Prairie Home Companion radio show??


Well-known Member
Does any of you listen to this show, or is it something that real people don't listen to that gets force fed to Soldiers overseas? Just curious.

I've been listening to Prairie Home Companion for twenty years. It went off the air for a few years, you know. The movie was pretty decent, too.
I'm listening to it right now. Kinda grows on you I guess. Been listening to the radio all morning as the TV it TU. Car Talk, PHC, and American Country Countdown coming up. Nice way to spend a Sunday at work. Kind of a captive audience.

We are from Lake Woebegon too!! Been listening steady for the last 15 years and occasionally for 30 years. It was not as funny when we actually lived in Wisconsin as some of the jokes are pretty pointed. Much better as a reminisence.

Althought lately the local oldies station has taken to broadcasting Casey Kasem American Top 40 retros from the 70's and we are kind of hooked on that . Man what I coulkd dop with all the memory space in my brain if I did not have all those old songs stored in it!! Hear song I have not heard in 30-40 years and they just come right back to sing along with, kinda scarey in a way but aweful fun!
Used to like it but as I learned what an arrogant, self absorbed A$$ Garrison Keillor is in real life it kind of lost its shine for me.
Haven't listened now for years.
I listened to it for many years, but no more. My kids grew up with it. We had it on cassette tapes also, and on long driving trips often played it for the whole family to listen to. It was on Public Radio last week, and I think Garrison Keeler is getting a little wacky. All kinds of leftish politcal trash in the script, along with many asides about pubic s*x, and lewdness in Lake Woebegone. At first, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm no prude - but wasn't expecting this kind of stuff from Garrison Keeler on NPR. If I was sitting in a bar-room, it'd be fine. It sounded like Keeler is now trying to cater to a new type of audience - that no longer includes me or my family.
By the way, this post got rejected over a dozen times for my own - "lewdness." It took me quite awhile to figure out what word I was using, that is deemed bad. Ends up the digital-policeman here does not allow the word "s*x." Good thing this isn't NPR.
He used to be at least interesting, if not really funny.

He now has a weekly column in one of our local newspapers, and he's just another obnoxious abundant with his own left-wing agenda.
The guy is a talented writer and speaker. Too bad he alienates half the population with his hate of our President and anything not flaming abundant. Brags about being a draft-dodger, is impressed with military discipline, but says the government's first duty is to defend this Country. How many draft dodgers does it take to do that?
Hard to figure out what war he was a draft dogger in as he is in his 70's. I been listening for about 20 years and have never heard anything like you say. As far as thinking President Bush is an a--, about 80% or so of the population agrees he is one.
The only way that this type of crap gets on the radio is if the government pays for it. If it was worth a tinker's damn, it could make it on its own! Here's to it going the way of Air America(broke)!
If you are interested, I can give you publication dates from the MPLS Tribune for what I said- and it was the Viet Nam war that he was a draft dodger of......headed to my files whether you are interested or not.... 2-26-06: "I don't apologize for dodging the draft in the Vietnam years." (even spelled it wrong). 3-5-06: "the most basic job of government, which is to defend this country." 10-14-07... referred to our President as an idiot. Usual reference is : Current Occupant. BTW- public opinion of Congress is lower than the opinion of our President. BTW- what makes you think he is that old? He lived in Stearns County back in the day and complained about how he was not accepted by the locals..........duh!!! Imagine that in a conservative Catholic/Christian area of MN. But he's made a good living with his tales of Lake Woebegone- that area is what his writing is based on. No doubt he has talent- but his politics consume him.
I try to catch it every week,even though the guy seems to go out of his way to personally insult me at least 10 time in every broadcast.
I wouldn't walk across the street to see the show "live" if someone paid me to, and it's all because of Garrison Keeler. Whoever told him that "red sneakers" looks good with his suit ought'a be slapped up side the head, and Keeler's droneing voice grates on my nerves worse then somebody raking their fingernails down a chaulk-board.
IMHO, Keeler is hugely over-rated and he ruins an otherwise good show!!

Give me "Nashville" any day!

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