started spraying thistle


Well-known Member
I got a start on spraying the canadian thistle over the holiday weekend. Used over 4 gal of a round up mix through a hand sprayer, my left arm is now longer than the right from carrying the sprayer around.Why dont they color round up so you can tell where you have sprayed, or can you add color ? Im also wondering about the product milestone, I havent found it yet, is it controled, do you need a license to buy or spray it?

Im sure I killed some , but have a ways to go to get it all. Thanks.
I got some Ritz dye from Wally World the other day just for that. Haven't tried it yet,can't see why it won't work.
The colorant I have used with Roundup is called Blazon and is made by the Milliken Chemical Company. Its a blue color and comes in 2.5 gallon sizes. Non staining.

Same company makes one called Spi Max Pattern Indicator but I have never used it.

If you dont need much you could also just used cake coloring but it will stain.
My company sells generic Round-UP, milestone and many other pasture products including spray indicator dye. The dye is going to run you around $30.00 a gallon. We typically use 16 oz. per 100 gallons water, so it's pretty concentrated. You would only need a teaspoon per gallon, probably. We can ship UPS or you can probably find it locally at a co-op or ag. supply place.
we use 2-4-d to kill the thistle and atrazine to get rid of the seeds a whole cheaper than roudup and better because it will not kill grass the trick with thistles is not let them find bare ground to seed themselves
I don't think the round up is going to kill the thistle unless it's the brush killer blend. You can buy 2-4D for less and it will do a good job on the thistle.
Milestone is not restricted use. Any farm chemicial dealer can get it for you. I sprayed several acres of pasture with it. Really knocks the canadian thistles down as well as other broad leaves. Roundup or 24D do not work very good on canadian thistle. They stunt them some but do not get the roots. Milestone or Curtail are about the only herbicides that kill the entire root systems on canadian thistle.
There is also a product called Forefront that you can use on thistles. It is made by the same company as Milestone. It has Milestone in it plus 2,4-D so it will get a lot of other weeds besides the thistles. It also costs about the same as Milestone alone so you basically get the 2,4-D for free. I have used it for 2 years now - it absolutely smokes the thistles and they don't come back the next year.

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