OT Urine small


Southern Ontario
I'm ressurecting a Honda car that has been parked for 10 months. All the mechanical work is done but the smell from the mouse nest I found in the glove compartment defies all attacks. I've scrubbed with hot water and soap, I've used full strength ammonia several times but the urine smell still persists.
Any ideas??The last option is to get another glove box.
I think the urine smell is probably elsewhere, probably up in the dash and behind the glovebox. You might want to ask a mouse where he'd go... and the answer is always "anywhere and everywhere."

Use pine-sol or Lestoil. That stuff is powerfully citrusy.
There are 2 products you can find at the pet store that will do a number on that odor, if you can pinpoint it, but that is another problem, you may want to take er right down the firewall, if they were behind the dash, it's the only way, I've been through it on a ford ranger which is not too bad to remove the dash, they were in everything, including the heat/ac ducts, + the carpet, nothing seemed to work on that, so it had to go. Really have to get all the sources to get rid of it, or it will come back everytime.
Believe it or nt Masengale dusch works for skunk smell should work for mouse p-ss (feminine spray) good luck.
We had a ballast overheat and melt, really stunk up the basement. An open dish of vinegar nearby took about 4 days and the smell was completely gone.
For a musty smell in the house basement we always hang a bunch of sweet clover. Plant part absorbs the smell and the blosems give it a very pleasing smell. It should work in your car as well.
I would go to a wrecking yard and get another glove box insert, and maybe the door too. Mouse odor is tough to get rid of and just getting rid of the offending parts is probably the easiest. If you can't find replacement parts, I would try a strong bleach solution after you have carefully washed all surfaces with soap and water. You also may see more mouse damage when you get the old one out. Ducts may also have mouse nests or "runs".

You might also remove the carpets, since they seem to hold a lot of odor, especially if the inside of the car has been damp for a long time. Good luck!
This is just a SWAG, but, what if you'd set the heat/AC to the circulation mode (so it doesn't pull in fresh air) and set off a roach bomb in the car while the blower is running? After that, 2 or three boxes of baking soda placed under the seats should take care of things.

Good Luck,

Just started using my old 1987 f-250 for hauling firewood from woods outback, I know exactly what your talking about i dumped a half gallon of gas in the cab just so i couldn't smell that mouse pee, on these short trips

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