happened to me.
It is sometimes very important to follow the exact installation instructions including the order of plugging the printer into the USB port and inserting the software disk.

You should not have to remove the older printer drivers. I have several printer drivers on my computer which I am not presently using. I have them there in case of a printer breakdown I can just hook up a spare printer. Hope this helps.
A little more information would be useful. Printer model and Windows version to start with. (Assuming that you're running Windows.)

I don't know what you mean by "stalls out loading up about half way through". You mean the printer stalls out? If so, open up the manual that came with your printer and find out how to put it into "test" mode while disconnected from the PC. If it won't feed and print when it's not connected, then you have a hardware problem.

With most printers with newer PCs running newer versions of Windows, you should only need to plug the printer into the USB (while the PC is on and the printer is off) and turn on the printer.
I assume you are running Windows XP because I don't remember program access and defaults on ME or 98. 1-control panel 2-printers and faxes 3- on the top left there is a link that says" add printer"-click o it and follow directions.Your printer should be on the list. I have 4 printers on this computer, 3 of them being printers from before that are now garbage so that should not be your problem

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