Crop report time.


Well-known Member
The corn here in SE Iowa has a lot of yellow spots in the fields. Most of it is caused by lack of Nitrogen. We had a lot of rain here and the nitrogen got away from us.

Beans are looking a little better and the aphids are finally giving up.

The late planted beans need to get going to beat an early frost.

Been cool here all summer. Maybe that caused some of the yellow corn as well.

My corn is awesome, Kinda weird, I have some very long ( very long) slender cobs and some shorter but very girthy cobs. I planted a flex variety so I am thinking i cross pollinated with some of that volunteer corn. Should yeild real high. Corn is already dented and drying out good. Soybeans, no aphids anymore, short in the dry soil and turning yellow, but lots of pods, in the heavier soil beans are up to my butt, green, and saturated with pods. North of me this cool weather is really holding back most of the corn, lot of it just started tasseling, other areas to the south, Clear Lake and north, north of gilman, ramey, morril, corn looks terrible, drought hit. Beans in most areas look good except for very late plantings and feilds that are normally wet meadows that were plowed up last fall, them beans are looking all dead and diseased.
Some of our corn looks really rough, and some looks pretty nice. Not sure why such a drastic difference.

Our late planted corn (end of June) was too wet so it was yellow for the first month, but then since then we've hardly gotten any rain so it's not very tall and starting to tassle out.

Our second crop hay was waist high or better because of all the rain in July, but this weekend we're baling 3rd crop and without the rain it didn't even get knee high in most spots.

Our oats did pretty good, (as far as I can tell) we figure we got about 75-80 Bu/acre, and some was knocked down to the ground so bad and it couldn't get picked up by the windrower. The new seeded alfalfa seems to be coming through it quite well though.

If we're lucky, we'll get a 4th crop yet and we'll put that in the bag with the corn. The late planted corn we'll chop later and put in the silo.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Corn here, really depends on planting date, any planted before May 10 is going to be average at best. It got less than 2 inches since the first of July, most of that corn is already chopped and into the silo. Anything planted after June 1 looks terrible. Stunted and rolled up. Mine was planted May 20-21 and it looks good. We put 6 inches of liquid manure on it to get it to germinate and I think that made it, stalks are about 7 feet, with the insurance adjuster saying yield will be about 125 bushels per acre were it combined. We'll probably start chopping it about Sept 15.

Fall hay appears non existant unless this next hurricane brings us several inches.
Corn harvest has started in SWMO and SEKS.Yields are good on the early stuff.Some got planted late or had to be replanted.It may not be so good.

We badly need a rain for the beans,most which got planted late.Some doublecrop went in as late as July 20th.
Same here. Most all the corn early, mid, and late look pretty good. In my 20 mile trip to work every night the only corn that don't look pretty good is a 30 acre black gumbo field that has had corn silage cut off it every summer for the last 7 years. The low and poor spots have been yellow all summer. We had a wet spring too. Some was mud'd in and some had NH3 down and then 6+" of rain before planting and then more rain before the roots ever found the N.

Early beans are going to be great. We had a few good rains about 3 weeks ago when they were starting to fill. Later bean (mine) are just starting to fill and they could use a good half inch. We have had some real scatared showers last week or so off that huricane but they were REAL scatared. I got .2" and two miles up the road got 1.2" out of the same cloud last week. My beans are along a creek between me and my closed neighbor. I got .1" at the house Thursday and he got .4".

Double crop beans for the most part look pretty good and have cought up with the regular late beans that were planted 2 or 3 weeks earlier. The only bad looking double crop beans I have seen any where around here is one field on the way to work too, and it's for sale for $6,000 acre. Don't know why he needs that much for it, I know his lime/fert bill ain't that high.

Good luck for every one. Hope every one has a bin bust'n year and a September rally to $6.50 and $15 even, but I don't see both happen'n.

Gary you have to stop looking wasnt it just last week that those smart guys from PRO FARMER said that eastern IOWA was going to yeild 165 bpa so color just dont count

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