hey old......c'mon n' gitchur lil buddy!!!!!!


Well-known Member
old, i think one of your lil buddies musta swam up here and had a snack on one of my willow trees. planted these about 4 years ago for erosion control along my creek. lil devils tore the fence down and ran off with one of my trees. guess i'll have to give him a stern talkin too.!!! funny, right after your post, this little dickens raids my tree.
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i walked the creek both ways about 1/4 mile each, didnt see hide nor hair of the willow. no sign of the lodge either. i wonder how far them rascals will drag a tree.
They will float it a long ways of if there building a dam they might sink it by covering it with mud. If they sink it some place you might have fun getting the dam gone
danged rascals... my golly, i'd hate it if they stole my dang tree!

And I complain about the young bucks rubbin' their antler growth on my maple trees, ripping the bark off of them! Leaves a big scar on 'em, but at least a beaver didn't commit grand theft tree.
Come down and I will trade you, all willw trees you want, dont mind not having the bevers in return. On the other hand, they could build a pond for me cheaper than I can. Ha Ha.

Sounds like you don't know much if any thing about beavers. Beavers do not live in or even near there dams. So if you blow up the dam you don't even begin to hurt them just the work they did.
You not only talk like a Southerner -- but Spell like one too ---------
could be you look like one !!!!!!!!!!
So far not much. I do have water flowing but not near as much as I need to have. I tried to cut a path to it the other day and almost got the tractor stuck doing so
Too bad about the willow, but I'm more disturbed by the fact that they now appear to have fencing tools. What's next? If you used some particularly tasty pine in building your new shed, you come out in the morning and the tin is neatly piled off to the side, and the studs are gone? Scary business. . .
city slicker tree hugger driving a Hummer? I don't think so. I've lived in the country all my life. I just have a much greater understanding of the overall ecosystem than you do.

You guys don't understand that you must sacrifice a little to gain a lot. You are so worried you'll lose a bushel of corn so you blow up the dams and kill the beavers or anything else that gets in your way. I'm just glad that I know what has to be done to keep nature moving along for years to come.
Elitist Pr#ck. ((I've lived in the country all my life. I just have a much greater understanding of the overall ecosystem than you do.))

So much smarter than anyone else you know, aren't you?

99% of the animals on the planet today didn't exist 100,000 years ago. Who are YOU to say the planet is in perfect harmony right at this moment in time?

You only come on this site to spew your venom. Never once have I seen you talk about a tractor.

Go hug and kiss a tree, or a beaver. Pathetic loser. You may live in the country, but I guarantee you're no farmer. Sure would like to run across you one day. Smack you around like the silly little girl you are. Sick to death of you putting down the hardest working, most honest, God fearing people in the country.
"Sure would like to run across you one day. Smack you around like the silly little girl you are."

Shall I consider that a physical threat?
I don't take offense at that threat or your silly insults. It just shows that you know I am right and you want to shut me up with threats.

Ok, big man. You win. Now go eliminate something that is invading your space. Are you going to use the gauge or cap him with your 9?

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