90 degrees last Wednesday. This on Sunday


Well-known Member
Neighbors poked corn seeds in the ground last week. I hope they put lil winter jackets on them.

Was just a few planters in the field last
week. Here say is that one of the BTOs down by
Columbus is half done with corn. People I
work for watch the forecasts and avoid the
monkey see monkey do syndrome, planters
are all still in the shed. I did put in a
lot of hours on tillage though as moisture
was near perfect for it.

I always remember working on a combine pre harvest service for a customer who was in no hurry to get in the field, so he said. One of my fellow mechanics delivered a new combine to his neighbour and he watched it go past on the road. Next thing he was back in the shed with me saying 'Have you nearly done? I would like to get in the field after lunch'

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