Thunderstorms in December

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Had a good storm pass through last night. Thunderstorms are not unheard of in December, but they are very rare. There were some in the 50s and back in the 30s as well.
We had quite a bit of lightening, but I didn't hear much thunder. The wind blew strong all day and during the evening weather, but has faded pretty good this morning. Temps dropped into the low 40s as well, here in SW MO.

This post was edited by Briar Hill Brittanys on 12/16/2021 at 03:56 am.
Lightning here last night, too. Really kind of creepy- we expect this in the end of March or early April!

I'm hoping for a cool down quickly, or there will be confused trees, alfalfa, and wheat!
All we got in ne Kansas was strong winds. According to the weather guy 80 and 90 mph gusts with .006 inches of rain. I looked last night with a flashlight and I'll be on the roof fixing some shingles. To dark right now to see if there's any more damage. Apparently the wall of a Frito Lay plant got blown off. I drove right past it earlier in the day. Semis are rolled over.
As long as the weather is being so screwy, I'd just as soon have some lightning here. Maybe it would wring out some nitrogen and perk up my wheat. It's the sickest looking stuff I've ever seen. But, indeed, the warmth has me wondering also about the plants being confused!
The weather in December is more like spring weather, temperatures in the 60s, tornadoes and high winds. Mother nature is on a rampage.
Semis blown over on the news.
Very strong winds here in West Michigan since yesterday. Still blowing. Temps in the 60's yesterday. 50's now will drop to 30's tonight.
We lost power at 3am. Running on my generator now.
Beautiful sunny morning but too windy to work outside.
Thunderstorms part of every day life here in south alabama all year long, will be about 85 degrees here this afternoon. We need some cold damp weather to move in. The deer hunting is awful right now, too muggy
Had a nice one yesterday in Wichita. I would not call them really rare but we don't have them all the time of course. At least every other year though. Sometimes in days past we had thunderstorms with snow instead of rain but we rarely get snow any more so they generally have rain with them now. I love thunderstorms anytime we can get them!
I'm not 60 yet but I have lived long enough to hear thunder in every month of the year. January held out the longest but happened in 2006.
Other than on top of a drumlin my wheat looks sick as well. Been a bad year from beginning to end. At least I will survive to farm in 2022 whether that is good or bad. I still have my sense of trying new things when it comes to agriculture so maybe that is the most important quality to have.
same here in western Iowa, windows are dirty from the little dab of rain and the ground is dry enough to do fieldwork
No thunder storms here. Yesterday we had winds up to 100 mph in central Ks. lots of roofs were damaged also lost some family farms and livestock do to wild fires. Some lost there complete farmsteads. Reported 365,000 acres burned some areas still without power do to downed and burned power poles.

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