OT: Cow Dogs


Well-known Member
I just wonder which is best cow dog???? and easy to train too: Australia Shepherd Dog, or Blue Heed or Border Collie. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Did you mean a Blue Heeler?

I am not familiar with the Australian Shepard, but the Boarder Collie is hard to beat. The are a BORN cow dog. Without training they'll gather up the chickens, get all the cows in one corner of the pasture, etc. Untrained dogs are a problem when there's a deffinate gate, etc. you want the cows to go through. The untrained dog gets very excited, and the cows are going to move, it just may not be where you want them to go.

Also the Boarder Collie's sweet temperment is second to none.

Glenn F.
My Sister had an Australian Cattle dog, not too long ago. She lives in a city in Utah & thought very highly of that dog. (Another name for this breed is blue heeler, I think). There seems to be a saying that these dogs can be kicked in the head by a cow & then get up & work an 8 hour day. Just a suggestion: maybe "Google" these breeds & see what you can find. Hope you find a great dog.
Best combination I have seen was a border collie and Australian shepherd mix. Had natural herding instinct and temperament of the border collie. Was very fast and trained easily... Gene
A Catahoula mades a good cowdog, but they can be cranky to deal with, they are really a one-person dog. Real possesive about their feed, some will attack anyone/anything that gets near their food..

The Australian dogs are good natured dogs, but are full of energy. They are bad about chewing up everything on the place, unless they are penned up..

Just my experiences..
Guys, I have had Healers and Boarder Collies, been around a bunch of Aussie Shepherds. Seen good and bad in all breeds my favorite, and had more of are Healers. All mine have had great personalities, but very one personed as far as taking orders from. Very hard headed, only take the one with the blackest roof of there mouth it has always been a good indicator of smarts in the dogs i have gotten.
Border Collies are great but you just can't be too physical in it' correction, or you will cower the dog and thus ruin it. a rolled up newspaper and a swat across the nose is a s physical as you dare.
Aussie Sheperds are very one personed, these tend to get aggressive sometimes.
My personnal belief is pick you favorite breed, get a male, work with it 15 minutes a day, in a garage or someplace where it is only the dog and you, nothing else to destract the dogs attention from you. Also put you dog on a leash, take him with you everywhere, every day (except church) train it to ride in the back of you pickup, to load up, Stay or Down, to start off with. after 6 months or so go to 2 times / day. Work with you dog, Work with your dog, Work with your dog, DID I SAY YOU NEED TO WORK WITH YOUR DOG! OK.
The amount of work you put in your dog will be rewarded back at least 10 times over. Hope this helps. Hope this helps.
John A.
My border collie has tried to herd cats (the cats don't like it much!) and small children, who seem to think it is fun. We don't have any cattle, but my son has had her try to work sheep a little.

I don't much care for her long hair much, since she sheds all the time and the hair is everywhere, but I have never had a smarter or more obedient dog in my life. And she has the nicest disposition. Great dog!
I have short haired Border Collie, she does fair with the cattle but doesn't like to take orders. The other the cows were getting out the gate after I drove the Tractor and baler though it. I yelled at the cows and the Collie put them right in, she almost took the nose off one who was going to push her a little.

Had one as a kid who watched Rin Tin Tin and learned all of the things that all of the dogs did on that show. He was the best dog I have ever owned.
Once I was in the Drug store in the back talking to the druggist. He said is that your dog, I turn around and he was right in the middle of the door where I told him to sit and there was an elderly gentleman trying to get in. He would not move and would growl at the guy when he tried to move him.
I had to go out and tell him to move so the old guy could get in.
Also he was the best fighting dog I have ever seen He took on a Boxer once and sent him home yelling. Once he took on my uncles 200 lb dog and beat the crap out of him. The only picture of him is a small pic where you can just make out his head and ears.
(quoted from post at 18:52:35 09/21/08) I just wonder which is best cow dog???? and easy to train too: Australia Shepherd Dog, or Blue Heed or Border Collie. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

You're Australian Sheperd is an Amerian breed, the Blue Heeler is another name for the Australian Cattle Dog (Australian), and then your Border Collie. We have Australian Sheperds and have some friends with Border Collies and some with the cattle dogs. Not prejudice, but the Sheperd is real trainable has enough energy to work all day and give 150% but is smart enough to know when it don't need to work and is content to hang out and watch TV with you.
The cattle dogs I've seen are real neat and have some pretty good traits but can be a little nippy when playing (I guess comes from the heeling instinct).
The Border Collies our friend has are "Bordering" on insanity. It must be the way they are bred because I remember them as people are describing here sweet dispo, etc. These dogs they have are maniacs, always have to be doing something. Smart as heck though.

I'd say google Australian Sheperd or English Sheperd maybe even Farm Sheperd and see what you come up with. Check out the Australian Cattle Dog / Blue (or red) Heeler also.

Good Luck,

If you need a dog that has to move stubborn cattle I would go for the Australian Cattle Dog, they bite hard and low on the heel (and duck under the kick) and will keep on and on. If your cattle are easily handled I would go for a Border Collie.
Our Border Collie has our goat herd trained. Fences aren't needed - the goats start heading toward the edge of the field, ol' Willy sends them right back. Lays in the driveway whenever the goats are within sight - ALWAYS lets us know when someone drives/walks up...and lets them know he knows they are there!
Border collie is the top of the list,best dog Ive had in 60 plus years.Very active dog, needs a lot of attention.I have a pup chewing on my shoe right now.Lost my border collie Riley after 8 good years.He was the best dog Ive had .Time will tell on the new pup Gus.
Don't get a boarder collie. We had Boarder Collie and we hated it. Here's why: one night after milking cows we were letting the cows out of the barn one by one. Then when the last cow was turned lose our Boarder Collie thought that it would be a good idea to chase it. When the Boarder Collie started to chase the cow out of the barn the cow slipped and broke her hips so we had to put her down. This happend twice. Also the Boarder Collie just could not leave the cows alone when they were laying down in the pasture. The stupid dog would go up and bite them.

PS, that dog didn't live long.

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