In search of: Minneapolis Moline G706 model toy


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Looking to buy a Minneapolis Moline G706 model toy. Please text or email me if you are willing to sell or know of a listing.

Thank you!
Ertl and SpecCast have not made a G706 toy. There was a custom builder that made them back in the 90's. Today the diecast material they used to make them
is very brittle. The toys will break into pieces shipping them. I don't recommend buying one.
Here's G706's brother, the picture looks like a toy with good details. I wonder who made it.
The pictured tractor is a M-M GVI or GSIX most likely made by Roger Mohr Family back in the 1980s or so. They publish the M-M Corresponder out of Vail, Iowa. However, I think they no longer make any Toy M-M Models. But they show up on e-bay from time to time. You also could put a Wanted Ad in the Toy Farmer Mag. Good luck finding what you are looking for. John in AZ
I believe there is an Iowa toy store that can build nearly anything you want- so I hear. It is LeMars Toy Store located in LeMars, Iowa. In the northwest part of the state. Sorry, I didnt search for their number. Im pretty sure there is a website

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