Long time viewer

I have been a long-time reader here. I have learned so much from so many of you fine folks. I have a 1938 Sears Roebuck Economy. tractor. So, I decided to log in and enjoy the informative conversations.
Welcome! My mom was a Sears retiree, and much of what we used came from Sears. I worked there some part-time too.
I'm not proud of this but I got asked to leave Sears once long ago. I was complaining about a bench vise I bought (not a craftsman) and I was getting to loud and starting to draw attention.
Model A Ford powered or 4 cylinder GM? I've seen both, but the GM powered was said to be a very rare choice.
I had a bit of a spat with Sears over a battery charger. I lived 18 miles from the store and had called them to be sure that they had it. It was confirmed so I drove to the store. No such animal. I finally got a manager to hear me out. I got $3 to offset my gasoline cost.
Did not make it out last year but I think the year be for, possibly 2 years a person had a load of I think 5 of them to the Winamac, Indians show. He had a motor home and took them all over. Old-9 that posts her on YT is from that town and may know how to contact him, at least I think he would know who to contact in club to find out. Some of those tractors were on steel and some on rubber, some running, some not. I do have a couple of his DVD's he gives out at the shows but I do not know how to use a dvd so could not watch it. But on it he has his contact information. And from what he said they were all Ford powered so if someone has a GM powered it was a transplant engine.
The tractor has a Ford model A engine in it with a Timken truck rear end. My Dad had bought it second hand and it was in our family before I was born. I inherited it after our parents passing. Dad used it for light farming work and sawing firewood with a buck saw mounted on front. I had the engine professionally rebuilt a few years ago. From what I have been told is that only around 500 were built and only 100 are known to exist today. I am familiar with the gentleman from Wisconsin that has and tours with several. I have seen his video on You Tube. A few years ago Antique Power magazine did a story on the tractors and I learned a lot of information on them from that article. I have a good time with it at shows and I enjoy hooking to the weight sled and opening it up. I pull in the 2500 and 3000 pound weight classes. It is quite a conversation piece that I like to talk about to anyone that is interested. I guess after I make a few posts I will be allowed to submit photos. Thanks to all of you and for a great website!

Welcome to the forums.

If you are using Modern View, you should be able to post pictures now. If you are using Classic View, you need more than 5 posts on record before you can post pictures.

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