OT--question for cattlemen--quads and cow herd concern


Well-known Member
Have a 50 cow herd that was right in the middle of caving. The herd often separate across wet ground. Cows will go to the other side to have calves or the calves will clump on one side. I stopped in one day and 4 quads were running from one side to the other.They were goofing off in the muck and doing loops on high ground with the quads. One turned out to be my bother who hasn't had much to do with the farm for 42 years, his two city raised grandsons and a guy with zero farm background.I got irritated that they didn't know any better than to do that. Was I wrong to get irritated or was there nothing to worry about.
I have never used quads around the cows. Don't see how they could be used to them.
My bother is always saying what I think is dippy stuff like a bull will bring a cow into heat in 4 days(clueless about the 18-21 day cycle). Or calves always follow the bulls looks (what if the bull is the neighbors monguel bull and cows are linebred?) and the calf's get all of its personally from being taught by the cow.
I had one herd on leased pasture that 2 men could pen in 20 minutes then it got so 4 men couldn't pen em in a hour found out to late that the land owners idiot son and a couple of his buddys were running them with 4 wheelers end result they killed 2 baby calves should of figured out a lot quicker what was wrong needless to say since you couldn't talk to the land owner i'm no longer there.
You already know the answer to your question.

How do you think your brother would like it if you drove around in his back yard? Tell him to take his stupid 4-wheelers, idiot friend and retarded grandsons somewhere else to do their riding.
I would love to have a quad. However, most of a##holes that ride them wreck it for everyone else. Seems there's only one speed--tear the heck out of everything. A couple of neighbor kids that live down the road like to run the powerline. In the winter, it's snowmobilers. I got smart and leased the powerline that divides my property--$17.50 for about six acres for the year. I'm putting in a fence and gate.

Larry in Michigan
mmidlam. Who is leasing/or owns this part of your ranch? If you either own or lease the surface rights, then this feller owes you for the lost grass that this little escapade has cost you,, not to mention haveing your cattle choused about! It seems a little thing, but it is all about respect.
Does this mans Assets come from the farm, if it doesn't tell him to keep his ASSets back in town!!!
If he doesn't! Padlock the gate!!he should know better tha pull a dumba$$ stunt like that. brother or Not. That is the way it is done here in Texas!
Hope this helps!
John A.
For the solution to your problem, look in the mirror. Stand up and be a man. You are nothing but a door mat for your kinfolks. Get a backbone. If you arent man enough to control activities on your own land, then sell it get out of the business, sit in an apartment in town. Tom
We need more info to really tell you your rights. Who owns the land or has a lease or rents it. Is it a family farm left to you and your brother does he have the right to come on the property, do you own all the right to it. These things need to be known as he may be just doing what his rights to access allow him to do then all you can do is watch him have fun.
It don"t take #4 buck shot to stop a machine like that... #9 will do fine, you just got to aim a little higher. Just a matter of pullin the plug on someone that"s already brain dead.
First off, for cows that are used to them, the quads wont bother the cows a bit. We calve out over 1000 head each year and check them and move them etc. on quads. You can drive through the herd at night with a spotlight and the cows just lay there chewing their cuds.

When we first started using quads instead of horses, it did take awhile for the cattle to get used to them, but nowadays the sight of a person ahorseback causes cows more concern than somebody on a quad.

However, that being said, sounds like you don't use a quad to work these cattle on a regular basis, and on those grounds it was totally wrong for your brother and the rest of 'em to be out there raising heck in the middle of the cows, especially during the high-stress time(for the cows) of calving season.

One good thing, if they were just riding around in the muck and not physically chasing the cattle, it probably didn't do any real damage to the cows. Sure, the cows woulda been alarmed and nervous just like anytime something unknown is around, but if they were far enough away from the cattle then the cows probably just kept one eye on the quads and the other on their calves.

If the cows truly felt threatened there'd probably be fence to fix.
Ron is right; nothing wrong with the quads..........per se; I had a little trailer that I hitched behind mine that would hold about 20 buckets of feed; the cattle would probably have followed me right thru the middle of town; the problem is who's got control of the property.

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