Tim PloughNman Daley RIP

Well-known Member
Farmers are getting ready to prep and plant fields here in Michigan Thumb farming areas. Recent rains and snow melt has many fields and rivers too muddy to get into.
Flood warnings all last week. On Good Friday it was 29*F. On Easter Sunday it was 73*F. All last week it was in the low 70's to low 80's. 83* on FRI & SAT. Yesterday it
was 55*F. Today it is 35*F and snowing now. Welcome to Michigan - winter is 9 months long. Never put your snow removal equipment away until Memorial Day.

Tim Daley(MI)
We were around the southeast part of Michigan last Tuesday thru Thursday and we were greeted with 87 degrees and windy. Today we are in southeast Indiana and calling for low 40's, windy, rain or snow. Looking at the forecast for each area, this Thursday is guessed at 78 - 82 again. The old addage, if you don't like the weather, wait about 5 minutes is proved true again. Appreciate what we get. It could be worse.

My experience with Michigan over the past 50+ years is Michigan has only 2 seasons - Winter and Road Repair. (I-75 thru Detroit especially)
I'm in SEMN. We had 80s all week, now we have 10 inches of snow with 40mph wind. I have 3 ft deep drifts this morning. First time I ever plowed snow with a sunburn! A few guys planted corn all week, most held off. The guys who did plant are nervous this morning. Supposed to get in the low 20s tonight, next weekend highs in mid 40s, lows in upper 20s.
I spread part of my wheat fertilizer Sat afternoon. Was thinking I need to work some bean ground if it has not rained/snowed to much which I don't think it has yet. Will look at it in the morning. Saw some corn or beans planted on the way to Webberville today. Probably altogether couple thousand acres or more most of the ground are BTO's that work it.
Yep, It seems like whenever I go outside to do yard work I'm either sweating my butt off or freezing it off...It does snow five or six months of the year...

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