Just a thought


Well-known Member
I have liquid 2-4D and roundup I buy by the gallon from RK
Is there anyway I can spray it on fertilizer, dirt, sawdust or something and use it to kill weeds in my flower bed?
Preen isn't that good. It only seems to work on new growth.
Using liquid the Over spray kills other flowers.
Do they sell 2 4 d or roundup in granular form?
Just a thought? I want to kill weeds not all my flowers.
Also would like to prevent weed seeds from germinating..
No granular 2-4,D. No selective pre emergence that will not kill your sensitive flowers. I use a backpack sprayer with RoundUp and a touch of Dawn dishwashing solution. I keep the pressure low and carefully use the wand to get very close to the weeds when there is no wind. Regretfully, it takes several days to see results. By the time the dead weeds are not an eyesore, new ones are sprouting! Keep at it every 3-4 weeks and you will win
A pre-emergence herbicide will prevent weed (and other) seeds from germinating if applied at the proper time.

To be effective, herbicides must come in contact with foliage. The only way to use a non-selective herbicide to kill undesired plants without killing desired plants is the wick method. Ground application is ineffective.

Sounds like multi-year applications of pre-emergence herbicide will accomplish your desired result so long as you do not plant desired plants from seed.
no, if its a flower bed the weeds cant be that thick so the best is to get to it and at it and pull them out. plus it saves being in contact with chemicals. i would like to now also how to prevent weeds from germinating.
Why don't you either burn them off with a flame thrower, or mix 1 gallon vinegar, 1 cup salt and 1 tablespoon dish soap together and make your own herbicide?
Look into a product called Trimec or Trimec Classic. It has three herbicides: 2-4,D, Dicamba, and mecoprop.
It is available on some granular fertilizers products. One of those is Lebanon Fertilizers.
I would suggest you pull a specimen label off the interweb before you purchase. It is a tried and true product that is very effective. I have used it for many years.

It will kill the weeds.

It will also kill the flowers.

It will not kill the grass if used as directed.

Most broad leaves can be killed by pulling or using a hoe. For those that can't (thistle, dandelion) apply roundup with a paint brush.

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