Caption this!


Well-known Member

I lived in Florida for a while, and right before a hurricane was supposed to come people would hoard gas and other things from the store.
I once saw a woman filling up plastic bags with gas and putting them in her trunk. And these were like plastic bags you would get at a grocery store to put your groceries in.

Like that dude in the pic, how is that not going to spill everywhere
43 yrs as a career Firefighter, retired last August a Chief of Department, and this is why I got a paycheck every 2 weeks. People do stupid, dangerous things everyday, things that ensured I had a job.
If people like this survive their burns it's very important to get them to a burn center ASAP. Not wise to let intermediate hospitals mess with them. In my 58 year flying career, 31 were spent flying EMS helicopters. Our Chief Flight Nurse had been the Chief Nurse at New York Hospital's burn unit for 10 years. She gave burn lectures all over the US. I remember attending a quite a few of them because I was the pilot who flew her that day. New York Hospital handled all of the burns for FDNY as well as many fire departments in the northeast. I remembeer many a cold night transporting burn patients. One of them was when a fellow got the wrong can and added gasoline to his kerosene stove. Another tried to melt the ice in his driveway with 5 gallons of gasoline and a match. Two firemen from the same little town in upstate New York on different nights. Both housefires caused by ignorance or stupidity or maybe a little bit of both. Etc, etc.

Excersize in futility. Unless those 5 gallon buckets have lids that seal up tight, the gasoline will all evaporate before he can get them home.
Give the guy some slack. At least he didn't fill the cans all the way to the top, and left room for expansion. Stan
I am not blaming the store owner, if this in the USA the pumps have signs saying to dispense in approved containers only. The attendant should hit the E-stop button.
Reminds me of this guy I knew. Highly educated but totally lack common sense. Puts hot coals from his fireplace in a plastic bucket. Then sets the bucket in his garage on a piece of carpet. Sets fire to his garage Da$5# near sets the house on fire. Guy was a University Professor. True Story Dave F.

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