Hill mowing


Much has been said about mowing hills. I have a side bank to a building that I mow frequently. My question is: With a Farmall Super A with woods belly mower what side of the tractor should be uphill ,, the heavy side or the light side mowing across the bannk
first of all make sure you have the heavy weight on your seat side or right side. those tractors have a heavy hub on that side also to counter act the offset. plus mow at 45 degree's to the slope. mowing parallel with the slop is never a good idea.
I agree with dpendzic. Heavy side of tractor uphill.

My theory is, if you think its to steep, stay off of it. Once tractor starts rolling over sideways, it's not going to matter what side is your heavy side of the tractor. It's just going to, well ... roll over.
You shouldn't be using that as an advantage to mow even steeper ground than you would going the opposite way. That's just not smart. That'd be like actually rolling it over once already, and saying gee, I think I'll try it the other way when not knowing what will happen.
I realize that these offset tractors are better to be driven the right way according to the laws of gravity. Just don't think I'd be wanting to see how far I could push those laws.
If I had to mow a steep ditch bank I would either remove some of the ditch bank with backhoe or get a outrigger mower so tractor reminds on the level part.

I'm not a fan of ballast in tires. But I would fill half the tire with ballast on the heavy side in an attempt to lower the center of gravity.

Flippy yesterdaystractors tractors with mo ROP and no seat belts is a dead machine.
Heavy side up. Our B with a belly mower is a little different animal but similar to an A. With the heavy side up we can mow a ditch so steep the front wheels slide sideways. My dad used to do it a lot. I am not that brave.

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